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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. If these images under the SLurls don't show, up can someone let me know? I set them so they don't show in my photostream.. I just want to make sure they still linked here and are showing for you guys. Thank you Tetra // $L50 Group Fee // These are just on the other side of the stairs across from where you land http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/kunst/109/204/34 Maitreya //Free group// once you land just walk straight to the back of the store and you will see them on the floor. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maitreya Isle/207/165/26 Blueberry // $L20 group Fee// Just walk into the store and keep going until the you see the partial wall in the middle of the store.. they will be on the right.. you can't miss them.. just let things rez first.. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lenox and Blueberry/231/134/23 Mila Poses // Free Group // This one.. After you walk up the stairs Go into the entrance on the left side, then walk to the back of the store and they will be on the wall on the right side. This one should be good for new users with the genus gift head. I wish i would have remembered this one when i ran my alt through recently. hehehe http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Peace Oasis/207/150/31 Addams // $L5 Group Fee// Let everything rez after you land.. Then walk into the store and they will be, just inside the store around the middle pillar http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Addams Clothing/198/133/26
  2. Ya, I believe it's Oct 1st when it drops.. I messed up thinking it was gonna be Thursday for some reason and was all excited the day before.. I was ready to go, looking forward to trying it out, then around 11pm that night I realized.. Wait, it's only September!! \o/ I'm off by a month!! i just went to bed after that all bummed out.. hehehe
  3. I have to admit, when Legacy first came around and people were trying to tell me how much better the Legacy body was than Maitreya.. I pushed back.. The big reason was not because of what they were saying, but because of being a stranded by the side of the road TMP owner and unloading that frustration out from that.. Nobody was talking me into a Legacy after what they did before.. I might have been like that for like a year after they came back.. I had it in my mind, like the nerve of these guys coming back for another run after what they did.. All that's in the past now..But ya, it was festering back then.. hehehehe
  4. Ya, I remember it happening a lot in middle school and high school.. hehehehe It was actually causes of actual fights.. hehehe Some people grew out of it , but some never do and still live by brand names being so important that they pass that same attitude onto their kids.
  5. You should get it it's a really nice skin.. I actually jumped on it the other day when I went.. It was one of those skins that jumped out at me and everything else in the sim disappeared lol I really like their skins because they have such nice neck fades to where you are not stuck to just velour or one brand of body skin.. I can still wear my Mila body skins or go to Velour or a few others.. I much rather wear my Mila skins because I have to wear so much skin addons from velour to cut the shine down, that I can't wear any tattoo's without them fading away in the addon..
  6. Ya just the tiny little things will make big changes..Getting an eye color right and everything in the eye texture from the pupil outward, too much detail and it may not work, then getting the right reflection since reflections are part of the skin of the eye.. It can change instantly to a whole other look.. There is so much fine tuning. Lip size and shape, texture, tone and the right amount of gloss or no gloss.. The hair, the hair base,the brows, the thicknes and shape.. the teeth ... Omg it's like on and on.. that's just after you have the base to go from.. Then once you have it where you want it, another skin comes along and it's like.. omg that one may be even better.. then bam , off to the races again.. lol All the little details really add up in a big way.
  7. They posted the images of what they were looking to achieve.. The ones I was paying attention to were bottom three with a more closer to the north america, south western southern boarder look.. At least that was what I thought they were looking to achieve.. I may have read it wrong though.. hehehehe
  8. I'm in the mind set of, the more the merrier.. Keep adding more bodies that will stick.. It gives good variety for different looks and more to work with.. I can't help but get excited when a new body is on it's way.. I'm hoping Prima will fall in that range of Maitreya and Belleza and Legacy part of the market.. something where we get a body in that part of the market that can maybe add some range in the parts that people are buying mods for.. Myself, my biggest heartbreak has been over the Erika body not sticking much better than it did.. I would be in that body all the time if i could find a good variety of things for it.. I kind of settled for Reborne because it has a wider range of things made for it.. I think people arguing over what other people are wearing or should be wearing is just silly to be honest.. It comes off as uppity fashionistas sitting around brunch gossiping about other people walking passed so they can be overheard to dump a little peer pressure on people. Letting them get to you is probably what they want.
  9. These are the feeling I'm talking about being left with.. This is the second life feeling they need to express.. Updated versions of something like these rather than flash scenes..
