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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Perhaps people who want front row seats to any slow moving trainwrecks? Think i will watch the preview
  2. I like what @Amina Sopwith said here and am of the opinion that one cannot truly understand what she means unless one has experienced it directly themselves: my question/challenge/observation from the other thread basically asked you to dissociate yourself from your clinical therapist background and share how you feel about doing illeism for yourself. Does that scare you?
  3. Arielle feels Luna still disassociated by projecting what it would imply for other people, not how it feels to do it for Luna herself just within one thread.
  4. Arielle thinks Luna should answer that question herself as she seems to have trouble doing it consistently.
  5. Depends how well the person is known. By your own admission, a drink or two changes certain people's attitude and helps them to be more self confident. That would translate to a difference in such a person's postings.
  6. Actually LL is not currently renting out any regions so the point is moot.
  7. Could have won before they had their first drink though it would mean that they would be wrong on us not being able to tell if they had had a drink yet.
  8. Funny and some good soundtracks The Hitman's Bodyguard
  9. My initial post agreeing with Silent on how there was bullying going on, to the extent of two posters suggesting that Melodic leave the forum , included no names and was therefore not personal. You made it personal by responding and defending it. In relation to my own pet peeve of fauxpologies, do you think an apology is valid if someone apologizes for something but puts it in such a way that says they would do the same thing all over again if faced with the same set circumstances in the future?
  10. Pet peeve: when I or others are unable to discern between a closure post and a spam one.
  11. So pointing to the contradictions of your post, I don't really know how to respond other than to point out that you seem to agree that we should allow Autistics to speak for themselves as to what they find offensive?
  12. My bad. I am a slow thinker and need time to process what I think and feel about certain topics. I try not to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. That is why i prefer forums as opposed to media such as twitter as it just moves much too fast for me.
  13. Her response to halebore Aeon was that she used it as a metaphor, which halebore and another autistic then accepted as such and did not take it as an insult to autistic people in general. Looking at the Urban dictionary I find the word "autist" is used metaphorically often enough to warrant an actual entry there. It isn't something I would consider using but seems to be part of the culture for younger people and gamers so fine. I'm not the language police on the S/L Forums so not my place to argue whether she needs to take it elsewhere. I would say by your posts the problem is moreso that not having autism you do not have the nuance to be able to determine when someone has explained why and how their seeming insult wasn't intended as such. If you going to accept it as an offence, should you also not be as ready to accept how it was intended and not how it was initially misunderstood?
  14. This is a peeve for me also, especially when two people who didn't even self identify as being autistic, had the audacity to suggest that Melodic should leave the forum as she wasn't wanted here. Forum bullying was a good description of the last page.
  15. What I don't understand is why the need to make new threads for topics that have been covered over and over again. Seems much more parsimonious to just continue using one that already exists.
  16. Oh you reminded me I need to pick up another CBD vape unit for my Mother. She wasn't into barrel racing that I know of but it does help with her back. For myself I don't vape regularly but when I remembered the medicinal effects of the bases, I did pick it up when I started getting a sore throat during this lockdown (essential worker). Three separate times I started to feel like I was coming down with something but an hour or two of vaping and I felt fine the next day. No idea if it was the Corvid virus but happy in any case that it cleared up. I do remember too reading on some of the e-cig forums that many posters reported getting sick a lot less often after they picked up vaping instead of cigarettes. I am curious though if the lack of corvid cases in your workplace may have something to do with that water/vegetable mix you were mentioning. Reminds me of an article I read of a copper smelter in the 1850's where a doctor realized that the workers were not susceptible to the cholera outbreaks that were happening around the time. It was later that it was realized about copper being effective against a whole slew of nasties out there and that anyone who handled it regularly, was protected against many of them. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/xgqkyw/copper-destroys-viruses-and-bacteria-why-isnt-it-everywhere?utm_source=pocket-newtab Guess there is no money to be made from these things so Pharma is not interested in their effectiveness and we therefore don't hear much about it or there is even an active campaign to dissuade people from using or relying on these potential remedies.
  17. Be sure to leave the lid off the blender so the fruity sludge spreads out in the kitchen for the best effect!
  18. Perhaps you have already found one and didn't realize it. The clue might be in this: From the sounds of your posts, your plant uses a vegetable glycerine based cutting and cooling fluid: Another characteristic of vegetable glycerines and oils is its anti bacterial and viral properties: This characteristic of glycols and glycerines has been studied since the 1940's when it was found that: Note: Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine were both tested Anyway just thought i would point that out as it struck me when reading your posts about the plant you work in. I remembered the vegetable glycerin qualities from back when i was researching e-cig vaping a few years ago.
  19. Because you're not the only one who does melodrama for free?
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