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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Some people aren't ever satisfied. I've found that you really need to live in the house for a while to judge if you like the location or not
  2. They release as ready. They can't send them out unless everything checks out in working order. Just like a real home. Actually come to think of it, I bet the the moles pay a lot more attention to their work then a regular RL contractor does. Or at least, that's my experience 😂
  3. I think the difference for me this time was I was on a desktop computer. At home, I'm always on my laptop because my "real" one is in an upstairs office and I prefer being downstairs where the TV/kitchen/cat usually hangs out LOL. I'm at the office today. And, I don't use a mouse with my laptop either. That, made a HUGE difference this time for sure. And timing. I just happened to be sitting here at the right moment when the release happened and refreshed at the right moment. I bet 30 seconds later and I would not have the house. Truly this is all a crap shoot
  4. Yep got mine, I feel relieved LOL Not on the water, but my alt has a houseboat already so I'm ok with it. It's a block up from Cape Lively on a high street so I'm thiniking, maybe...if I have a top deck at the back I *might* get a view of the water. I do, however, LOVE the corner lot which makes the land seem so much larger than it is. Plus, the landscaping the moles did in the back is fantastic, really private with large boulders so I do not see my neighbors at the back at all. Pretty happy overall!
  5. OMG I think they just released. Got one in Wolfboro? Going now - don't know where, what that is
  6. That's the one I was using. Ghosty always makes sure I have the right one of whatever is needed. So weird. I don't get it. I gave up for the night. Will try tomorrow at work. My boss is out all week anyway so I'll be able to pay a bit more attention to it than usual
  7. There's no "level of membership" I've been in SL for over a decade. It's just random, don't worry. It is just basically sucky for everyone.
  8. I have it set at 77 seconds so pretty sure that wasn't the issue but I'll try uninstalling/reinstalling. Thanks for that tip!
  9. Euphoric. Love her eyes, they always looks so real. And omg, I'm so sorry for you! What a nightmare. We had ours go out last summer and had to find a hotel to stay in overnight until ours got fixed. Luckily, we have central a/c and still have one of those clunky old wall units built into the wall downstairs because we had to leave the cats home. I would have felt awful if they had to be in the house with it being as hot as it was/is and so few places allow pets. Hope you get yours fixed fast!
  10. It's a billion degrees out where I live so I'm taking advantage and keeping cool indoors. Haven't used Baby Face from Genus from a while. This all seemed to suit her
  11. FYI honestly the refresh doesn't even work now if you leave it alone for hours. I just logged onto it for the first time in about an hour or so and literally, on the first refresh it logged me out saying I'd reached my limit. I mean, WTH guys? That's got to be a glitch.
  12. Yea I have a feeling Marianne and I could open a second hand mall between the two of us 😊
  13. Hahahaha, I was thinking exactly the same thing!
  14. I'm flattered if someone likes my home designs, and don't mind at all if someone uses pieces I've picked up to put in their own homes. After all, we all shop in the same places more or less, it's just a matter of we find or don't. I've certainly asked people where they picked up things (the knotted curtains from Soy for instance) that I particularly loved. What does bother me, however, is if someone literally purchases entire roomfuls of the same items. That shows laziness in creating your own style. I'm guilty of caming into other peoples homes for inspiration myself and recently noticed my brand new next door neighbor had the exact furniture all over her house that I did right down to small accessory pieces. She even had colored the bed, chairs and couch in the colors mine were in. I find it hard to believe it was coincidence. That was just weird to me. Of course, I've now changed my decor like twice since in the past week or so because I'm always tweaking things and I'm about to swap out a lot of the pieces they copied off me so we'll see what happens 🤣 EDIT: PS - pretty sure it isn't anyone here on the forum so nobody has to worry about me coming next door and having any kind of drama laden moment LOL
  15. Also, if you're in Flickr, there are several groups dedicated to new SL offerings. Even though I've been around for a decade and then some, I always find something new looking through the photos in those areas.
  16. Everyone should visit New York, at least one. It truly IS a wonderful place to be.
  17. 6:00 am would be a dream. I wake up at 5:10 am, and I'm out the door at 6:15 am to head into NYC. The only good thing is I leave at 4:15pm, which is nearly 2 hours earlier than everyone else. After being there for 10 years, I finally was like - look, I'm up at the crack of dawn anyway to feed cats, so why don't I just come in, work through lunch (I eat at my desk) and just leave early so I actually enjoy my evenings? Luckily, my boss was cool with it 😊 Works much better for me.
  18. Pretty much that's what happened to Ghosty. He's been pretty happy with his houseboat too, and he wasn't so sure he'd enjoy it.
  19. That's pretty much what I've been doing. I dispensed with the autorefresh a while ago. I have a houseboat (alt does) but would like a home. I have land that I rent and would eventually give it up if I'm able to get a house. I really love Bellessaria, LL has done such a fine job with this continent and I never thought I'd be happy on Mainland again but lo and behold, I truly am. Would like to make it as permanent as possible. Will continue refreshing periodically. Just kicking myself now and then too for letting 3 go on the last large release due to my not realizing how great the location was then and apparently it was the last time they gave actual notice about it. Oh well. Eventually I'm sure I'll hit on one. Not like I don't have a home as it is!
  20. GAWD What stinks is literally every release this week I was sitting in front of the computer, at work. I easily could have been paying attention if there was an actual, official notice that they were about to release the land. Ugh ok, I know they are doing their best. I get that. Been in SL long enough to know. Still frustrating. Ok, back to work and will quit my complaining, which, is out of the norm for me.
  21. So basically, everyone sits around just refreshing all day long? No timeframe on those days? It would be helpful to at least have a time period so that people have at least a little leeway here.
  22. Are they not making official notices any longer? Because I never see any.
  23. I don't understand. Are they just releasing like a few houses here and there? What's the point of that?
  24. Perhaps, if I make it a group, he won't be as inclined to worry about it. I'll probably contact him in the next few days about it. Will let you know how it goes!
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