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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. HOLY SMOKES. How many things did you add to this boathouse to make it so incredibly large and fancy? Do you have prims left over to rez furniture? 🤣 I LOVE the fencing at the top deck, This has a sort of Victorian feel to it - it's like a confection. Yummy home.
  2. something went wrong with all of your posts. The first 2 just show errors. The last is all blurry
  3. Gosh I didn't even notice that trash can! Thanks that worked!
  4. Ok basically Astralia has a cute patio pack at Uber and also some add-ons for each houseboat model But I can't seem to figure out how to remove this stupid image I put here that I thought would be larger so oh well lol.
  5. Ok so here's the creator info for @LittleMe Jewell and whomever else is interested about the beach stuff. First it is pricey. For me, it didn't matter too much because it's an alt living on the houseboat and I live on a private sim - so anything I purchase is also used for that land also. If someone is only looking to use this for a small home it really does not make sense to spend this much and I'm sure there are other options that will do the trick. Beach is Naima Las Islas by Naiman Broome, There is an in-world location which is really great to walk through. Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/18789 I bought the Seamless Shoreline, Short, Hibiscus, Grass and Palm Trees Short packages. The shoreline has the waves attached and has options for sand color, wave color, wave transparency, wave speed. It's quite impressive. The trees, bushes and grasses all come with versions that are animated which adds great ambiance. The door to my bathroom is by Brocante - Barn Door Slider, Whitewash. Lots of others available but this one was reasonably priced. I was kind of shocked how much money other creators were charging for such a simple item. I was familiar with this creator so I trusted that it would look good once it arrived. It's 5 prims and can sit left or right. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/brocante-barn-door-slider-whitewash-box/14372917 FYI I tend to p/u textures to use for interior walls searching with Google. One of my favorites is a paint company Farrow and Ball who make some of the most gorgeous paint tones I've ever seen. Just find a good sized sample swatch of theirs online without any writing on it and "save as" and upload to SL. Caveat is sometimes they are copyright protected and won't save correctly but there are plenty of them that will save perfectly fine. EDIT: As an explanation I work in design 😄 for a rather well known architectural company in NYC so I'm kind of picky and detail oriented about the small stuff
  6. Lil - I'll look up the door. I got it on the marketplace. I made the walls out of prims. Texture was something I found online - it's a ship lap texture. It's transfer so I can send it to you but not copy so if you need a bunch of them to play with let me know and I'll send multiples. FYI, I just wrote about the beach piece but forgot to mention that it has options to change the color of the sand, waves, transparency of the water, wave speed, etc. It was not cheap but well worth the money for the realism it has. Again, when I'm able to log in I'll let you all know who makes it. Pretty sure it's what I also use on my sim. Also, the landscaping there is incredibly realistic too, with motion which adds nice ambiance. I picked up an ocean sound object somewhere so when out there it really gives the feeling of being outside with waves lapping around you!
  7. Exactly yes. I forgot off hand the creator. I used 2 of the pieces which included wave action. So 15 prims for those. The trees are 4 prims each and the bushes I believe are 2 each. I also have some rocks at 1 prim each and I included the other items in the total for a 30 prim all in. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that! I'll look up the creator later - it's someone fairly well known for his beach items (not Studio Skye).
  8. Thanks for the heads up on this! Just picked it up. Going to try it out later on - I'm heading out for the day (not virtually either lol). I probably won't move the walls I already created because now I like what I did but it will at least hopefully hide all the other ones which I can't do anything about. And only a buck I mean how wonderful is that for the creator to do? Kudos and grateful!
