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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I'd been renting on a private island for years. The landlord, a friend, was able to grandfather another island into what he owns already so I purchased that from him and can continue to do so as long as I want to pay for it, it's mine. It's quite a luxury which I enjoy enormously and would find difficult to give up at this point. I've gotten too used to having the flexibility and space to do what I want with. However, I'm also enjoying living in Bellisseria. It's renewed my overall interest in SL quite a bit and made me much more sociable than I've been in a long time. Living on the island tends to make me a bit of a hermit so right now, I "live" in Belliseria and use the island as my creative outlet for landscaping, decorating spaces and photography shoots. One of my alts snagged a houseboat early on, with a very good spot directly on open water, a perfect location for sailing. I got a home thereafter that has been fun to play with and my other premium alt just managed to get a house in Foxbridge today in a much better location than the current home I have (1 block from the beach) so I'm probably tossing that back into the pool for someone else to enjoy. I'll most likely continue status quo, throwing my Lindens out to everyone 🤣
  2. Honestly, it's a crap shoot. At the beginning it was pretty easy - I got a houseboat no problem right away for one of my alts. My main (me) has land on a private island so I wasn't really interested in mainland for myself. But, once I saw how great it was I decided otherwise and started thinking eventually I'd ditch the private island once my rental was up. Got myself a house in Bellisseria with not too much fuss either but that too was about a couple of months ago already. I had one other alt left that was premium and omg, been trying with that one for weeks without a single hit. So frustrating, so I hear your pain. This morning just by chance I logged on at the exact moment Foxbridge apparently was released. I had no idea - it was just by coincidence, nothing more and I really think it boils down to that. All the other times homes show up are throw backs and can show up any time of the day and again, there's no way of knowing when it will happen so it's just luck of the draw. Yes, very frustrating and being patient is difficult!
  3. Finally! My alt got into Foxbridge, 1 block off from Stiff Drink beach area. Much better location than the one me (main) has in Wolfboro. May give that one up. Will think about it.
  4. Thanks will do that now. Figured sending an AR was the best way to go.
  5. My new across the street neighbor has a very large sign on her front lawn touting her business services. Actually, two of them, Is this allowed? I suspect not. If not, what's the best way for me to handle it? Not looking to start drama with the person, obviously. Just don't want to look at the big sign outside. Thanks Edit: OMG there's actually 3. Her doorbell is a big huge square advertisement too.😕
  6. Or, something like this? Blueberry - black leggings and leather jacket (has a shirt layer, this one says "STFU" Sneakers by Bleich Or Jacket is United Colors Blueberry, pants (Blueberry makes great basic pieces of all types) Boots are by Toksik
  7. Ugh last few times they released late i was on a train heading home from work In my office for 8 full hours and literally the moment I walk out it seems the release happens. Blah
  8. I keep thinking about swapping mine out for this model also. Every. Single. House. on my block is the Winchester.
  9. I'm hoping to find exactly this in RL for retirement 👍
  10. One of the lovely streets of Bellisseria, the new Linden Labs premium home continent. I'd urge people to explore. There's a lot of beauty there and it's very "walkable" http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE219/62/169/37
  11. lol You'll have land there eventually. They are probably going to attach another part of the continent to it at some point.
  12. Ok will no matter then lol. I have land locked already. My alt want some kind of view
  13. Really stunk today. I was sitting in front of the computer, and the page was STUCK. Would not refresh, could not use the pull down menu at all WTH
  14. True, same for me. I always forget they aren't working on SLT time, that they start their days based on where they live!
  15. @Quartz MoleThanks for that detailed explanation. I figured there was a logical reason for it and must have missed the last time it was posted.
  16. Group chat is saying there was a release. Seems awfully early for SLT time to release though and looking at the map, the areas I know were not ready yesterday still show as not ready so I'm confused.
  17. Was there an early release today? A lot of people seem to have gotten houses already
  18. I know, the streets surrounding that neighborhood truly are spectacular. All of the homes have good views and are near the beach.
  19. It would be awesome (hint hint to the Moles/Linden Lab) if we were allowed to turn the house rotation so we could get the view we preferred. I know that's a pipe dream. I have that problem with my houseboat - the area I use for the bedroom (upper area of the Windlass) faces my neighbor while the other end faces open water with no other houseboats in view at all. And that would have put the living room window on the open water side too. I'm sure there's a reason they homes are places the way they are but still one can dream...
  20. I was reading one of the other threads earlier, the one about what the Lindens might do with the older land homes and someone said something about how it wouldn't matter to them if they re-did those older communities or not because nobody walks around them. Well, IDK but I've been doing a LOT of walking around Bellisseria. It's incredibly well built for doing this. I like to attach one of my Jian dogs (or cats!) and explore. I love seeing what everyone has done to their homes, the landscaping, the add ons and the work the Lindens have done. How each area is slightly different from each other, finding little hidden gems, sitting areas, etc. I'm hoping at some point, that I'll actually get to know the streets well enough to find my way back home - which is kind of difficult since there's only 4 models of homes and most are the Winchester LOL. It's quite a peaceful thing to do too. I highly recommend it.
  21. So... I was browsing around SSP219 last night kind of hoping today it would have opened up finally (it didn't). I still have an alt that's premium that I'm trying to get a house for. It's gorgeous. Took some photos (I derendered the Linden property lines and hoover text). Anyone that is lucky enough to get the two houses right by the lighthouse wow they are going to be so happy! This is an absolutely gorgeous location.
  22. Congrats @LakotaBlue Tuqiri Welcome to the neighborhood!
  23. One of the things that I always have rezzed out in my home, is the Wizarding Frog Prince from a gacha, it's from more than several years ago. Not because it's a wizarding frog, but because it's the Frog Prince, a fairy tale of The Brothers Grimm I loved as a child. The object is so beautifully done, and it's animated, and croaks too. It's adorable and I keep it by my bedside (appropriate). The creator is of Beetlebones, not sure if she's very active in SL any longer. It was the rare of the set from a Fantasy Faire, I think. I also always, have photos from my RL in my virtual homes also; Ghosty, our kitties, and travels . Even though I can turn around and see all of those right next to me in RL - I like surrounding my SL home with them as well. Oh and there's usually a hidden llama object somewhere too - many will understand that reference 😋
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