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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I was messing around with my camera settings last week and needed to change them for a photo shoot. I should have written down what I changed, but didn't think to do that. Today, I went through the debug settings and managed to get everything back in order except one thing and it's making me crazy. What do I need to do to enable me to click on my avatar and have the camera swing around so that it is facing the front of me? Every time I click on myself now it turns me around and the camera is facing my back again. I even logged on some of my alts to make comparisons of the settings but could not find anything different between them readily obvious. Have tried doing a search but not coming up with anything specific to this. Thanks in advance!
  2. Sorry for yours too - new fur babies are a wonderful way to heal a broken heart, of all kinds ❤️
  3. Love, your pups are adorable! Our Cocoabean (a/k/a Bean) says good morning too FYI since a lot of people here have heard Ghosty (mostly in group chat) and I talking about our old man cat, Casper, we're sad to say we lost him early February after several years of illnesses that we'd been nursing him through. Thankfully Cocoa is doing good after a few weeks of being a bit out of sorts missing his presence. Same for us but getting over it was obviously more difficult. Oh to have the tiny brain of a cat with a short memory span. We're finally at a point where we are contemplating a new friend for Bean so maybe by end of summer there will be another kitty in our home running our lives PS: I would really enjoy seeing other peoples pets so please share them!
  4. Awesome, thanks for that link Chic - extremely appreciated!
  5. I'd like to try my hand at Machinima but it seems incredibly complicated and daunting to me. I've been reading through some of the blogs; started with Strawberry Singh's because hers are usually easy to understand but darn even that just seems way over my head right now. I'm not technically inclined though I can push myself to learn if motivated enough (my partner/husband is here to help if need be - he's the house tekkie) Can anyone point me to some easy to understand sites that fully explain what software is needed, how to set it up, etc? I'm usually working on an Acer laptop but I also have a PC if using the laptop is just not robust enough or too clunky an option. Many thanks!
  6. Leaving links here, not photos as I"m concerned they may get pulled otherwise. Was working on a homage to a much loved Dali painting - struggled with it for 2 days for various reasons one of which is LL's current issues with the sky lighting - the moon really was a crucial element of the image and I was not able to get it the way it needed to show; eventually kind of said "meh, oh well" and did what I could with it. Then there was the time some guy in a dog avatar ran across my shot and refused to leave on my land ; another annoyance. And so on. In the end, it turned out ok but I feel it could have been better. But here it is and, also, an outtake of a close up of more or less just myself because I liked the darker lighting to show off the chubby applier I used which is new from Deetalez - I hardly ever use the Belleza body but it seemed right for this particular photo. Head is Genus Strong Face. https://www.flickr.com/photos/elora_lunasea/47673260731/in/datetaken-public/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/elora_lunasea/33805740578/in/datetaken-public/
  7. At the risk of having this pulled, here's a photo I took using the DeetaleZ chubby applier for Belleza with the Freya body. I'm pretty happy with the appearance - I tweaked the shape I was using to make it a bit fleshier than it was. Not displaying as the photo, only a link, just in case! https://www.flickr.com/photos/elora_lunasea/33805740578/in/datetaken-public/
  8. Ok, let me guess, about 16 or so? Now you shush, sit down in the back row and behave yourself and if you're a good boy one day you'll hear the stories of us forum elders and you'll learn a thing or two of how to catch yourself a real women. **** and all.
  9. This is incredibly sexist. My personal experience tells me men and women are equally as likely to be emotional, or not. I can only assume you're not very experienced in relationships yet.
  10. YES! Ok, I knew this and could not formulate this clearly at all last night. Ghosty told me about it but I was exhausted - I truly had been working on this photo for hours and the final part of it was getting the moon in place and then KAPUT. NADA. I already knew about the black blobs and figured out how to deal with that but the moon? This is a particularly difficult situation, I tried buying a prim moon but...didn't realize it would position itself off sim at the angle of the damn real moon so it didn't show up in the shot lol. UGH. Anyway tonight, I'm managing to get some Windlight to show it up *barely* so I'm just going to plug along until I find one I like enough and just use it. I mean, I'll never totally be able to recreate the image - it is more of a homage to the original so regardless - it's going to be my own version. Onward! Oh and the dog? So obnoxious. At one point I told him he was a bad dog and to leave, so he went UNDER the water to watch me instead. So, I said "I can see you under there!" and he said "Hey, I'm a dog what do you expect?" And I'm like "Dude, I'm NOT here role playing you as a dog, leave my f---king property". EJECTED
  11. Yes, Firestorm. Good idea, yes, it's been a long day! I can pick it up tomorrow when I get home from work. Not the end of the world by a long shot lol. Thanks for the perspective, much appreciated
  12. I couldn't count either. I like change. Can't do it in my real life so may as well here. I'm constantly tweaking shapes. Today I did it again because I wanted a more fleshy look for the Deetalez chubby applier that I bought for my Belleza body. I have it for Lara also but Freya needed it quite a bit rounder so a new shape was born. It does get messy in the inventory though. I'm not so good at keeping track. Between my own made shapes, those that come with mesh bodies or appliers (some of which I really do like - others not so much and discard) that I leave as is or tweak I'm sure there are dozens at minimum that I use on and off.
