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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. You made yourself out to be the sciencey person by calling out conservatives as being anti science so am assuming you have read all the proper studies that support your position. Share the knowledge!
  2. Yeah and maybe as i been doing, refocusing on hand washing which i have to admit i was letting slide as everyone was too preoccupied with masks.
  3. Well feel free to post links to those opposing studies. Several other posters have hinted they exist but failed to provide anything so hopefully you can.
  4. But then I didn't say they were no good. I said they were not a great line of defense. That was backed by at least 2 of the studies i referenced that were tl;dr for you. The difference between those who contracted the virus and wore a mask and those who didn't varied only by a few percentage points.
  5. I agree that the numbers are going to spike regardless of whether masks are worn or not. That's not to advocate not wearing them but to point out they are not a great line of defense and even the social distance of 6 feet is really not enough when talking to people. And yes on the politics and human nature. Some seem to not get it that trying to lay blame only makes the other side dig in their heels more defending their position, whether it is about not wearing masks or that peacefully rioting in the streets with thousands of people magically exempts them from contracting Covid 19. Politics just polarizes people from dealing with the reality. The best reason to wear a mask though is so you don't give people a heart attack!
  6. Link to a pub med study? Did you see this bit? So breathing and talking are already enough to transmit the virus to others and from that perspective alone, it shows why masks are perhaps statistically negligible in preventing the spread. One study noted the difference between control groups of mask wearing people and ones without would account for 1 additional case in 200,000.
  7. Which studies are you referring to? All the ones listed on the Meehand site show negligible statistical effect to wearing masks: Jacobs, J. L. et al. (2009) Use of surgical face masks to reduce the incidence of the common cold among health care workers in Japan: A randomized controlled trial, American Journal of Infection Control, Volume 37, Issue 5, 417 – 419 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19216002 I think it is interesting too that even here in Ontario where most wear masks in any public settings, the current rise in cases we are witnessing happened in spite of the masks. Good chance that the masks started to give people a false sense of security that the masks were a cure all for covid and they could let up on the handwashing and cleaning of surface contaminations which is probably the greater risk of being infected. Regardless of the mode, the fact is that there is plenty of science on both sides of the controversy that it is BS to claim one party or another is anti science.
  8. Well i was agreeing with her that you did make it about political preferences when you said: I then followed it up with links to articles and governmental recommendations that point out the whole mask thing is potentially nothing more then superstition and warm fuzzy feelings for those wanting to see everyone doing their part to stop the spread, even if the "facts of masking" don't really warrant it.
  9. And yet, who is actually right? As an obedient, mask wearing, hand cleaning, social distancing Canadian, I am surprised when I start digging in for the "facts" about mask wearing and its hoped for benefits, that I see article after article stating that no study from the past 40+ years has confirmed any benefit in masking either the sick or the healthy ones. That as a matter of fact, the reality is the whole mask recommendation made by various agencies has been more as a result of political lobbying then for any hard scientific facts. 4:25 AM · Jul 12, 2020
  10. You would think so but the Lab does not seem to "think" like that. Perhaps once they are fully uploaded into the cloud they would be able to handle an increased concurrency but so far they seem determined to scuttle any opportunities to grow S/L as a whole.
  11. And who shall be the judge of whether an opinion is informed? You're dragging us back a 100 years to when men decided that women and colored people weren't smart enough to have an informed opinion for voting.
  12. In both viewers? If not, then adjust or the other to get the height difference you want.
  13. Ok if the poses are static then perhaps the difference is the hover height you will find in quick preferences of the Firestorm viewer.
  14. try Ctrl+S to sync them which in effect restarts the animations for both avatars.
  15. I'd be very leery about it. Seen too many people who became sick after a flu shot.
  16. Here are a couple of links for source and information on current VR viewer mods: https://github.com/humbletim/firestorm-gha/releases https://blog.inf.ed.ac.uk/atate/2020/06/04/firestorm-vr-mod-6-3-9/
  17. Honestly I feel much safer at the hair stylist then I do shopping at the local Wal-mart simply because the stylist shop has a much better ability to control its environment with the cleaning and wiping down after each client and only one at a time. Wal Mart or any other busy retail store has herds of people tromping through touching all the different products with potentially covid infected fingers as well as sneezes and coughing spraying germ and virus laden phlegm on everything exposed. How can shopping be anything but a super spreader event regardless of masks. Reality is that such venues should require a HazMat suit.
  18. Me too but luckily I have a partner who knows the names of colours I didn't even know had been invented yet!
  19. That reminds me of a saying they have about what you wind up with when you sober up a drunken horsethief. The response is a sober horsethief, nothing else changes. In the same way what do you wind up with when you take Christ out of a christian fundamentalist. The response is a fundy who like the horsethief will be looking for something to replace that missing element with. For ex fundamentalists and evangelicals it seems to often be making a religion out of politics, atheism and/or scientism so they can continue to carve up the world in black and white, good and evil.
  20. The medical professions have been warning us about the excesses of our lifestyles and how to protect ourselves from them for thousands of years. In that way Covid is really no different then any other potential life threatening hazard. A few years ago after an incident with my heart, I attended a program of an exercise regime combined with classes on what constituted a good heart healthy diet. I was surprised with how little was being suggested by the nutritionists as it amounted to little more them emphasizing the basic food groups and how much to eat per serving rather than what foods were best and which to avoid. When I asked the nursing coordinator about it after a few classes, her response was that studies proved that most people would revert to their old lifestyles within a few months, not out of being actively rebellious but simply because it is what they knew and were comfortable with. Doctors and nurses see what happens when people don't follow safety protocols but for the majority of the population, these diseases are invisible and come down to no more than numbers on a stats page, regardless of how often they have it on the nightly news.
  21. Well my own experience is that you responded much faster then they have but I will maybe give it another shot some time. Thank you.
  22. Are you saying that Live Chat takes days for a response? Would one have to leave the chat window up all that time? I tried it once when i first signed up for Premium and live chatted a question I had and never received a response so wondering if I simply didn't wait long enough even though I asked the question in the morning and finally closed the chat window when i logged out the computer that night.
  23. Personally I have been wondering for a while if such continual posts are the handiwork of a paid political shill who is remunerated by the number of words or posts, posted. It would in some part explain the absolute closed mindedness to any other viewpoint even from people within the same party if they are not mouthing the same extreme narrative. The subverting every thread into their specific platform regardless of the wishes of the OP, LL mods or even the community as a whole, begs the question of whether such an individual is just strongly opinionated or has an ulterior motive for doing so.
  24. I been playing with the demo for the past day and have to admit I quite like it. It reminds me of the Wet N Wild line which unfortunately never had a BoM body release and is why I never broke down and bought one. This body has some nice options IMO so thinking I am going to get it.
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