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Evangeline Arcadia

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Everything posted by Evangeline Arcadia

  1. I didn't do trick or treat last year but thought I'd have a go at the hunt this time round. It's been a wild ride! So far I've been: - Soaked through by rain inside a house (yes it was raining inside). Thank goodness it was a sunny day and I dried out quickly. - Accosted by a jumping goblin - he needs to be kept inside... - Frightened by ghouls and witches - Had a narrow escape (multiple times!) from giant tentacled creatures and awful giant spiders - Locked inside a house. I thought I'd have to wait for hours before the owners came home, because they didn't put the landmark outside. They didn't leave me any food, or even a cup of tea. But it all turned out okay though. At least I got some candy. I didn't think I'd make it alive! But I also found some free gifts of other sweets and food by hospitable owners, some lovely hang out places and even vehicles to rezz (including a cute bumper car!). And not forgetting having fun seeing all the great halloween decor. I took a bunch of quick snapshots ( just a handful are posted below, I couldn't possibly post them all). So thank you to all the homeowners that took part to create a fun hunt!:)
  2. I don't think the image is referring to a new theme, I think it's perhaps something like the unveiling of the new community regions (which you can see up in the SSP areas on the map), or other additions or updates. I would love to see another theme though before the end of the year. Maybe we'll see something at the Christmas Expo.
  3. I love the way you've laid out the room and added the fire place. The main room shape can be awkward to fill. Could you share what fireplace that is and those sliding doors please?
  4. From what little I know about all of this I do think it's worrying for artists, the copyright issues is a big concern and hasn't been addressed. I think it's fine to have an app where you could upload your own images and make a new composition, but allowing it to just take other's work on the web without regard for copyright isn't right, and IMO I think it's pretty unethical for companies like this to be doing that. But...as with any tech that disrupts, it usually takes a long time for the legal side of things to catch up. So it'll take a while. Individual artists can't fight back about this right now, it would need a collective or larger insitutions to be involved. As for the original poster question - no it didn't 'fix' art. I'd agree with other posters have already said about he subjectivity of art etc. Some of what I've seen of Midjouney looks great, other stuff not so much. On their About page they say: Midjourney is an independent research lab exploring new mediums of thought and expanding the imaginative powers of the human species. I can't deny the AI is pretty awesome in what it can do. But I''m not sure I understand how it expands the imaginative powers of the human species - it doesn't - it copies and reassembles the imaginative power of the human species...
  5. I forgot to mention my horse - Great for exploring the rural parts of Bellisseria:
  6. Quite often I'll just use old fashioned flying, but when I feel like a vehicle I love wearables, because I don't need to hunt out a rez zone, or worry about it de-rrezing mid travel for some reason like region crossings. My favourites are a little helicopter, a bike (really cheap on the marketplace but is so useful), and for water a canoe. I have a few other vehicles but these are usually my go-to's.
  7. That's a beautiful location! I love the water - what are the settings for it if you wouldn't mind sharing (or is it an add on water?) Stilts are hands down my favourite theme, which I wouldn't have expected. Unless another water theme comes up I doubt I'll change.
  8. Over at Bellisseria Events Center, Puffin Head I noticed there are events booking boards - not sure if that's just for Puffin Head or elsewhere too, or exactly how this works, but it might be helpful. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Puffin Head/41/111/27
  9. Ok, so there's a big thread in the general forum on Premium Plus, but rather than trawling through that for the specifics relating to Linden Homes, here's a summary: Plus price: 249L yearly, 29.99 monthly (24.99 introductory offer only when it's released, there could potentially be special offers in the future, but this isn't definite) You will be able to request a specific Linden home manually via Land support. Note: you must not already have a home, the one you request will have to be a home that is available during the request period, and can not be in an area the automated home system is currently assigning from. Estimated at 1-2 days for this process (not weekends). They are looking at maybe automating this process in the future. But for now support has to manually assign the home. This will be a great advantage during new theme releases, as you can request a home as long as it's not the region currently being assign from (I think). Part of the reason they are doing this is because they get a lot of requests for friends to be able to live near each other, so this is one way they felt they could enable that. I'm not clear on how this affect abondons - can you request one if it isn't in the queue? But how big is the 'queue'? Maybe @Patch Linden could clarify this somewhere. Included tier for Plus holders increases to 2048sq m . You can still only have one Linden home per premium account There will be 1 more new theme release this year catering to Premium Plus holders (there'll be more themes with the new 2048 size in the future) They are looking at ways of perhaps increasing the LI for homes at some point in the future (nothing certain yet so don't get too excited!) They are looking to increase in the number of home tries in a 24hr period (currently 5) - however I'm not sure if this is specifically for Plus holders or was just mentioned as something that's coming for all premium account holders. Hopefully this will be clarified. Patch also mentioned some general home stuff, not Plus specific: They will be starting to add additional home types to the existing themes soon - for more details see Friday's (24 June) Meet the Moles interview. They are looking at ways to phase out the old homes still, and will probably retain a few regions for history You can listen to the interview here (start around 25:00) Meet the Lindens 2022 - Patch Linden - YouTube
  10. Just because something doesn't seem logical, doesn't mean it doesn't affect us in an emotional 'irational' way. I think that's quite natural, and normal, (we aren't as humans on the whole logical rational robots). I get what you mean. You've put part of yourself into your home through the decorating of it, so then to see it copied probably feels a bit like someone is stealing a part of you. But I think you are right to try and see it as flattery. They've obviously admired what you have done enough to want to live in the same environment - that's great I think. Think of it as through through your design you have brough them some joy - that's a good thing. But also, not everyone has a flair for decorating, putting pieces together that work harmoniously to create a space that feels beautiful and comfortable. So I think sometimes it's also a case of perhaps the person doesn't have that knack and maybe is not happy with their own efforts or doesn't know where to start, so they refer to someone else for inspiration, but it might end up as copying because they don't have that talent to mix in their own style. Either way, I don't think it's such a terrible thing, but I do nonetheless understand why someone might feel emotionally peeved about it.
  11. Derendering only affects what you can see, not what other people can see.
  12. Who says System avatars aren't good looking???? 😆
  13. This thread is hilarious🤣 I wonder what the developers would think if they saw these results lol.
  14. I'm really sceptical of how that's gonna be achieved or how it can be without having your complete identity stored by them online ...upload your social security number, passport, photo, signature, facial scan...or whatever...Would you trust a social media company to keep these safe?
  15. The only two ways I know are either using a low draw distance as you mention or Derender>Temporary instead of Derender>Blacklist. As far as I know anything can be derendered like that except for Linden ground. For example you can derender Linden homes and contents but not the ground it's standing on (which is a shame because I've wanted to to do that on occassion for a prettier view). If it weren't for Firestorm Derender my SL experience would be a whole lot less pleasurable!:)
  16. I would do if I knew how to:) Can't see any options to edit the thread title. I think one of the admins would have to.
  17. They've already said in the past that when the themes have all been released they intend to go back and update some of the earlier themes. They have talked of adding some more traditional options. If I remember correctly I think It was mentioned that they might had some open plane to the trads. It's in one of Patch's interviews.
  18. I love the layouts of many of these houses, I think they've done a great job. Loving the big windows:) I'm still in love with my Stilt home, so won't be moving, but if I did, I think this would be next on my list. They tick a lot of boxes, and the landscaping is beautiful. I think these will be very popular, especially with the mulitple home styles to choose from, and 512/1024 options. I wish they had done this with earlier themes. But there are more to come! So let's hope the trend continues:)
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