  13. I seem to remember that recently SL was having some kind of issue with the Windlight settings or something along those lines? Am I remembering this right? All I know is in the past couple of weeks I seem to be having trouble with various lighting which is messing with taking photographs. I've found ways around it but tonight it's causing a real problem because I can not seem to get the moon to show up at all, and I absolutely need it in the photo I'm shooting as I'm recreating a famous painting and it's a key element of the image. I've tried every possible light setting and nothing works. The only thing I haven't done yet is log into the official viewer because I'm all set up for the shot in Firestorm and the official one had to be upgraded (I never really use it) which means I'd have to log out of FS to do that. The thought of logging off and on again and recomposing my shot isn't very appealing - especially since I already got screwed up when some jerk in a dog avatar literally ran across my naked body (on my own huge piece of land where like, nobody ever visits for no reason) and insisted on it being his right to oogle me (and then I insisted it was my right to eject him). Ok, anyway...what gives? Moon please? Or am I just tired and missing something obvious?
  14. Yesterday in the Genus group chat several people were all oohing and aahing over the "new TMP" body. I was like, wait, there's a new one? Aren't they basically out of business? I thought maybe they had somehow resurrected (no Easter pun intended) themselves and were now supporting the product again. Mentioned the past issues in group chat and thankfully others then also chimed in to let newcomers know just how little customer service there is (like none) and how it seems like upfront it's a good deal, but NO, not at all. I remember getting the body when it first came out and was never impressed by it. It looked kind of odd to me personally. I'm a Maitreya user primarily - or I use Belleza's Freya when I want a more rounded appearance. Much rather pay the money up front and be assured of a good product with updates as needed without having to worry about paying more for them. Let alone how little clothing is out there for the TMP and, the poor shopping experience at the sim as well SMDH
  15. I am a big fan of high key photos - these are yummy visual confections 😋
  16. Similar to Laoise, I came to SL due to an injury that had me bedridden for several weeks. I'd seen a news report on SL about a month prior - paid it little attention until there I was laid up on the couch with a leg that was completely useless. Decided I needed better entertainment than watching game shows and soap operas all day (both of which I detest). Being as this was 2008 SL was still rough around the edges visually. My earliest memories are a lot of WTF moments. Left Orientation Island without doing the orientation for one thing so once someone instructed me how to get elsewhere I was gone, gone, gone. Landed in a huge, empty shopping mall that had people washing windows that wouldn't answer me when I spoke to them. Did not know about camping at that time, or bots so thought they were just being rude. Pretty much decided to can the SL thing because everywhere I went was dead. suppose had I done the orientation I would have found out where to meet people faster. Somehow made my way to the official forum and that's how I discovered how to actually find and do things here. The Forum Cartel formed during this time period and I, like Lil, was a very active member there and all of my early social memories revolve entirely around events and friends that were spawned from this group. Discovered so many interesting places and people during that time period; everything was a "first" so even bad experiences (like my 1st SL breakup, being dragged into an SL drama-fest, being targeted for harassment for no good reason other than the person was an a-hole) are good memories because they were building blocks to my virtual life and taught me how to live a better virtual life that is now free from all of that nonsense. Ok I digressed a bit. Here's a Top 5 memories since that's what this is about, right? 1. Chicken Run! The day a bunch of us Cartelians dressed up as giant chickens and overran SL sims. Such wonderfully silly fun. 2. Buying my first land that wasn't Linden land and discovering that no matter how many prims you have it's never enough. Still true to this day. 3. The Not Possible In Real Life Exhibit - Garden of Earthly Delights. Really large, remarkable event that was surreal, trippy fun. My then absolute favorite creator, Four Yip, had a section there. I adored her outfits, poses, and other items; my fav was a skimpy haram outfit and a giant raindrop that you sat in so you could dance in it. She used to give away a LOT of things also. Very surrealistic items. I regret dumping all of her stuff from my inventory some years back - what a stupid move that was but it was literally thousands of pieces and I was on a purge mission. Should have boxed them all up. 4. More nature sims than I can count that don't exist any longer that were great for walking though, with someone or alone. I remember one in particular, Midnight Reflections, that had many paths leading to private areas where one could spend time alone with a special someone - perfect if you didn't have a home yet *winks* 5. Finding out one can dance with another avatar! Gosh, this was wonderful. One of my favorites places was Heaven's Wind Romantic Club. The ground looked like puffy clouds and truly gave one the sense of being somewhere other than earth.
  17. Thanks for the reminder about these appliers! I had purchased the Deetalez for Maitreya a while back and their Belleza a few days ago and totally forgot about it. I suspect the Freya body is going to be a better match for a softer, rounder appearance though than Lara. Now I'm going to have work on a nude shot - haven't done one is a long while so this gives me a good excuse.
  18. I thought I'd opened up a different website than this one when I first saw this photo. It really hits the realism mark extremely well. Really good results on it. LOVE ❤️
  19. Anyone that spends part of their time as a mini panther is a-ok in my eyes. Welcome to the forum!
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