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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. IPCC though doesn't bring any proof to the table with any scientific papers that prove CO2 causes global warming, unlike these papers for example which disprove it: Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics The Shattered Greenhouse: How Simple Physics Demolishes the "Greenhouse Effect". Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect On Atmospheric CO2 Another, simpler proof is to be seen by Nobel Laureate Svante Arrhenius' 1896 paper on the idea of a greenhouse effect from human produced Co2. Though much of that paper was subsequently falsified by his peers, the one thing he mentioned that was never contested was that the Earth's temperature at that time in 1896 was 15 degrees C. If one contrasts that with the Nasa Earth temperature readings in 2013 of 14.6 C, one readily sees that in spite of 50% more ppm of Co2 today then there was in 1896, the overall Earth's temperature has actually dropped by .4 C For some reason the Earth's temperature had dropped from 1896 to mid 20th century which no doubt led to the fears back then that we were headed for another ice age. That was in spite of C02 increases over the same time period.
  2. Choose one of these for multiple grids https://www.firestormviewer.org/os-operating-system/
  3. Maybe Canada's better management was motivated in a large part to Sophie Trudeau contracting the virus early on and forcing Justin himself to start wearing a mask before the medical officials started recommending them. How much did that help to push the provincial premiere's in line with the federal government so there was a more concerted effort nationwide as opposed to the haphazard state support of any Covid efforts in the US?
  4. From what I seen it wasn't that much different in Canada from the political flip flopping that went on in the US. Friends who own businesses in the UK have also mentioned the same thing that the above Covid Restrictions for Business cartoon pokes fun at. The US perhaps had some different dynamics from the protests and riots that were happening there, where thousands of people flaunted any suggestions about social distancing or masking. Though we also had some protests, it was not so "in your face" as it seemed to be south of the border. Had it been, I'm not so sure we Canadians would have been as nice about adhering to the suggested distancing rules either. There has obviously been a "super-spreader event" going on for the USA for months now so that one can hardly slight these motorcycle riders deciding to go ahead with their annual gathering.
  5. I see love in its different manifestations as the principle while the love languages as techniques whereby we give and receive love. To me is seems that love is a feeling that motivates an action which then can in turn further intensify the feeling. Reciprocal
  6. Yah, that'd be me after reading your dialogue post. That sort of banter most certainly would not have been tolerated in my family and still to this day would not be seen as banter but rather a throwing down of the gauntlet and the start of a war. One line that has me puzzled from the outset is where you say: My father was right handed and his delivery of "affirmations" may have been ironic but certainly not bantering unless you actually meant "battering". Am I misunderstanding that?
  7. Heh I want an apology from the site for putting out such a long quiz!!
  8. Very similar for me as I have for much of my life been suspicious of people complimenting me, found their gifts to be of little value and their help to cost me more in fixing up what they helped me with then if I had just done it myself. But....today at least I understand that the greatest gift they were giving me was their love and it was just unfortunate that for so long I didn't acknowledge or benefit from that. That really in all honesty was due to my own lack of self esteem in that I didn't feel I was worthy of any of that. Today I am but it did take some work on my part and help from a trusted other to accept gifts and compliments with a simple thank you and without feeling an obligation to repay in kind.
  9. Did you have a predominant language and a close secondary one or were they the same value across the categories?
  10. I was finding that too with the particular quiz I was taking today but in past I remember reading on the site that most people have a predominant language and a secondary one and between those languages, the questions are more difficult to answer as they are also between ones that have little effect on me.
  11. The idea is that a particular love language is relevant for both giving and taking. So in my case I tend to "feel the love" when someone spends quality time with me as I feel it when I spend it with them. Gifts on the other hand I don't feel the love on an emotional level but through this site have come to realize that for those to whom it is their predominant language, their gifts are a sign of their feelings for me and I can now accept it at least on an intellectual level.
  12. A bit surprised as I would have thought it would come back with a younger age.
  13. I was introduced to the love languages a few years ago and have found it to be an incredibly insightful tool in my relations to others as well as helping me understand what love language spoke to me best. 1.Words of Affirmation 2.Acts of Service 3.Receiving Gifts 4.Quality Time 5.Physical Touch Thank you for the reminder as I haven't looked at it for a while now and need to.
  14. or being grateful for having injustices and unfairness to fight against if that is what makes you happy. Being grateful to be a person willing and motivated to war against such things. Not everyone is that way. Being grateful for not being an oppressor.
  15. Perhaps not the exact terminology I would have used but hey, the english thesaurus is full of words that are similar but have slightly different connotations. I run into that quite often. Point is whether we are mature enough to give posters the benefit of the doubt instead of creating a huge ongoing thread over the interpretation of one word.
  16. I don't agree but that is perhaps fodder for a future thread.
  17. When I was escorting I did feel a justification for what I was doing in the sense i was helping out people who were handicapped in their ability to find a willing partner to cyber with from a social aspect. Nothing to do with their R/L circumstances. Are some here too quick to take on the idea that her words were about people who were r/l disabled?
  18. Addiction/Alcoholism is more of a spiritual illness than a mental one though the mental aspect may be a contributing factor. A crack whore would likely be lower on the list of desirable sex workers.
  19. For me the label ranking in descending order is: 1. Escort 2. Prostitute 3. Whore 4. Crack whore 5. ***** Each has a bit different dress, style, language and pricing structure and different ways of advertising though some overlap. I don't see it as one is better than another but simply appeals to a different sort of clientele. I did escort for a while a few years ago for the experience and while it was nice for the money and the clothes I was able to buy, in the end I gave it up because it changed my attitude towards other residents. Instead of "how can I be helpful to others" it became one of "what can I get out of others?" which i suppose is the nature of selling yourself for money/gifts etc. The other aspect I didn't care for about escorting/whoring was the constant pressure to go beyond what I had as limits of what I was willing to do with virtual sexing. What little innocence I might have had, was increasingly ripped away by successive clients wanting this or that kink and fueled by offers of more and more credits if I would do it. My take on that vocation is it just makes one very jaded.
  20. And people who can choose to stay in character regardless of their feelings and ego's. So you are basically saying you chose to abuse what you have also stated as being their right to require.
  21. One of my pet eye rolls as a virtual submissive, is pseudo submissives who would be more honest if they hide their collars and uncover the chip on their shoulder.
  22. I change according to the theme I am dressed as. Just comes naturally really though I may study up a little to get the finer points of a particular theme. submissive, bimbo, domme, neko, as well as some others I won't mention here.
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