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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. If the date opens and date closed are Unknown, then we are officially SL Oldbies. For real. Because we are so old the system didn't even exist yet! Bahahaha!
  2. So many camperz, need MOAR SUPLIZESES! Hahaha!
  3. The SLRR Rez Zone (in Bellisseria) looks like it's designed to rez trains on the track AND ALSO land vehicles next to it (and a road starts there, too).
  4. Oh, this is even awesomerer! So, when that other tram was on the pass-through track at the rez zone, it really was blocking the signal? (That's really cool if it was!) Though, when I tried yesterday, I didn't;t know where the rez zone was - so I flew (just me avatar) from the end of the track in the east and followed the track all the way (funny, I guess I started at the wrong side LOL) - there was no one on the track, so I understand that it's still a build in progress - I razzed a Bibian locomotive (I'm sure you know that brand) and the signal would not switch to allow me out of the rez zone. THOUGH (and you should maybe know this) - the Infinity trains don't behave this way (maybe because of the glitches on Heterocera) - so I rez a three-car (linked) train on rez zone, and it will "slide" over to the running track. I mention this so I the future, that one may not follow the new rules. I've only become a train fan because SL (I always thought of it sa a boy-toy hahaha!) But have been reading up on how they work and the rules in RL, so YAY for what you are trying to do! I waited forever (yes, it was FOREVER) for Campsites to be released, so a little more wait for SLRR: Bellisseria is no problem! Thank you for responding! (But Gott take a new picture to show how much fun it is, then I'll put it away for now.) Edit to add: IT WORKED Hahaha! I came to a red signal and stopped and waited for it to go free. That is so much more fun!
  5. Because Second Lie will be as convenient as possible. wether you like it or now, based on the Disneyland mantra "Happiest place on earth, whether you like it or not." https://www.themeparktourist.com/features/20141216/29749/top-20-things-youre-not-allowed-do-disney-theme-parks That checkbox is for when you use multiple alts - it creates pull-down/pop=-up list of all the names you've logged into. Unchecking the "Remember" username box then just leaves the last name that *attempted* to log-in. (So just typing Jabberwocky or nonsense will not work unless you actually try to login and let it fail.) I love the LL Viewer and use it quite often, so based on my experiments and things, this is what I've learned. Unless my experience is unique, this is how it will work for everyone. The same with other viewers that are closely based on the Official viewer (which Firestorm is NOT) - like Catnip and Kokua.
  6. It's fixed now! I was in a shopaholic stupor while while decorating and... well, need I say more? Yes, it was this! I was unboxing like it was Christmas (okay, it WAS!) and forgot to clean up! LOL RacyAcey showed up while I was there and asked about it - that's when I discovered OOPS! Yes, that's actually a handy feature. The one thing that's missing is a horn. Because I still try to run over people AFKing in the middle of the road, I just like to sound my horn so they know it.
  7. It's a really fun little boat and perfect for the inland lakes! It's also very realistic in terms of handling and speed. It doesn't go unrealistically fast; it's fits just right.
  8. Hahaha! I'm so happy you had fun! Those things are quite versatile little monsters, aren't they? I think there's also a "Jump" button in the menu that's supposed to help in these situations ~Laughs~
  9. So, I'm exploring Lake Tatakaka and it turns out my Camper lot is in the perfect location at the south of the lake - this seems the be the largest (longest) body of water among all these lakes. And I'm finding fun little details I suspect many never see, like hidden waterfalls!
  10. I hear that lawnmowers are a thing these days. JUST KIDDING! It's awesome! What I find so amazing is the sheer variety of gorgeous. If I were to try to parcel-jump seeking a perfect spot over and over again, a limit of 50 tries per day would not be enough. Every single one I've seen is fantastic! (Removed pictures only to simplify and ease some peoples' scrolling-carpal-tunnel.
