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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Yea, this was done very poorly. It's extremely peculiar looking. I've been using my Genus head a LOT and this has put me off from it currently. The new update in general seems to have gone backwards instead of forwards. Disappointing.
  2. So, Ghosty has come back to SL after a rather long hiatus. He used to pop in periodically but for the most part has been awol. Got himself a little piece of land again (he's not allowed to use my prims LOL). It's nice to have him virtually as well as physically
  3. That is created by Spirit Skins for Genus, was one of their Gachas. I'm sure they make one similar for Catwa or similar. Here's a link to their Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/151761134@N04/ Thanks for reminding me about this creator - I probably have a ton of her items languishing in my inventory! FYI I went over to the store - I don't think that the Gacha is for the eyes - it seems to be only for the lip and shadow applier and, interestingly although it says "Genus" on it, it's selling Catwa in the machine so buyer beware (I bought a couple of them, that's how I know)
  4. Hi all - reminder to those who know and an invite to those who may be interested; Ghosty is spinning at the Forum Cartel Hangout tonight at 6pm SLT. Set will be some kind of SciFi based music - it's a mystery to me what he'll be spinning! Feel free to come in costume - or as your regularly dressed fantasty/sci fi self if that's your thing 😊 We'd love to see you there! Rocket Ship: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/219/37/29
  5. Every Friday there's a sale group called Fifty Linden Friday. Usually around 9 stores or so have special items out for 50L, and lots of times the objects are from really good creators. You can keep track of that and other sales at the Seraphim site below. Some stores leave their items out all weekend. Here's the link to this past Friday's sale http://seraphimsl.com/2019/01/11/hip-hip-hooray-its-fifty-linden-fridays/ There are listings for all kinds of events and sales on the Seraphim site so it's a great resource for finding less expensive, but quality clothing (and other stuff like home furnishings, skins, landscaping, etc).
  6. Revoul just came out with a "Chubby" body applier which you might be interested in. The applier works with Maitreya, Slink, Belleza and Omega. I agree with using it with the Belleza Freya body which is fleshier than others. Also not sure if there's any appliers to flatten out the chest area for Belleza though so unless you don't mind having the boob look, this may not be for you
  7. Thank you! She's a hard modification of a Catwa head (Uma) and Maitreya Lara body. Took me a while to get it exactly how I wanted it to look. I pull it out every now and then for very specific shoots.
  8. Head: Lelutka, Piper, 3.3 Bento Applier: Glam Affair, Nimoe, 004 Lips: Lisa Walker, Midnight Lip, Pack 02 Nails: Ascendant, Midnight Call, Bento Body: Maitreya, Lara Hair: Stealthic, Passion, Ombres Boots: Toksik, Chained Boots Top: United Colors, Blenda Jacket Pants: Blueberry, Aria Stylized Pants Rings: Kibitz, Sandrian Rings, Silver and Cae, Flutter Pose: CS, Guitar Girl, Les Paul 01 Background Stuff: Kunst, Standby, Basme, Fancy Decor & Grimes Central Design
  9. Jig's place was wonderful. I enjoyed browsing through it - she was very gracious about allowing visitors.
  10. My mind automatically goes to someone was trolling me lol. Hence why I returned it in hundreds of pieces 🤣 It was probably the largest boat I've ever seen in SL. Took time out of my day but the glee I felt was worth it.
  11. Are you wearing a mesh head? If you are, sometimes when you put on the the alpha for the head it will remove the body alpha in the process. Not sure why this happens. Most mesh heads come with two alphas, one of which covers the entire body. Try using that instead of the separate head/body alphas.
  12. Aesthetics -- Beautiful. Everyone takes great pride in making their homes and land look as lovely as possible. Each property borders water and has both sunrise and sunset views. Community -- People are friendly but respectful of each others privacy. Occasionally there are neighbor related happenings and all are invited. A lot of us are not inworld on a regular basis, so it does tend to be fairly quiet most of the time which is great for me as I prefer doing my own thing. One of the best things is there is a music venue on the sim and not only do residents partake in events there but many other SL residents know the place too and will stop up to listen in as there are some fairly well know DJ's that spin there. Ghosty being one Amenities/Infrastructure -- Several beaches, an art museum, a zoo, water, roads connecting islands, bridges, and I believe there is a park too. And, the aforementioned music venue. I don't think I've explored all of it yet and I've been there quite a while now. Landlord is excellent! Very cool, responsive, easy going. Will work with you if you have any kind of problem both financial or personal. He has a reputation of being difficult and maybe he is to some degree with those he doesn't know well, but for his residents, well, we're family and I really mean that. He's great. When Ghosty and I expressed we felt we'd like a lot more space and prims he actually grandfathered in a whole new island for us in addition to the other land he was carrying. Of course, we paid for it but we never could have gotten the price he did because he already owned the sim. We just renewed that for another year. Neighborhood -- I'm on a private estate. I'd never live on Mainland ever again. There are some loose regulations for the neighborhood, like we all try not to build anything stupid looking (although I wasn't thrilled one of my neighbors kept up a Santa Claus all year on her roof). Nothing too high for instance although if you want to build up in the sky with a taller structure, that's cool. We just don't want to see that on the ground. Cost of Living -- Extremely reasonable. Like, a bargain in comparison to many other places and I've lived all over the place in my 10 years so I know. Again, the landlord really isn't in this to make money. He wants to be around his friends, people who are in SL for similar reasons as he is and who he can trust. Safety/Security -- I've never experienced any problems living there. I think I've been there over 3 years now? I have the ability to ban anyone I want which is helpful but so far no need. Once I got home to find someone rezzed a giant yacht on my property waters lol - not sure how it happened but no worries just sent it back piece by piece HAHAHAHA. Freedom of Movement -- NO ban lines at all that I have encountered on land nor in the sky. No need as the areas that are public don't need them and the areas that are private, well we all respect each other enough not to go rummaging through each others property. All of us are long term SL residents - we know better. I give living there a resounding 10 out of 10 points. Zero complaints. LOVE being there.
