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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. I know it's a whole new thread and threads are for ongoing discussion of things, but I think you've pretty much nailed it right here. It's about slowing down and enjoying the natural creation of Providence, 'Mother Nature" to some. Peaceful, relaxing, bewildering, healthy clean air and water. It's the bare-bones essence of the human condition: nature itself. And Patch and Moles have done an amazing job at emulating that in a virtual world. Seriously - the House and Houseboats are fun, but the Bellisseria Campsite is stunning to me.
  2. I used to have that system. It may take some inventory-digging, but I may be able to look up the creator for you, but cannot get in world until much later. Send me an IM in world so I'll be reminded when I do login.
  3. Clumsy Lover https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0252193/
  4. Yes, the inland waters are 10 meters higher than standard (the same at Heterocera Atoll: Inner Lake is like 60 meters higher) - though the Bellisseria inland lakes are great for motor-boating. I'm not sure if there are any rez zones in the lakes, but I've been planning to go boating with this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BERDAVmarine-Eleven/3229786 It's free, but not a "freebie" - it's high-quality boat that is given free as a demo, but not a demo - it's a free boat. Did any of that make sense? Also, there are free trains on Market Place and you can go to Yucca Train Station and Hooktip regions to grab free trains - mostly just engines. If you browse market place Vehicle category, there is a "Rail" sub-category. I recommend setting the filter to "Newest". I have *many* of the Bibian trains. So eventually the Orient Express Luxury Liner will be passing through the Campwik station and regions of Bellisseria (once that RR line is completed, of course.)
  5. As I understand it: the root prim must be right-side up and facing east. When you rez a box to be the root prim, it's okay to resize it, move it around , link it, but never, ever rotate it until after the rest of your vehicle is linked to it. Rotation needs to be 0,0,0. when using it for the first time.
  6. There is an advantage to how those of us in SL for more than a few days have learned to think. Hahahaha!
  7. It is Catwa eyelash "prims" - the ONLY fix is to set eyelashes to NONE. (Catwa is not the only head with this issue, but theirs is the worst instance of it.)
  8. /me jumps in front of you to take the hit of any incoming projectiles. "Because we actually stand together on it. Though I say I'm 'thinking aloud', I'm still thinking it"
  9. Yes, this is always the best way to go about and always play it safe. Just before the Campsites release I could see it coming (Belliserria was appearing with zero selections, so I knew they were updating the web site to add the campers) - though I still wasn't sure the release was imminent. End of my workday, so I leave the office, get into my car, start it up getting ready for hour-long commute. Decided to check on my phone. BOOM! Campers released (and was never able to claim an LL Home on my phone) - so ran back into the office and claimed one on the spot! The main point being: if you really want a 2019 LL Home, you have to be vigilant in trying to get it. Don't lose hope (I got both my House and Houseboat from previous abandonments) - you just have to keep at it. Here was my technique: Select a Meadowbrook home, put a NAME for your parcel, select the NEXT button. Now, click the "Back" button on your browser to reload the house-selection page. It *should* remember the Parcel name you put. Now, if a home/camper/houseboat appears, click the NEXT button fast as you can, click the CHECKMARK to agree to the rules, click NEXT. This may still not be enough because it is a timing thing (when using an auto-refresh system set to refresh every 70 seconds - it may already be too late by the time your browser catches it) - just keep going at it. And remember that they are releasing new regions on a regular weekly basis.
  10. Hahaha! That is awesome! They float but you got hung up on the rocks, I think! (Just kidding LOL)
  11. My understanding is that the 512 lots with 175 LI would appeal to those that had/wanted 512 in mainland or wanted to continue to contribute to group owned on the mainland. I may not be explaining it correctly. Too many to's lol. I think the 512 lots with 175 LI with all the landscaping that has been done already will be plenty. I am sure to find out once I start decorating my parcel. Yes, exactly this. I have two Permiums (and had a Traditional and Houseboat) - but decided to abandon both of those and donate the Tier-Wavers to my group, then bought land for the group and now have my Mainland Public Playground. I save 512 m2 on this account (only donated half to the group) so I could grab this camper. Now I have a "home" (the camper) and the public playground (A "shipping depot" where anyone can play and drive my trucks or fly my helicopter and do other stuff). This is why the 512 m2 of the Campers is a perfect fit. đź‘Ť
  12. Good points. I supposed in the beginning they are more consolidated lists, "I saw five in two hours" or "Three between 7AM and 2PM SL time) - rather than the one-shots. LOL My perspective was to get an idea of the average frequency of sightings, not a play-by-play. I'm not complaining or anything, mind you. Just thinking aloud.
  13. I just thought I'd mention that when you spot it, you're already too late and the time it takes you to create a post that says "spotted" it is WAY too late, so kind of a moot exercise in posting, unless you're intending to get your post count up. LOL
  14. And it's fine when you're in your own house (You cultural home). People tend to forget we are all in the great melting pot of multiple cultures that can sometimes mix as well as oil and water.
  15. Planet Venus Let me check my profile to be sure Polyamorous; just me and fifteen guys 800-555-1212 (Directory Assistance) I like to have fun with them.
  16. /me sings... "An---ti---ci---pa--shun..." THIS is half the fun! Hahaha. So we can play a guessing game. Perhaps it will be those fancy Earth-Houses, you know, mostly under ground? No, wait... the Moles may have a claim on that... [LAUGHS! JUST KIDDING] Hmmmm... You know what could be Christmas-ee? Mountain country... think Snowy Colorado-ish (Tahoe style, but please, no more A-frames). That or Fantasy-ish. I was really waiting to see what they come up with for the "rural" country style (exiting Tahoe) - but these Campers stole my excitement big time (Not so much as they are campers and trailers, but the whole package: scenery, design, all of it!)
  17. This morning I decided to drive from my lot in South Lake Tatakaka alllll the way up to the Lodge. Did it! Easily, in fact and these roads are the most fun roads in all of SL, even more fun that Heterocera and easy to navigate, I think I ran into a dead-end only once (and it was a very short road). I just plopped a beacon onto the lodge and kept going in the genral direction (mostly north then east.) Though you'll want a quality vehicle (that likely does NOT use ACS scripts). If you don't have a vehicle that works well on these roads, I recommend to give the Manji cars a go (try the demo in-world) - not as much because of their size and design, but they way they drive and region-crossing are faster than any other vehicle of any type I have ever used in 13 years of SL (like literally: half-second). The one I use (and pictured) is this: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Manjis-TYPE-2-v-10-Yellow-Box/14686773 (And there are other, more contemporary styles - but you *have* to try them out. Srsly.)
  18. I haven't put this much thought or effort into decorating my own home for years because, well... rarely spend time there and whatnot. But this! I am so excited for my new LL Homes Camper. So this is what I did, it's not as detailed or fancy as most I see, but, hey, IT'S HOME!!! A car rezzer and horse rezzer for all to enjoy, as well! Oh, and requisite poster of @Patch Linden there in the dark. Now to just find the right painting for that last wall.
  19. I can make a "DUCK!!!" animation for you I think. But first I want indemnification against any promise that it will prevent decapitation, though.
  20. One technique is to use an in-world Poser tool to create "keyframe" poses. The better one will export to a BVH file, which you can then import into Qavimator or Blender or other animation app. Then it's just a matter of fine-tuning and tweaking your animation using the keyframes you've already built, which should be appropriate for your avatar size and shape. Theoretically.
  21. Note that "girlie" is not really considered an appropriate or polite way to refer to a female. WHOA. Even at his angriest, my dad never ever used THAT term. Wow.
  22. Except for the post below the post above yours that is above the post above the post that is two posts below yours, right?
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