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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Half Deer makes adorable stuff too. I tend to collect a LOT of SL animals. It's an addiction!
  2. Oh those are by Jian. They make the BEST animated animals. I have a few of the ponies too.
  3. @Blush BravinIs it possible to triple love this??? Your current bedroom/bathroom add on is the only one I kept in my house. The one you're working on is amazing. I will rip apart everything I've done already and live with just a bed, refrigerator, a hot plate, and one cat, if I have to for it
  4. Yes Lil, Casper is the one. We always had to keep tabs on him at that stage, but he suddenly declined rapidly over 2 days early February. Obviously, traumatic for all of us. But time does eventually heal and we're welcoming a Maine Coon baby panther kitten at the end of the summer 😍 (as long as she checks out ok - there's health testing that has to be done at certain stages before she's released to us). She'll be 16 weeks when she comes home to us, and we are very excited!
  5. I'm actually allergic in RL. Thankfully, with the help of daily allergy meds, and really really good air filters I can manage really well. I can snuggle and kiss bellies with no itching or sneezing at all! 👍
  6. Both of them are (were). Highly social, happy laid back cats. We really hit the cat jackpot!
  7. First my apologies for cross posting these images. I had put them into the home and garden thread, forgetting that one was mainly for exterior shots for the most part. So, indulge me this time and I'll remember next time interiors should go here. I settled on using the Winchester model since it had the upper balcony. Also wound up not using any of the add-ons I purchased (for now) to conserve prims so that I could properly decorate the interior to my liking. I really didn't want to have to scrimp too much on the exterior or interior and there was no way to do it if I had an entire other room to fill up, much as I liked the appearance of the larger sizing. No kitchen to show yet - I'm still working on that. Once that's finished, if I have prims to spare I still have some clutter I want to add here and there; some more art work and other items to make it look more lived in but I'm down to about 100 now...so...we'll see what happens. I'm not going to bother explaining again what everything is but feel free to ask if you are interested. The only item I'll mention because it has personal meaning is the artwork in the bedroom. This was a digital custom piece done for Ghosty and I of our RL kitties by Nylon Pinkney of Nylon Outfitters (I'm sure most will recognize her name). She does cartoons in RL too. You should check out her work; great avatar portraits and her animals are fantastic. Sadly Casper (the ginger one) passed this year but this piece always makes me smile and she did a great job of capturing him and Cocoabean, they really do resemble the images. Cocoa, being a tortie, is really difficult to draw because of her coloring, and Nylon really nailed it
  8. I also just realized I should have posted the interiors in the other thread so apologies when I cross post them 😋 It's getting mighty confusing around here!
  9. So, been working the past few days on my house. I keep looking at other peoples homes and I feel like others stuff more in than I've been able to . I still haven't done the kitchen, I keep putting down stuff and picking it up. I *think* I finally settled on what I'm using, the kitchen set itself is in place so I'll work on the rest tomorrow. I have like 85 prims left for accessories in that room and for some more clutter around the house. Hope it lasts 😮 I have a few things I can pull up if need be, I suppose... Anyway, here's some photos of what I've done thus far. First, front of house. I decided not to use trees since I'm lucky enough to live in a heavily wooded area plus it's a corner lot too. Didn't seem to need to add any extra at this point (maybe if I have prims at the end I will) so used my garden prims on a cottage style front beds instead. I went back and forth with several add-ons and finally decided to ditch them all. It was a matter of not having enough prims to be able to fill yet another room full of furniture. So, I just went with the simple pergola look and put one on the other side of the house to balance the look. I retextured the pergola a weathered wood look (I need to work on it, it's not quite perfect) and made a simple patio eating area which has a pizza oven. I also put a privacy screen there so that passerbys on the street don't have a direct view to the eating area. I had put down an actual patio here but in the end, decided I liked the look of the bare ground better. Top balcony is simple too, just a two-seater couch to relax on. Closer view of front garden. I discovered that you can push out flowers to the Linden land if are careful about making sure the root prim is on your land. A lot of the plants I used are long so this worked really well, they poke out around and through the fence making it look a lot more lush. and incorporating into the Linden flower bushes. Found this in my inventory Front entry Living Room. My quick and easy way of recoloring walls is to build a very thin prim for flat walls with no windows or doors and color them with paint textures found online. I have some favorite paint manufacturer's I use, this dark blackish color is one of them. Bedroom. The "painting" was done for Ghosty and I in RL by Nylon Pinkney of SL, of our cats Cocoabean (tortie) and Casper (ginger). Sadly Casper left us in February but this is a nice reminder of him and it makes me smile every time I look at it. So, it seemed a good choice for artwork here. And FYI, she did a remarkable job on their likenesses - these look EXACTLY like them! Last, for now, is the bathroom. This is the only add-on I left in the house. Well worth, The bedroom is still enormous, bathroom is a decent size and there's a closet too. That's it for now. Still need to add some more artwork all over the house, and chachkas too. Will post pix of the kitchen whenever I finish it.
  10. I saw it on someone's house inworld. Looked nice but, couldn't inspect it closely. Didn't notice the wonky shutters though, can't believe I didn't since I work in architecture and shutter placement is a thing with me. I don't usually buy sight unseen but took a chance. In the grand scheme of things, not like it's a lot of money; I'll just be a lot more cautious next time.
