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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I saw Daniel Voyager post on Twitter about 1/2 hour ago that they were released. But apparently not exactly yet...
  2. Although an older kitchen set - this has always been one of my favorites!
  3. I've been working on redoing my original kitchen. While it was low-prim to begin with, and I did like it I wanted to enlarge the usable space and lighten it up too. Plus, I'd been also changing the rest of the decor in the houseboat so one thing led to another. I'm currently using a brand I'd never heard of before; Nice called Yvonne - a very contemporary look which I don't typically gravitate to. It has a lot of pieces but I've only utilized the sink island and lower cabinets and incorporated other pieces from Plaaka's Hillside Deli set which was a Gacha a while back. I had that in a lot of colors - I've used yellow pieces for this look with a stainless matching hood over the stove. I'm liking this mixture of crisp white boxy shapes with the retro feel of the Plaaka pieces. The only thing I dislike is the Nice set sometimes reads a bit gray depending on lighting. I'm struggling still finding the right ceiling lights to properly illuminate that niche area. All of the other pieces are from various creators such as Dust Bunny, David Heather, Ionic, Second Spaces, Mudhoney, Soy, Plaaka, What Next, Fancy Decor and Bueno. Oh and I made a prim Mexican tile backsplash behind the stove because I'm a messy cook The prim count on the basics (counters/sink area/appliances) is only 19 prims which includes the range hood. Not bad. The stove and refrigerator both have animations in them (I think it was 6 each) but the counters do not have anything supplied which is a drawback to me. However, I own the Hive Farmhouse Kitchen which came with an extra animation pack for their island, so I'm going to add that to this one - can't see why it wouldn't work for this one too. The longer I'm in this houseboat, the more I enjoy living in it (or my alt, anyway). Can't see ever giving this up.
  4. I get gifts from Hayabusa very regularly - they get sent via their vendor automatically. I'd say they come about once a month or so, maybe more or less - I don't think there's a specific time table for them. They are pretty generous with gifting. Most are quite good although some of the recent animesh offerings are rather useless to me - and far too primmy to use.
  5. Hi Takemasaa! Your work is adorable! I am on vacation right now, so I just saw this post but I am very interested too. I have several alts plus my main, perhaps you might be more interested in photographing one of them? You can look through my flickr and see if any of my SL avatars interest you. FYI, right now there are a lot of real life images because like I said I'm away on vacation but if you keep scrolling you'll see plenty of my Second Life pictures too. I've been inworld for over a decade so I have a LOT of everything, poses, appliers, hair, clothing and can come up with any type of outfit or look you might want to shoot pretty much for your portfolio. I also take good direction - have helped others through the years. I'll be back home after 7/2/19. Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in working with me. https://www.flickr.com/photos/elora_lunasea/
  6. I'm just not "out doorsy" at all. My idea of camping is staying home and watching someone else do it. That's not to see I dislike the outdoors. I do but in short spurts and certainly not for sleeping. I need amenities for that. Pillows. A/C. Toilet paper. No bugs. Doors. Etc.
  7. They do come up now and then. My partner snagged a houseboat a couple of days ago. I've been trying to get a regular house for myself (my alt has a houseboat) and have seen them pop up throughout the week but haven't been quick enough to grab one. Whomever needs one, keep trying. They are out there it's just a matter of being patient and fast when they appear
  8. Navy IS awesome. I love navy. Where I want through. Not where someone else wants it 😛
  9. Thanks for the explanation Quartz, much appreciated. Being as I'm no creator by a long shot I don't understand it either but, I trust that there are good reasons behind the inability to change it. At least now LL knows that the community wasn't thrilled with this feature so hopefully the next time they are in design stages for new homes, they will keep that in mind ☺️
  10. Strawberry Singh's Flickr and YouTube videos are also excellent resources.
  11. Got notice the JIRA was denied. Bummer. "Thank you for your suggestion. We've reviewed your request and determined that it is not something we can tackle at this time. Please be assured that we truly appreciate the time you invested in creating this feature request, and have given it thoughtful consideration among our review team. This wiki outlines some of the reasoning we use to determine which requests we can, or can't, take on: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Feature_Requests Thanks again for your interest in improving Second Life." Oh well. In the interim, Ghosty scored his own houseboat today and got a sweet spot which has a nice little beach area near it. He's going to work on making me one of those wall cover systems, hopefully less prims than the ones already being sold. One of those I found difficult to work with being that my house is basically complete - retro fitting it with everything already placed wasn't worth the effort (I was also having some issues with re-texturing it) and the other I just didn't feel like spending the $ on at that point. If G can manage to scale the prims down to a more reasonable level I'll give it a try - I only have about 25-30 left and really don't want to waste many of them on covering a wall when I still need some "clutter" to finish it off completely. Thanks everyone for your efforts and help trying to get this change made. It appears from what I read that this would not be possible to do without great effort on LL's part. Maybe during the next go round they will be able to correct it for future home owners or, change this model for another one that doesn't have this annoying "feature"
  12. Hi Cougar, the shower, sink and toilet are by Fiasco. I think it was a Gacha but I don't remember from where off hand. Was within the past couple of months.
  13. Your home is a wildly wonderful take on houseboat living. I absolutely adore your decorating style. It's so unique. Well done!
  14. I have the Axel for my male alt. It's fairly older looking, rugged. With a gray toned hair it does come off looking older and the facial appearance is somewhat stubborn/annoyed looking. Plus, it's very good quality.
  15. I've been having a huge problem with the moon showing up for a long time. Has it been fixed now? I know it was a bug of some sort the past few months.
  16. No wonder I like it - I have every single one of their long hairs for myself. Will send him over to have a look at it.
  17. I've never been able to get my malt to look good. I've only posted one photo of him and he's been around for years. What hair is that? That's been one of my hardest items to find. I hate all of them.
  18. The low cut dress helps catch stray peelings
  19. No need to flag the post. It's not like the OP was posting porn. My response was polite and helpful.
  20. Totally get this. I just stared at mine for days. Was baffled how I was going to handle it. Rezzed each boat several times. Started decorating 3 times and wasn't feeling any of it. The kitchen? I literally must have tried every single kitchen I have in my inventory before I settled on the one I'm using which is actually very simple, no animations and only 6 prims but it's adorable and fit the alcove perfectly. Once I had that, the rest started to come more organically. Now I'm at the home stretch - I need a few more pieces of artwork on the walls, a lounge chair or two, some plants. I figure as long as I have a few prims left to rez a box I'm set lol. And even that I don't need since my alt can always come over to my 5000 prim land and rez boxes to her hearts content 🤣
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