  11. I agree, there are a lot of "Bellisseria animals" running around, so this is a good thing. Even just for aesthetics it's a good thing. Though I hear tell that the Beast of Bellisseria is complaining there's not enough meat in the Bellisserian waters, so, ummm, all you Mermaids should be on your guard. Are Mer people people or animals? Just thinking aloud...
  12. /me speculates about the means by which this happens, considering the prioritization of subject matter on this person's mind... 👍
  13. I knew it! LOL Details for last name Su Date Opened unknown: either this is a vanity name that was never publicly released or this last name was released prior to SLNameWatch.com launch date. Date Closed unknown: last name was never open, or it was closed prior to SLNameWatch.com launch date. Days Active Status heritage or vanity Usage Count 505 Reg. Per Active Day Last Updated 2011-09-30 00:59:14 And my Original account (now my alt): Details for last name Chernov Date Opened unknown: either this is a vanity name that was never publicly released or this last name was released prior to SLNameWatch.com launch date. Date Closed unknown: last name was never open, or it was closed prior to SLNameWatch.com launch date. Days Active Status heritage or vanity Usage Count 291 Reg. Per Active Day Last Updated 2011-10-02 05:46:09 I R SHPETHULE!!!
  14. Just though I'd throw this one in for fun, because the Campsite roads are the most fun roads in all of SL!!! "Delivering supplies to all the new Campers moving into their new Campers! (Infinity trucks have cruise-control and speed-sensitive steering, so I'm going at it in the equivalent of 5 to 10 miles per hours LOL) Edit to add: For the curious, the Chinese characters literally say "Second Life".
  15. Pinging @Squeaky Mole! Hahaha... Okay, @Patch Linden is prolly really, REALLY tired of me nagging him about SLRR on Bellisseria (I do love you, Patch! HONEST!), so I ping you! I wanted to go Choo-chooing in Bellisseria. It turns out the switch that allows trains to enter the track from the rez zone is BROKEN! After talking with someone who knows how all this works, they said "somebody has returned the BRANCH SENSOR" (Whatever that is). Can you put one back, PLEEEEZE!? 🙏 And, seriously, ALL of you have done an amazing job here, really, really thank you all so much! My Second Life is very exciting all over again!
  16. Horse and Car rezzers available and my place is open to anyone who wants to enjoy it (Also a Rez-zone with 5 minute auto-return) Click the saddle for a horse (Tip: If it's too difficult to handle, click it, choose SETTINGS then MOVEMENT and select Phantom) the Car will rez a new one when the existing one drives away (or 30 seconds, whichever takes longer to do.) Both Car and Horse will POOF when you stand up (jump off of it.) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lake Tatakaka/212/60/34 You'll basically land slightly left of center of this picture:
  17. It sounds like attrition and parcel-jumping are starting to kick in. This is good news for all the souls trying so hard and still haven't been able to snag their first. I'm happy to see this.
  18. Okay wasn't;t in my inventory, but rather on my alt - so I'm replying here, rather than responding you your IMs (RL errands is why I can't pop right back in, sorry). I have two (separate product) versions: Dirt and Cu... er... "bodily fluid" LOL These products are called "Floorsystem" - and created by dimione dix - Definitely not on MP, and very old, so I don't know if it's still available even in world. Good luck trying to find it!
  19. PUPPY LOVE!!! (Is this what music is like back then? ~ *before* my time ~ LOL)
  20. That is hilarious! Though I cringed and frowned at the same time at the "This is a man's car" part. Not because of what he said, but rather... LOL
  21. Need you to send an IM, not a friend request - Friend request doesn't tell me why I wanted you to contact me. Just an IM is all I need that reminds to to look for something for you and what it is. Edit to clarify - my in-world times are VERY different from most people (it's unlikely we'll be in world at the same time) - well, unless you usually login at 4 AM SL Time?
  22. Please do! I love Cananadadians! (My affectionate word for them, I go "up there" often (I'm in Seattle area)
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