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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. @Scylla Rhiadra Thank you! So, I'm toying with something I might do but, it might just be a personal folly. Ghosty and I were in Sanibel, Florida on vacation the past couple of weeks. I've been there before, him not. The beach is SO lovely there, clean, shell ridden, calm ocean, quiet. It's an unraked beach - untouched. Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. Very large too. I'm sure you saw the photos on Flickr. I'm contemplating creating a rendition of it on my land. I rent a very large island (5200 prims) and it's always been a work in progress but being in Sanibel gave me the idea that recreating it would be a fantastic idea. Nobody has done it yet, I've searched and I find a lot of other coastal lands in the US, but not this one. Only problem, is the guy I pay the land fee to has it as part of his group of island and, isn't overly keen on me opening it up to the public. I think he fears that would mean the rest of the islands might be overrun with people poking in where they shouldn't be - he and the rest of the tenants all value their privacy quite a bit (same here) hence why they are living there. On the other hand, there's also a pubic music venue located on one of the island, so I really do not see what the difference is. I think I'll broach this with him and feel him out. I figure I can always put a skybox in for my own personal use, and I enjoy landscaping probably more than anything else in SL these days. I sure have enough inventory already to create it, that's for sure! We'll see what happens...
  2. I've set it higher and I get timed out way before I reach anywhere near the limit. Very frustating
  3. Thank you for the suggestion! I actually had started off with it as completely PG, but then decided to do it as moderate. Perhaps bringing it back to PG would be better so that there's no confusion. Will change it back when I get home later today. Thank you for reminding me about this, it bypassed me with all the problems the group had setting it up at the beginning!
  4. The other week, they didn't release until around 2pm SLT if I remember correctly. Must have been a late lunch LOL
  5. OOPS! https://www.flickr.com/groups/houseboatsofbellisseria/
  6. I created a Flickr group solely for showing off the houseboats of Bellisseria a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, I timed it poorly as it was just as Flickr was redoing their platform - hilarity ensued (NOT). Had a lot of technical issues with the group the first few weeks and then left for vacation for a while so it was slow going to say the least. Well, it now seems for the most part, everything is working as it should except for one minor hiccup which is administrative related, so I just wanted to send out a formal blast to let you all know about it. I'm trying to keep the rules of the group as minimal as possible so there's only 3 of them: No nudity/no adult content. There's lots of other places to showcase those photos and I'd like the group to be for everyone, which includes SL families. Houseboats must be shown in the photo. Love pix of people having fun, enjoying their day to day life but if it just shows you hanging in your pool without showing the home, it doesn't fit into the group. No advertisements or blog posts please. I try to moderate continuously throughout the day, although sometimes it winds up being only morning and evening so if your photo doesn't show up quickly, hang tight! Or, if it never shows up see rules 1-3 above and that's why it's not there 😏 That's pretty much it. Looking forward to having more members and more photos! I love seeing what everyone has been doing with the houseboats especially since I really thought I wouldn't enjoy having one when I first saw them but I sure was wrong about that. I can't imagine ever giving mine up now (well, my alt anyway!).
  7. I'm at work, so it's actually easier for me to keep an eye on it than at home where I get distracted and walk away from the computer more. At least here, I'm able to keep reading the forum and hopefully find out faster when a region gets released. I did manage to get hold of 3 houses last time but let them all go; I wasn't keeping up with the release types and could kick myself now once I found out how nice those locations were.
  8. I've tried doing 70 seconds, 77 second, but for some reason it times out on me faster than it should saying I've reached my 10 minute limit. That's been going on for over a week. So basically the auto refresh is worthless completely now for me.
  9. That's what I thought. Last release, if I remember, there was like no real warning other than "hey show up at this dance party on the beach and hope for the best" LOL
  10. I only use skyboxes or a platform for rezzing objects or if I need unobstructed space to do a photo shoot of something where I don't want any background objects (portraits). Also good for changing outfits but I've been around long enough that I don't even care about that anymore - I'm adept enough not to wind up completely naked and if I am well, have at it if that interests you. I look fabulous. Don't care who looks.
  11. A couple from Summer Edge http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Forever Love/233/154/23
  12. Ghosty and I were on RL summer vacation (wondering if I can replicate the sunsets I shot into Windlight settings) - finally getting back to a normal routine, which means back to virtual time also 😊
  13. Yes, but I am married now, so much for that 😊
  14. This right here is the epitome of why nobody should care who is behind an avatar 🤣
  15. You can't evict alts. Alts are paying members just like mains. Plus, many times you can't even tell who an alt is; different email address, different credit card number etc. Way more trouble than it's worth for them. They have much better thing to do. Policing member activity isn't their job
  16. it was way more than a millisecond - i saw my screen from across the room lol.
  17. omg ran to the bathroom at work and was going to leave, go to turn my computer off and darn it there's one sitting there for me to click on! which of course i missed /shakes fist!
  18. Yea, let the house go by me. Wasn't really sure I wanted a home. Figured let someone else have that
  19. People, the new ones have not been released. No update from Patch yet. No email. Nothing. Those are probably homes others are dumping in hopes of getting better lots. Be patient!
  20. Glad my boss is out this week! I'm sticking around a bit later than usual to see it if opens up. I have a long commute home. My luck it will happen as soon as I walk out the door.
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