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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. To the contrary, I have brought quite a few peer reviewed studies to the table and you have ridiculed them anyway. From that I have come to the scientific conclusion you really don't care whether it is peer reviewed science unless it agrees with your narrative. The few times you could not avoid it, you got all political instead as if that negates the science.
  2. Dr. Racaniello is for him more animated in that part of the video than other parts. He also emphasizes the idea that "isolation" in this case is not meaning a physical isolation of the virus and says it is "very important" to understand that. In his way, he appears to consider it as important as Dr. Bailey. The cell and all its attendant bits and pieces are also growing indefinitely as per your own words or the virus will no longer have a host to infect. Dr. Racaniello even points out that though there is many genome sequences, there are few physical isolates. Within the context of what Dr Bailey is on about, neither the video you linked or a subsequent one of his I listened to, contradicts what I hear from her. She just extrapolates it further as she is using the video as a foundation for some of her PCR videos. If as she points out, you have 4000 other genome sequences in culture, how do you know which is the infectious virus? Other than maybe that it is a lab created virus of which the genome is known because it was created that way.... But it does hamper the ability to use PCR testing for making a determination if someone is infected with a live virus. A few of her videos are about that aspect rather then whether the lack of physical isolation prevents a vaccination being made.
  3. I credit Youtube for spreading knowledge far and wide instead of hidden away in some dusty tome. The real nonsense is when a select few are the arbiters of what they feel is the only knowledge the masses are allowed to have. Reminds one of the the dark and middle age Church being the only allowed purveyors of the Truth. Are we going to again be burning people at the stake if they don't adhere to the "Official" version of Scientific Truth?
  4. Well then we will have to chalk it up to primitive man being smarter in many aspects than the modern ones.
  5. It is unlikely that any politician will remain unscathed by their handling of the pandemic but personally from what I see of the health agencies and their experts, I think most of it can be put at their feet for giving bad "expert" advice. Politicians have to consider both the health and the economics of a country. As far as assessing the situation, they are still doing that over a year into it and it is just now we starting to actually get some facts. Considering the fiasco down on your southern border, your new president isn't doing much better with handling borders. Probably listening to expert advice.
  6. Guess you didn't watch the video where she already pointed that out. Color me surprised.
  7. Very few countries locked down that early and the ones that did, there was quite an internal uproar over it. I doubt in the long run it would have or has, much effect anyway. There is still plenty of cross border transport that has to happen regardless of blocking a few tourists from coming over.
  8. Politicians are by and large limited by the effectiveness of the bureaucrats that make up their governments. So in the case of the pandemic, the FDA, CDC, NIH etc. To the degree one supports the vaccines, Trump at least initiated Operation Warp Speed to get vaccines out quickly. Left to other politicians, they could well still be weighing the pros and cons of doing so, especially considering the mess of the health agencies.
  9. @Luna Bliss You will love her latest video I think where she discusses Germ theory vs Terrain theory. I've not heard the term Terrain Theory before but have suspected its validity a long time.
  10. Wouldn't have been just good for businesses. I suggested to a couple of friends they should install a better air filter in their furnaces and air conditioners as they were fairly cost effective. Lot of families were infected because one member caught the virus initially and then in spite of attempted isolation, still wound up infecting the rest that were prone too it. Air filtration is a good defense when the filter mediums are changed regularly and besides one can buy low cost standalone air filters for a room with an ionizer. I remember reading an article in the early part of the pandemic that suggested these were unnecessary because it would not be worthwhile for the droplet transmission. I bought one regardless.
  11. Ok thanks for the description. Think I might check it out as I have read some similar things elsewhere though more of in passing comment. Under her videos she does list references for what she discusses and in the last one I linked she has this: € 1.5 million for a virologist who provides scientific evidence of the existence of a corona virus, including documented control attempts of all steps taken to provide evidence. https://www.samueleckert.net/ Lot of money for something that a number of sources say they have isolated already. Why has noone collected it yet?
  12. I suspect we will never get beyond circumstantial evidence as I fear both China and the USA would rather not see proof of a lab leak. The conspiracist in me thinks that Fauci is now willing to allow the possibility because traces leading back to him have been erased sufficiently it will not come back on him.
  13. My condolences on your mother. My father passed away suddenly as a likely result of a prescription happy doctor. What I have gathered from her videos on viruses was that it seemed to be more about definitions and isolating them;
  14. Where is the link that she discusses that? That would be interesting for me as I was diagnosed with it almost 30 years ago but never did anything about it nor am suffering any effects. I could be her poster child!
  15. Funny how that works isn't it? I noticed the same with airborne transmissions of the virus when the left kept touting it was only through droplets. Reminds me of this quote:
  16. Really? See if my doctor were to not agree with the "vast weight of scientific evidence" I would be super curious as to why not and would want to know what she might know that others don't. When a doctor goes beyond the establishment, it is usually because they have actually looked into deeper then what is taught. I can think of numerous examples of past medical practices where that would have been of great benefit to my continued existence. At the end of the day, we all have the responsibility for our own health, including what I allow to be done to me and the ramifications that will result, good or bad. Interesting you say that from the perspective of his resume being that he has been a science writer and former editor for New York Times, Science Magazine and Nature, all of which I am sure you would have trotted out as being credible sources for the articles contained there in. Strikes me you might be suffering from some bias of this particular article but would flip flop quickly about his reputation if the article was substantiating something you believed in. I agree Maddy's research tends to be thorough but by the admittance of her alter ego, focuses on low hanging fruit that is almost inconsequential to the main thrust of a particular argument. I'm sure there is a reason for that but I won't delve into what I think on that. As to the others, the rebuttals I have seen are very rarely focused on the actual evidence but mostly on the credibility of sources. Fact checking sites are not legitimate sources as they often have a clear political focus as of course does the right wing conspiracy accusations even of non partisan sites. I do feel you are using a double standard when it comes to what you accept as sources. Even so, having a bias is fine if one is at least going to argue out why the source is incorrect for more than just their political leanings.
  17. The thanks was for the mention of the vaccine redefinition.
  18. You say you agree with him and then in the next breath ask how we fix the problem and in the very next breath show by your attitude why we cannot even begin. You are agreeing with something you are not understanding and will not until you let go of those thoughts and attitudes that cause separations.
  19. I have seen some very insightful posts from you in past as well as some others that just had me shaking my head...like this one.. and yet your potential for being credible is renewed for each new post I see. I don't judge your newest one by whether or not I agreed with one in the past. That pretty much goes for most of the people who have been posting here. I've read posts by most that I very much agreed with but other posts I wondered what they had been smoking. Judge the message, not the messenger.
  20. I suspect it is a ploy to divert attention away from it being at war with itself.
  21. If one is going to drink decaf coffee, then best to use one done by the swiss water method. No nasty solvents used. https://www.swisswater.com/
  22. Doesn't actually say from anything I saw there. Just said "sources in the Central government have told News18." Even then, it is not very likely that it would not have originated from someone with a medical background.
  23. To you and a few others, anything not on lancet or new york times is a right wing rag. Plenty of non partisan sites out there who report on things those two are not allowed to mention.
  24. Uhm no. I have honestly never seen you make the statement you said you did. And I remember a lot more then you might think I do. I have stated on a number of occasions though that I find the majority of your posting to be more of political slant than a scientific one. Remember?
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