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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. The mega pack is a great deal at like 500+ lindens..
  2. So you are trying to drag and drop it from your desktop onto your profile or you are trying to change it from your inventory? I've only ever been able to change it on firestorm from my inventory.
  3. With the inventory missing, Did you happen to teleport before your inventory was finished loading? If it's still not there and you saved your prior settings, you could try, restoring your settings again and when you log back in, open your inventory .. If it doesn't start to load right away, just click on your inventory folder.. That sometimes will start it to loading..
  4. I can really only come at this from one perspective and not from a male avatar side.. I think it takes more than just having a female avatar to have your IM's go off the rails.. Groups can be a factor, what you write can be a factor, your pics you put in there can also be a factor.. How you dress, how you act, pretty much a lot of things other than just having a female avatar.. I used to have written in my profile just to be silly, "My husband say's I shop way too much. That's from the things he knows about. What he doesn't know won't hurt him hehehehe" A lot of people took that as meaning, just about everything but shopping.. So, I took the last part out and those IM's kind of stopped now..Now I'm much more careful with what can be mistaken as something else. I took out any kind of groups other than the beaches and shopping and things like that, because those seemed to trigger IM's too.. I'll still get some from the pics, but I just say, they are just pictures and nothing more..I like taking pictures sometimes.. I dress pretty relaxed and casual most of the time anyways unless I'm at the beach and think that helps also.. I think profiles are the biggest reason for random IM's though, because I would get those and be on my land with nobody else around in the sim.. Besides just things I refuse to change. I think these were the most common random type IM's. I see we are in the same group.. So what he doesn't know won't hurt him huh? Just those two changes really knocked them down.
  5. I click on the image and just grab a new one from my inventory. Then you have to remember to click ok ,rather than just close it from the x or it won't change it.
  6. Sooo much this! \o/ ^^^^^^ Plus if they don't feel like waiting the 3-4 days for the LUCYBODY. They have various prices that you can get the body right away instead of using the board..They are donations to keep the project going.. the lowest donation being 250L$ and then 250L$ for the bom pack.. So 500 total investment for the body if they don't feel like waiting. 250 if they do want to wait for the body and only get the bom conversion kit.. It's the best inexpensive body for new users, because of the content it can accumulate compared to any of the others and still use what it accumulated in the future .. Where TMP/classic you can't because of it's limits and pretty much the same goes for any of the other low cost to free bodies as well.. Also, there is the Rebirth Mesh Head which is 1L$, which also can use the Evo x skins.. Even has the buttons you click for the skins you are wearing.. The group is free and probably is the most advanced up to date of any of the low cost to free heads that is always available year round. It comes with a folder full of, Skins which also has Neck blends and 4 shapes. A folder full of bom eyes for the mesh eyes A folder full of cosmetics a folder full of Eye lashes Plus in the hud is has various ear shapes from human to the different pointy sizes for elves or whatever the others sizes like them are for.. For 1L$ it's a lot of bang for the buck.
  7. The shop N hop was so cluttered with Halloween stuff that it was a lot of the time, hard to find the products vs the decorations.. some were so cluttered that I was like, I'm not even gonna try and would just walk passed the ones that were overdone.....I finally just found myself looking in the list for stores that I knew and tping there, rather than walking it and looking for stores I may not know or hadn't seen in a long time and forgot about. It felt like skin shopping or seeing the adds for shapes, where the products get so covered up with other things that you can't really see the products.. Some just really overdid things..
  8. Not sure who said they were gonna fill the role of the top of the line bodies, sure wasn't me.. I said they will be a nice buffer to where you don't have to rush right into one of the bodies you buy.. I take it you haven't seen them yet? Because the one I seen didn't look too bad really.. Really good for starter avatars.. You can mess with the shapes they are Bom compatible, come with a head and a body, a wardrobe, hair. I took an avatar through the start area recently and went from the perspective of it being my first time here with no money and no knowledge of where to start.. Mainly because I wanted to get the feel of what it was like for a brand new user entering second life today.. It's a pain in the butt. Try setting one up going from the perspective of, you don't know where anything is or how to find it and try to keep it honest without spending a dime other than what that avatar generates themself.. then see how long before you get frustrated trying to put an avatar together.. Can't use any knowledge you know already, but only the knowledge you are given along the way. The point of those avatars is to head them off before they reach the frustration point with the avatar part of it, so they can concentrate on other things. Nobody needs a top body or a top head to do second life.. that's just something that gets instilled in people.. If you have something you can work with and make it work and are happy with the results, that's all you really need.
  9. If it comes in our inventories it will be in the hands of everyone, they can just reach in and get it like everyone else.. If they need it placed any easier then that then they need to come on down from the high horse. I mean it should be that way anyways for everyone.. It'll be nice if we get a community that builds up the Nux like we had with system avatars..An avenue where you don't have to make too big of an investment until you are ready to.. it'll be nice to have a buffer that slows down that big push to go spend.
