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Evangeline Arcadia

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Everything posted by Evangeline Arcadia

  1. It crossed my mind...but I didn't want to be the first one to bring it up as a possible reason😊
  2. What happened to the Q&As that were supposed to take place during the anniversary celebrations? I've not seen a schedule or date for this...seems to have gone quiet on this front. Has it been definately cancelled?
  3. Belli 5th anniversary fun! (I hope this pic doesn't give too much away!)
  4. Bus tour yesterday, which was great fun and our lovely driver Yukiko was not very well but still kindly turned up to give us a tour...hope your feeling better!:)
  5. Some pics of the fun so far... Belli party today...
  6. Where can I find the starting points for the train and bus tours?
  7. I wonder if this was why I was having trouble getting #3 solved?😁
  8. I didn't gain anything in my Belli home:(
  9. Thanks for all the info:) Does anyone have a landmark for the Swaginator HUD and info on the Flower Hunt please? EDIT: Found the Swaginator: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPBA2/79/38/31 Not the flower hunt info though.
  10. I think I'm inclined to agree that an exchange rate change might not be the solution. This is a virtual world - do we really need to go by real world practices in the same way? Why not try something different, something new, not be bound by old ways of thinking and doing - but what I don't know😊 ☺️
  11. Or they could just not do that, and reduce the stipend:) I wonder if there would be a 'Great Stipend Protest of 202x' 😄
  12. I have often thought about this topic myself, and sometimes when I'm buying something I do empathise with creators when I remember that I'm buying something for pennies. I agree there is a false perception of cost because we are naturally inclined to look at the number value, not the monetry value e.g. $L100 sounds like a lot, but isn't in real world value. But on the other hand I think there are a few things to consider. Whilst yes, one can argue that compared to real world creators should be charging more/the Linden should be revalued, I would play devli's advocate and say the following: - On the whole anything that is virtual is typically cheaper because you make it once, but sell it multiple times - passive income. For example if you look at downloadable art resources like .pngs, svgs, or 3D content assets in the real world, the price for the item seems really low, but the artists spends the time making a single product which is then resold many times over, without the artist having to do anything more The same is true for Second Life content. And people don't value virtual content in the same way as physical content, and expect to pay less. I doubt that will change. - If SL changed the currency value, meaning prices would increase, by a lot, I would expect there would be less sales, as others have already expressed. So less money being spread around the creators. I would think twice before spending say $L400 on an item compared to $L200. So it could hurt the SL economy. Sure, people would adjust to the new pricing over time, but at what cost? I reserve the right to change my mind on any of the above 😁 Despite that, one could argue that well SL is just a nice to have part of life, and so doesn't need to reflect more 'realistic' pricing, it's a 'game' etc. etc. (no 'I'm' not calling it a 'game'!) - but unfortunately it has become a source of income for people - that's where we get a problem, because anything you do regarding the Linden is going to have repercussions. And because SL is a passtime/fun to do thing, for many people I think they are not going to want to spend a lot on it inworld, especially with economies being the way they are at the moment. I know I can't afford to any more - I 've got to consider prioritise RL spending, so I mostly buy at sales, because that's what I can afford. But then there are a lot of creators who do make good money out of SL - so is there really a problem as it exists? I think this is complex. SL is built on creativity. The wonderful creativity of others is what makes SL enjoyable. Maybe creativity would go back to how it originally was - just doing it for the love and sharing, rather than trying to make a profit.
  13. Yes I've been dreaming of new Stilt floorplans for a whilet - I hope they do somehthing soon:)
  14. Perhaps they'll pre-record it, using the questions are chosen from those submitted (deadline was 15 Feb before the hoo-ha), rather than a free for all questioning session (I assume). There's nothing in the event HUD showing a Q&A session. I can't see the photo gallery of the photos submitted (unless it's not out until open day) - if anyone knows where this is please let me know:) I've had a peak at the region and it's looking great! Looking forward to all the events. The Event HUD is great, really useful:)
  15. I'm not sure I understand the bitter tones expressed here. I keep pretty much to myself so haven't witnessed any kind of discriminatory behaviour or favourtism, so maybe I'm missing something, but IMO the people who organise these kind of groups in Belli aren't paid and did it off their own backs, in their own time when Belli was created. They put time and effort in to create events and activities for anyone to attend, and things like parties, passports, driving licences and locations list - which are fun places to explore created by other residents both in Belli and on the mainland. It's kind of the tone expressed here that would make anyone not want to bother - and SL is built on users being creative and doing stuff. And if LL are showing any support like land to decorate for the anniversary, well they are a business and it makes sense from their perspective to support something that is a money maker for them - linden homes in Bellisseria. My guess it's so the ones running the passports etc. can coordinate, communicate and organise themselves and what they do.
  16. I thought there was a post somewhere announcing that there is a special sandbox where you can rezz a Belli home, so you could then rezz objects inside like furniture etc. to plan or see how it works out before choosing a home theme (I know about the demo areas, I'm not referring to that). But I can't find anywhere like that - I've checked the sandbox at the Belli Hub but it doesn't have anywhere within that to do it (that I could see). Am I mis-remembering a post, or is this possible somewhere?
  17. Yeah, SL means a lot to many, it would be sad if this whole debacle negatively impacts it. Let's just hope there are no knee jerk reactions from LL, and they continue to keep us informed and are transparent.
  18. I've been thinking about the lack of a CEO recently - I hope someone is appointed to the role soon, seems a long time to be without one, but maybe this is normal for companies of this size? When LL have finally finished their investigations, as per Brad's statement, and if they publish a statement about that and the revised policies, as part of that I would like to know if some of the allegations of the piece that started this whole thing are actually viable or not (in terms of scripting, financial matters etc.). Because if it isn't they really should make that clear and reassure people. Unless someone here can enlighten me (PM me please so it doesn't push this thread off topic).
  19. Unfortunately I think no matter what they do the issue is bound to come up again, simply because of the nature of SL and the internet. The main crux of the original post is something not just SL is having to grapple with online - there's no one solution tha will guarantee a 100% fix. But of course, doing something is better than doing nothing...
  20. This brings to mind what I think is notable is that notable changes were made to the places mentioned in the original blog post immediately after it - to my mind, if there was nothing wrong with the way things were set up, and the blog post completely innacurate, then why did it change (you could see it in the inworld map) so quickly after that post...not coincidence...
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