  9. Well, I am just about finished with my Windlass. I only have the top deck to complete. I don't have many prims left at this point but do have enough to make it cozy. Here's my update: First, I added a small beach area to the side of the house. My only complaint with my location and with this particular model house is there's no way to access the side facing the water. So I built a simple dock walk from the sliding door in the bedroom, that leads to a tiny sandy spot. I need a better texture for this as it's reading too gray in photos instead of being a plank texture. I did use more prims here than I intended but it achieved something which I felt was sorely needed. The BBQ/bonfire area isn't there now to save on prims but I'll put them back out if I find I'm ok once the upper deck is completed. Also on this photo you can see I finished the first upper deck. Furniture added, there's a telescope and I ripped apart a 33 prim canopy completely; used just the main section (1 prim!) and attached 4 of the knotted Soy curtain for a total of 5 prims instead. Retextured it with the supplied pack that came with the house. Also put in a row of bamboo planters (5 of them) which are only 1 prim each to act as a visual screen. Closer view of the deck area Next I finished the small alcove that I'm using as a dining area. I was having trouble finding furniture for this that I liked for some reason. Finally, in one of those 1 prims stores I came upon a freebie, a texture change wall unit - what a score that was! Went with one of Apple Fall's new releases for the table and chairs because I love his stuff anyway and each piece was only 1 prim each. The painting was a freebie from Fancy Decor I believe and worked with the house especially since I'm stuck with that navy wall for now. To continue the green feeling from outdoors added another bamboo planter to separate this area from the bedroom space. And, just because, another beautiful landscape from my deck I'd hoped to be able to p/u a boat but my prim situation isn't looking like I'll be able to do so. I think I have about 70 left and I still need to do the upper deck. I have tweaked as much as possible inside to reduce prim usage (I swapped out the couch I really loved because I realized it was 11 prims - too much!) and the only item left which has that many is the bed and I'm not willing to change that. I might be able to get another 10-15 prims back if really try hard.
  10. Yes to this for me too. When I re-rezzed (is that a word) the new version of the Windlass, everything in my house was *just* barely off a bit from the last version. That was a PITA as I had to go through a lot of objects and rotate them 1 or 2 degrees so it was all oriented properly. Stuff on tables and counters wasn't an issue but the walls I built were. In the grand scheme of things, no big deal but it is a small annoyance.
  11. One never knows unless one tries. Besides the walls have an issue already with a script that was left inside by error so they have to fix it anyway. Kill 2 birds w/one stone etc.
  12. Link to JIRA - it's my first time creating one so I didn't think to link it! https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-227028?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel&focusedCommentId=594001
  13. All, the powers that be have been in touch with me. I've been instructed to submit a JIRA for a "new feature" and have done so requesting that the dark navy wall be changed to accept all other textures available and, to be able to select face to change to whatever other texture we'd like to use of our own. I uploaded a photo showing how dark the interior of the home is and mentioned that considering the boat is a water based home one would expect it to be filled with sunlight - and it certainly is not. Fingers crossed that they will take this to heart.
  14. Session is one of my top 5 . I love the body options and the faces are extremely realistic in appearance. Good choice.
  15. @Witchcrafts Wonderful job! Where did you get those knotted curtains from? I've been looking for them and every time I see them somewhere they nobody mentions who makes them.
  16. I second this! Also try Not Found. Lesser known too - several current events have their appliers at them this month.
  17. I have some names I can throw at you but I'm at work - will try to remember later. I'm sure others will chime in before then!
  18. I agree. Great job on this. Really wonderful landscaping job!
  19. If people don't get confused that my alt owns the home but ultimately, I'm my alt I'm interested also. I have a couple of Teegle animesh horses and a Waterhorse tucked in my inventory somewhere too that I haven't used in a while. I don't get a lot of in world time but this would give me a great excuse to use either of them. I joined the group under the alts name so I'll get notices 😊
  20. No problem! You can surely find anime eyes and skins too. In fact I just saw an anime applier somewhere, but for the life of me can't remember where it was because it wasn't something I was personally looking to buy. Good luck - if you wind up being able to create what you imagine post it here!
  21. Oh ok! I'm not familar with Overwatch! However, you might want to p/u a demo of that Uma head and mess around with it anyway. I made it seriously angular, pinched it in and that last photo you posted is quite angular so maybe if you found a similar hair style and applier that is more along those lines it *might* be more what you're hoping for. Or not 😛
  22. Oh stop, your photos was awesome. Truly. It told a story. We're just piling on to your great idea. FYI mine was from a couple of years ago. And, I'm a Laurie Anderson fanatic. Have met her a couple of times, have signed books, blah blah blah 😊
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