  10. It won't be a problem too much longer for new avatars to have a mesh body.. We were told we are only a few months away from having the nux avatars.. So new users won't have to rush out get new mesh bodies and heads and have to get all caught up in the whole, you gotta have this or you gotta have that.. time to go shopping for them and then have to have these and have to have these.. They can at least have those and hair and outfits from the get go and not pushed so hard into the trend stream where some just get stuck there and stay without ever experiencing most of the rest of SL. I always say, take your time shop around, look for deals, make the kind of avatar you want, stay away from the cookie cutters, because there really is no hurry.
  11. Now I'm curious, what's this new upgrade?
  12. I was watching that video and noticed each one of those streams behind the satellite were the same pattern.. even on the sticky they look the same.. I just thought , how odd.. hehehe
  13. I remember years ago asking the same thing and someone actually showing something.. It's so long ago that I can't remember if it was a picture of a coin in the viewer where it shows your lindens or if it was something else, but they showed one..
  14. I can't really honestly say I can look back and remember where it improved my life.. I guess that would mean me letting it carry over into my life and my life get better.. I really never used it for that or let that happen.. It was always pretty much a place to take a break from things going on in it.. That doesn't mean I didn't meet some people along the way that weren't helpful.. But that's not second life, that's people and i don't see them as second life, but just as people...
  15. Ya, I was letting myself get caught up.. I mean I was checking the numbers for the bodies like I was watching the stock market and my 401k.. LOL Now they all sit in their boxes in a folder I named, ++++++The Graveyard+++++++ hehehe it's really quite freeing ETA: I just now realized how much that was the perfect name for that folder.. Bodies in boxes in a graveyard.. LOL
  16. I came to the conclusion just a little bit ago to just keep the two bodies I use all the time and revert the rest back to their boxes in case I ever feel the need to unpack them again.. I'm wasting too much time on these other bodies right now.. maybe a year from now they'll be ready.. But for now I'm just gonna use my Maitreya and my Reborn because those are the ones that work best for me. My inventory is getting too crazy again and it took too long to get it right.. Plus, I want to spend more time doing SL instead of being concerned with if this body is gonna do this or not.. if they do they do, if they don't they don't.. I liked your approach and it made sense to me and kind of grounded me on, why am I even getting all these bodies? hehehehe So I'm packing them away for now ,maybe forever.. hehehe
  17. Reborn and Maitreya are about the only bodies I go back and forth in right now.. Everything else is pretty much shelved until they can gain some life.. Addams had three outfits at the event which I grabbed one of those.. I hadn't seen anything else from them since then.. I'll have to go give them a look, because I've been keeping an eye to get things for my body, especially in the swim wear.. hehehe Blueberry, that's news to me and I'm gonna have to see if I have more re-deliveries coming. I don't want them to do bad and I am pulling for them, but it's just feeling like the same ole song at the moment.. If Blueberry starts updating to Belleza X I'm gonna be a happy camper..
  18. I don't think Maitreya is going anywhere.. They may only have dropped from people checking out the other bodies.. They haven't dropped that much really.. I just looked and it's really almost 34% at 33.8..It's been a good bit since they went from 35 to 34%.. I think any new bodies from here on out are just going to congest with the rest of the ones way down low on the list, unless they can come out with a decent wardrobe with a wide variety..
  19. Honestly, I think they will be really, really lucky if the curvy version even comes close to making it up to where Kalhene Erika is sitting on the list.. they got their big chuck of numbers in the first week when the event was going on, I think I seen 125 that first week for curvy and around 94 for classic.. The content being made for them is heading right down the same road as it was for Erika and what has been holding Erika back from climbing. If they don't get some good quality creators making a wider variety of things for these bodies, they'll be fortunate to make it to the top 100. It's reminding me so much of the Erika release right now with what is being made for it.. They are getting a few items a day but really nothing that good at all.. Heck I'm still waiting for a decent bikini that I could wear to the beach that isn't two strings or looking like it's falling off exposing things.. they are niched in that same area, only I don't think they are going to get the numbers Erika has.. They need some good quality content creators to get on board if they really want anything to happen with these bodies. I think we would have seen some hint of those by now. On a side note.. Reborn moved up to number 10 a couple weeks back and Maitreya has dropped from the 35% area into the 33% area..
  20. Tick Tock Tick Tock.. Remember when you couldn't hear the clock?
  21. When I first read the title I thought it was about both of them being mod.. hehehehe I was like heck yea!! \o/ I think Legacy is really gonna have to feel a drought before they would ever go mod though. they'd probably just shut down again like last time.. hehehe
  22. I have some that I just need to start shopping for system clothes for.. hehehe
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