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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. The way I would interpret it is that "survival" would warrant the participation. Resilience is at least a step up and implies a certain intent.
  2. I've heard the reverse that it is easier on to download a smaller texture and the viewer multiplies it 4x rather then having to download 1 texture 4x the size. So why you say the opposite? At the very least 2048 sq textures will quadruple the required download.
  3. To build resilience, one has to work through suffering. Is that what you are promoting here, looking for more ways to suffer? Or have you switched the goal posts to something more palatable?
  4. Not redefining it but pointing out that there is a potential for a dark side to it also. Depends entirely on the motivation. To someone who is a creator, resilience is a good thing to deal with the vagaries of a changing platform if they wish to continue creating for it but to someone like my self who is not much more then consuming avatar it leads to questioning myself why I continue beating on this platform to understand and live within it when there are easier ones out there. Most gaming platforms try to make it easier, not steepen the learning curve to such a point that even a 15 year veteran is throwing their hands up in confusion. There are plenty of other virtual worlds out there where the degree of resilience is not needed to be able to interact within it. Is it possible that those of us here who continue to rely on the resilience to continue on with SL have not crossed the line from a healthy resilience to becoming obsessive about it?
  5. I realize some could take it to a Slex thing anyway but that at least it would be a minority as there would be so many easier ways for it to be indulged. The Dinkies I have met in past were cute and cuddly and liked lap sitting but that is as far as it went.
  6. What you are not realizing or acknowledging is that the addictive mindset is one of the most resilient states known to man. Any addict is very resilient in how they can continue on in their addiction even after they realize the unmanageability it brings into their life. Resilience taken too far leads to an obsession and ultimately an addiction.
  7. I thought about the Tiny community one time and thought to myself that it least filters out those with a Slex/Sex obsession/addiction. That is one big addiction within SL that can cause a lot of dysfunction.
  8. Having a worthwhile goal increase one's willingness to be resilient. To be resilient takes work, it doesn't just come. In any case the money made on one's store proceeds must be a great motivator for you and quite a few other creators I would think.
  9. You're a creator with a store though and would therefore have a high motivation for staying resilient on that alone.
  10. Can't say I saw that many ideas for stress relieving within the thread. Mostly just about people not being stressed in SL or some external tools.
  11. Because I assumed the point of the thread was stress relieving ideas INSIDE SL, not the ones outside of it.
  12. She'll undoubtedly be white knighting for him on a subsequent thread so wouldn't worry too much
  13. I see it as a case that the Lindens (corporately) are the cause for the majority of the negativity. It was better when they took part in the forum but it has gone downhill since they stopped participating.
  14. Luna brought up her inworld groups that helped her destress, so I had the impression it was about that rather then RL coping mechanisms. Agreed though that after 10 pages she might have implied a different thing. My avatars are different from one another and they have different stresses and different solutions. No pretend about it. Unlike the forum, inworld I have very little problems with other's inworld. Stresses are mostly inventory, dressing and the barrage of advertisements that keep coming up. The male avatar destresses by going to a blues club and just listening to music and looking around. He doesn't get stressed but will destress for the other alts. He doesn't get out much these days. Has a 1K inventory and has problems getting any L$ to buy anymore but doesn't really need anymore. The main one, Arielle, was the main account I use to just generally destress just by logging in but more and nore stresses over trying to find the right clothes in inventory or marketplace. Stresses about trying to sort 50,000 mostly no-modify inventory that she can't even rename to make it more memorable. Her solutions until recently were to just buy new outfits but finally gave that up for now and just doesn't log into SL anymore and sticks to Opensim where she can do a better job organizing and isn't dealing with that barrage of ads. There is only one human but as I said above, each alt can have differing stresses that the others aren't prone too. Differing genders, differing expectations, differing friends or lifestyles can each place their own unique pressures on each avatar personality. This is maybe only relevant for those who use their avatar(s) as a character they play vs their account being used as an extension of their R/L self.
  15. About what part? You or your avatar? Do you see your avatar as an extension of your RL self or as character you play? If you have multiple alts, is each one the same? Does each have it's own unique personality traits? Mine for example are different so what one may get stressed about isn't what another does.
  16. Yes seems to happen a lot in SL as they make the rules up as they go.
  17. Journalists rely on clickbaiting and trolling to get their articles noticed, so I question whether it really went down the way the article was written. Yes it does look like the fence is next to a ravine and it is only 4 feet or maybe 4.5 feet high. The bush/tree the cub is in is only a foot to a foot and a half higher. It is not like they had to climb a ladder to reach up to the cub. It is surprising the bush/tree would have supported the weight of all three. You're right, Mama bear is probably smarter then a lot of humans so it would be surprising for her to put her cubs 6 or so feet high considering she herself likely tops out at 7-8 feet in height, and it is unlikely for overprotective Mother bears to put their cubs in a bush next to a place where humans hang out. Not really a safe place unless maybe she was putting them up for adoption or maybe hoping some human would feed them! Looks to me like there is more to this story then they are letting on about.
  18. I guess because in RL people have other options for dealing with stress, like having a drink, a joint, pop a pill, have a nap, watch some TV, go outside for some air, go to the fridge for some comfort food, any of a multitude of stress relievers that a RL person can benefit from that an avatar couldn't.
  19. Looking at a video of the incident one could barely call it a tree rather then bush. I have a hard time imagining a mother leaving her cubs in it for safety as a wolf or other predator could have easily reached them. Makes me wonder if a couple of karen's accused what amounted to an animal rescue, into a "selfie shoot" Authorities are still determining whether charges should be laid so I guess it wasn't and open and shut case.
  20. Sounds like the cubs might have been up in the tree for quite a while if they were wet and cold. Makes one wonder if mama bear was gone a while, maybe having suffered an accident that she hadn't returned to care for her cubs.
  21. That's like saying those needing help, don't need it in virtual. Do we magically become gods in sl? Be a good marketing angle. Become a god in Secondlife!
  22. Yes, if one isn't being granted the serenity, then maybe there is something one needs to change but most of all, needing the wisdom to know the difference.
  23. Yes it was a term that I needed to learn at a certain point and came to to realize it already had been coined. In my response to you in another thread I mentioned coming from a similar background as you and pretty much walked away from that until the age of 35 when I had to again incorporate the concept into my daily life if I had any hope of continued existence. I went through a process of coming to accept the terms and realizing they were just words that had their parallels in psychology, self help groups and other disciplines. I use the word "religiosity" mostly in the context of those who have a religion that is stripped of its spirituality and only remains as a legalism framework that only strives to make oneself look like a good church member but doesn't follow it other then making the outside look good while the inside isn't.
  24. Not resilience though it can through acceptance or peace. Those are the qualities we need the most and gain through a process of surrender to how things are. When one sees the way of peace or acceptance then one is also given the resilience to work towards that path.
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