  11. Seriously, so good. Reminds me of a RL house I had some years back. I call it "The House I Used to Love" Had I been able to keep it I would have, alas, it had to be sold when an ex and I split. The great room was such a selling point and your build really reminds me of it. Admirable skillz you haz 👍
  12. Congrats! What area is it in? I finally snagged one (alt has a houseboat) also although I'm not thrilled with the location entirely, it's a few blocks off from the water. I wouldn't mind if it was one street off but there's no view at all, although it is a corner which is nice and has a rock wall buffer in the back so pretty private plus my immediate neighbor seems pleasant. It just feels kind of claustrophobic and closed off to me - no sunset/sunrises, the lighting is meh. I have one other alt that's premium so maybe I'll see what he can snag first. I know they are working on some more water view areas so perhaps I'll get lucky that way. Ideally I'm hoping to get one with a beach view, sandy land. I'm considering giving up the land I've been renting for many years and just coping with the houses in Bellisseria from now on since I am enjoying the area so much in general. Certainly will save me a ton of money a year, that's for sure.
  13. I don't think I've ever used the offline status in the entire almost 12 (? I think) years I've been in SL. If I truly don't want to be bothered, I log in as one of my alts. But, I am guilty of missing a lot of IM's because I'm frequently immersed in working on my land, shopping or taking photos and I'm just not paying attention to them at all. I think my profile even says something like "semi-friendly". I'm actually quite friendly, I should probably change it to semi-social. Also, I go AFK a LOT. I have home stuff I'm doing sometimes in between like cooking dinner, or wrangling cats. Sometimes I walk away and totally forget I was logged in. Can't tell you how many times I wake up in the morning, open my laptop to check email and there's SL with the dialog box saying "You've been logged out of Second Life" 🤣
  14. Thank you Faye! Yes, it would be appreciate if you'd update the card. It was making me nuts. I was going to contact you today, glad you saw this before I got around to it 😄
  15. I've been playing around with the homes for a few days now and finally settled on the Winchester but not entirely sold on it yet. I picked up nearly all the add on's to try - right now I'm using Fayded's Great Room which has a front porch also (I liked @Teager porch a lot but needed an extra room also) and, Blush's upstairs bedroom addition which added a bathroom and closet - A+ as usual @Blush Bravin Only problem is I'm having a problem with the Fayded HUD, it won't change the color of the exterior. I've changed viewers, logged in and out, messed with my graphics, etc and nothing. So next step is writing the creator I guess. I also tried a couple of other large additions. One was meh - just didn't care for the shape of it. The other, looked SO promising, I saw it on a house and really liked the appearance although there were a couple of things I didn't care for but figured I could live with them. Well. I sure changed my mind about that and am annoyed that I bought it. Way too much money, way too many prims for sloppy build skills. Didn't have a HUD so you had to color everything yourself - what a PITA especially because each face was a small piece, so to do the entire great room you had to click on like 10 pieces. All the window/doors open except one - there's a mistake. Porch width too narrow. Shutters too large and on several windows only on one side of the window. Very odd. There's a staircase in the great room, to a 2nd floor which has a bedroom/bathroom (which was why I decided to get it) but the staircase was created too close to the wall - ideally, should have been done the opposite way so that you climbed it from the open part of the room so you could easily navigate it without bumping into the wall. Etc. I like the Continental in theory but darn it's tiny. And the add-on's don't do much help except for one that comes in at something close to 80 prims so NOPE not doing that. The two 1 story homes are meh to me, the Alderley reminds me a house I grew up in so I automatically hate it. I kind of like the Adams, and am toying with rezzing that out and seeing if I can make it work for me. Nobody on my block is using it which makes it very appealing for that alone. Way too many people are using the Winchester - way way too many. I happened to be walking through the area and saw Teager's house and her addition for this home and wow, it really caught my eye! So, hoping she'll release this soon because that might be the thing that tips me to that model.
  16. Now now now. Speaking as an intelligent, natural blonde, the color of hair has nothing to do with whether or not one gets a joke Smarts have nothing to do with coloring. Blame your dizziness on inbreeding or something else. Wear your platinum locks proudly 😄
  17. He can have all that, I'm making off with the home made bong
  18. EXACTLY Let the *itc* sleep in YOUR bed I say 😂
  19. If they are copy mod doesn't even matter does it? If no copy, how precious are they do the person anyway? Gosh, in RL I walked away from a marriage and let the person have it all because who could be bothered with arguing about stuff? It's toxic and we're talking about pixel objects that cost pennies sometimes. Personally, I'd be happy to be rid of the person and move on with my life and just go and buy a new set of whatever it is if it was no copy and meant that much to me. And nothing in SL, means that much to me. Nothing.
  20. Ditto to all of these and same on bathrooms. FYI, I love the Hive Practical kitchen but...being as it's all in one piece not so great for the Linden homes I've found. You need a large run of space and most of them don't have it. I've pulled it apart for my main home, and it doesn't take well to being ripped. apart unfortunately. But would work well if you are buying some add-on's. I purchased that very large "great room" add on for the Winchester and it almost fits between the 2 back windows. I was dashing out the door to work so didn't have time to try and size it down but I'm hoping that will work. I'd like to be able to see the kitchen as I walk into that space and not have it tucked away in the back corner. I have the Hive Modular Farmhouse which certainly is more conducive to making it look as you want it to, but I've used it in the main home and don't want to be repetitive with my decorating. If I remember I'll look up which ones I have when I get home tonight and add to your list. I have quite a few lesser known brand names although most probably were gachas - such as the Plaaka pieces I used in my houseboat.
  21. Oooo did not know about the shoppers club group 😍 Thanks for that one!
  22. Please see @LittleMe Jewell answer to this already. She addressed why this wouldn't be a good idea several pages back . I'm sure you can find it because this same exact photo was used.
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