  13. Head: Lelutka, Piper 3.3 (NEW!), Bento Facial Expression: Tweaked with Lelutka Axis HUD Applier: YS&YS, Kira, Tone 02 Hair: Mina, Leslie, Dip Dyes (Uber December 2018) Leggings: Blueberry, Poppy, Black Coat/Turtleneck: Coco, Belted Coat, Black (Uber, December 2018) Gloves: Coco, Opera Length Gloves, Wine (Uber, December 2018) Boots: Breathe, Makiko Heels, Black (Mini Pack), Uber December 2018 Earrings; Earthstones, Solitaire Stud, Diamond Pose: Le Poppycock, Starry Night, Perfect Snowman - Gatcha Pup: Jian, Santa's Samoyeds, Reindeer Pup, Companion House: [BA], Kent Cottage (Collabor88, December 2018)
  14. Head: Genus Project, Classic, Mocap Eyes: Euphoric, Becky Eyes Collection, Powder Pack, December 2018 Applier: Amara Beauty, Ginny, Marshmallow (Powder Pack, December 2018) Eye Makeup: Izzie's, Winter Glam Glitter Eyeshadow, Silver (Group Gift) Hair: Truth, Teila, Blonde (Group Gift December 2018) Lips: Luxrebel, Glitterbabe, Powder Pack, December 2018 Cheek Highlighter: It Girls, Skin Fetish Highlighter Lighting: LumiPro 2018
  15. Congratulations lovely people! 10 years is well worth celebrating. I do not know if I'll be able to stop in, Ghosty is away visiting his grandkids for pre-Xmas and I am home caring for hospice kitty and his sister. He doesn't return until late Sunday and I'm hoping to fill my days with much neglected Elora personal time (mani/pedis, shopping, catching up w/friends, etc.). I will pop in for sure if I am in the house those hours! Lots of love to you both now and always ❤️
  16. I know! Mini lions I'll try to remember to send you the link to the breeders website. Uber squee worthy
  17. OMG they are adorable. Ghosty and I will be the (eventual) proud cat parents of a Maine Coon kitten. 2 years from now LOL. We are on the waiting list from a breeder that I've been following for a while now. I practically fainted when I got the email yesterday that we were picked since they only have about 2 litters a year. Hence the long wait which works for us since our older one is now 17-1/2 and not in good health. It wouldn't be fair to him to have an itty bitty running him ragged. It's pretty doubtful he'd be here in 2 years (being realistic) so it's a time frame that works for us. Our other one is about 10 but she's more cat friendly than the other one so we're not too worried about her accepting a newb. PS please nobody @ me about getting a purebred vs rescued. We both already have 2 rescue kitties and will continue to as the years go by. Our plan is to get a companion kitten for the MC when the time comes from a local rescue/shelter ❤️
  18. I decided not to buy it. Seemed to much of a hassle without having the full abilities. I'd rather spend more money on myself and the alts that already are suited up ☺️ I so rarely log that one in, she can suffer with her system head lol
  19. Thanks for posting this. I have an older alt that needs a head and I've been loathe to spend too much on her. I'm not a fan of LAQ but this one looks quite nice and for $300L it will do just fine. Not sure how I feel about it not having the HUD though, will go take a look.
  20. Vista is great but to save some money, Tuty is pretty good. Try some of those out. I actually have been using theirs more than any of my Vista A/O's lately since I don't tend to utilize all the bells and whistles in it anyway. Much less expensive.
  21. Head: Genus Project, Classic Face W0001 V1.4, Mocap Applier: Atelier Pepe, Mary Jo, Pixie (Omega) Body: Maitreya, Lara Jacket: Blueberry, Julia (Fatpack) Scarf: Osmia, Tracery, Safari Gacha Hair: Sintiklia, Party Time, Mary, Fatpack, Rare (Ephiphany) Lighting: LUMIPro 18
  22. This is the Atelier Pepe skin, Reyana in Sandy tone.
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