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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. But some of the newer engines or even older ones, never mention anything about inworld building tools. Usually require either Unity or Maya or some other high end creation tools to be done outside of the world.
  2. I would prefer to see more features that are doable now than another engine. Inworld puppeteering, Mobile viewer, VR, enhanced inworld building options, texture manipulation/modification, to name a few.
  3. The "in your face" comment was in reference to how the media presented the whole protest and riots in the USA, with plenty of pictures and videos of protesters without masks and crowded together. It was all through our news and very "in our faces". With the precedents BLM was setting through all of it, it was a small wonder that others were also ignoring the orders to mask and social distance. Would be hypocritical to expect one party to do so and not the other.
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/26/us/new-york-coronavirus-explainer/index.html Say again?
  5. Medical advice in the early stages was all over the map. Here in Canada masks, (even homemade ones) weren't suggested until well into the pandemic. Very few leaders were commended for their responses then or even now as there are those who think the lockdowns have gone too far and those who think they haven't gone far enough. And to be frank, since you were all hot and bothered promoting the protests even if some lives were lost, why would you be criticizing Trump for doing the very thing you yourself wanted the protesters to do? If I made that statement somewhere, show me a link so i can see the context. No doubt you misread it as you often do to people's posts you don't like.
  6. DeBlasio downplayed the Corvid threat from day one and the protests were just a continuation of that. New York is just a prime example of what the lack of lockdowns and PPE's can do. https://www.dailysignal.com/2020/03/30/de-blasio-nyc-officials-downplayed-covid-19-threat-after-trump-restricted-travel-to-china-here-are-5-examples/
  7. Left of center but way, way right of you. You appear so far out in left field, you're mostly outside the park.
  8. Getting to the crux of what is causing the high numbers is important if one wishes to find ways to slow that down. Vague handwaving at Trump in an attempt to shift responsibility for the state of the covid numbers doesn't do that and just blinds people to what needs to be done to overcome the effects of this pandemic.
  9. They have FoxNews convinced they are: Former CNN pundit: Network is officially 'Leftist State Media' after Trump chyron coverage
  10. Well there you go, you proved my point in that your Rose Garden Massacre is a small example of what happens when a bunch of people get together without social distancing and a few not wearing masks. The RGM was a microcosm of what happens everyday in all the Democrat cities as a result of the continued protesting and riots. Very small wonder the USA has such high case counts and deaths.
  11. I may have mentioned BLM twice in the past couple months whereas we get a dose of your Trump troubles daily. Thinks you need a mirror if you want to start pointing fingers at being fixated. From numbers I have seen, democrats and minorities had/have higher incidences of contracting Covid than conservatives in the USA. "Tis a reasonable assumption to chalk that up to their higher potential for being involved in those protests and riots even if the protesters weren't the ones showing the actual symptoms, they still brought it home with them eventually and gave it to their immediate family. There were also plenty of file pictures showing protesters and rioters not wearing masks or any other sort of PPE.
  12. Yeah, BLM instigating protests and riots during a pandemic was probably not the best thing for keeping the case count down.
  13. Which leads to the question why the Maximum Bandwidth of the viewer is set to no more than 3000 Kbps (FS) and the actual recommended bandwidth is under 15000 Kbps. To the point it could be streamed, there seems to be a viewer bottleneck right there.
  14. Think that is how he got in the last time. The lefties couldn't stop talking about him and so a bunch got confused and voted for him.
  15. Ask for an oar and it can be loaded anywhere on Opensim in the future.
  16. I think the Dems/Liberals like to tell you want you want to hear to get your vote but if they do throw out some bones once in power, will claw it back in other ways. Sorta like a campaign I seen in Canada years ago after a minority Conservative government lost a non confidence vote for putting in a bill for raising the cost of gasoline by something like 18% triggering an election. During the election the liberals campaigned how they would limit it to 5% and based on that they won a majority government. End result was by the time they were halfway through the term, they had incrementally raised the price over 25%. Conservatives tend to tell you what you don't want to hear whereas liberals will promise the world but in the end, neither deliver.
  17. Is that how those in power see poverty? Sounds like a generalization to me. How about the root philosophy of poverty? What do you think that is? I have seen and experienced poverty in my lifetime and have some idea what brings that about. Curious as to what you think it is though.
  18. There is a cost to Universal health care and it would appear that so far, The usa is not willing to pay for that. It's a democratic country isn't it, so safe to assume that it represents the majority position whether the country is being led by republicans or democrats?
  19. No, it is ultimately the solution, you just refuse to see it.
  20. The issue is that if you don't like the system, move to a place where they have the nirvana you seek. The constant complaining only stresses you and everyone around you out to the point they will NEED healthcare.
  21. I saw that to mean that they present both biases and that is what they are balancing. Up to the individual which bias if any one decides to accept. The one or two articles i skimmed over, made no judgement as to which bias they favoured.
  22. I think you are dreaming imagining there is no favoritism in those countries that have universal healthcare. To be quite honest, I feel a leader of a country and others in power should have a fast track anyway. Trump as well as other national leaders are in positions that put them in a lot of contact with many different people for the sake of the country and wearing a mask is not always easy for someone who has to do a lot of talking and be understood.
  23. Well it would be if they are shooting for a younger age range. I might think the model looks young but doesn't mean I don't think it could attract new people.
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