  10. All it is doing is showing the polished end, where videos and things beforehand showed the path to getting there and what you could end up with.. this just looked like a flash scene with no explanation, where the others explained. The first thing that came to mind after watching it was, It's all flash scenes like a Jason Borne fight. Their other things used to at least grab you and take you along for a ride leaving you with a better idea of what's inside.. We might see SL in it, but a new users won't. they already sold us on it, time to focus on them. ETA: And ya the last one, I was right in there with you on that one as well..
  11. Ya, that's been happening a lot the last month or so . Had a few of my own go missing..hehehe
  12. Are you in the right thread? I looked for another comment but couldn't find one.
  13. That was a Yawned up version of SL.. Seriously, The boring zombie dances in that video and the dj sitting in the booth are like so 2007, if they are even mocap. If they are looking for a newer generation, they should at least use the newer animations that are all over the grid. Heck, I can name off 5 different places off the top of my head that would wake that video up just in the animations area alone and I haven't gone dancing in years. That video was about trying to make it look like some AAA nice graphics game, rather than what it really is. Remember when even games used to have a balance between eye candy and good experience? That scale has been tipped to the eye candy side. Just saying, they sure missed a lot and made it snooze instead of as exciting as it could have been.. I mean people aren't excited about SL because of how boring it is.. something grabs people.. They should maybe try to find that and show that off instead of instead of, Just breathe and close your eyes and now exhale and feel all the bad leaving your body, ok now we're going to stretch our other toe. 😴😴😴😴 Honestly, it feels more like they are following instead of cutting a path. Maybe it does deserve what happens to it then if this is the road we are on.
  14. Ya, I was there the other day and seen it.. hehehe They have that cute bandanna hair there too..
  15. Try to work the butt and stomach sliders together because butt can influence tummy in the sliders..
  16. No doubt.. hehehe I hit the events almost daily and it's rare that maitreya is not in something.. It's as strong as it ever was in new products.. The only reason I would think someone might not be seeing it in with those other three is if it's more specific to the bigger bodies.. Someone not seeing Maitreya in new stuff isn't looking too hard.
  17. Omg I'm in tears. That was so good.. Was that a real thing or a fake video?
  18. I like the new profiles they have for that viewer now.. Now to get rid of the rest of the "M" feeling it has to it and It would be much more desirable..
  19. Peeve, Staying up late taking pictures and the next day being too tired and crabby.. I freaking hate when that happens and someone is gonna pay for my self affliction, b'cuzz I'm sure as hell not gonna blame meeeeeee for it!! \o/ hehehe
  20. I like mine, I just have to make sure I'm centered when taking picture or they turn out different than what I'm actually seeing.. hehehehe Mine is like those wide screen movies where it's much more wide than high.. It's great for videos and movies..
  21. It's all M's fault, heading it to that style of viewer.. It matches him perfectly. Worst CEO ever!!\o/
  22. I just got one of those wide curved ones a little while back.. I still don't have enough room. There will never be enough room.. Because screen space is like inventory.. if I'm doing something I'm jamming as much stuff on my screen as I can to cut down on things like unpacking or taking pictures.. Oh look, I can use this hud, this is gonna go so well with my other huds.. Now just let me get tetris on this and move things around so everything has it's new place.. Ok now that my screen looks like a windshield in a blizzard in Chicago where it's cleaned just enough to see light .. hehehehe Give us an inch we'll try squeezing a mile out of it.. hehehe
  23. Ya those were a couple of action scenes , but for the most part it was YAWN.. I didn't hear any music , so that might help.. But it's gonna be quiet also if it's on the front page also.. They just need to try and get people excited about the world.. They didn't used to have to use jacked up graphics that most won't be using or be able to reach.. It just felt like it left so much out, when it could have shown so much more while getting people excited rather than feeling like it's a place to meditate.. hehehe
  24. I like this version of profile much better over that online one.. First thing I noticed when I got in the SL viewer that right away got my attention and needs to be set another way is, Turn off click to move.. Make them have to find that rather than having them showing up in groups asking how do they turn it off, because ya preferences, they can't find that either.. Second is, why the need to eat up so much screen space? The cam controls are twice the size than they need to be.. The chat is still clunky and boxy and reminds me of the old messenger chats like Yahoo and AIM. I opened chat and was like, which side is the chat and which side is the groups? My groups came up on the left side of the chat in three times the size window as the chat did.. I was like, ok which one is the groups and which is the chat.. took me a second, because they look the same.. hehehe Honestly, this viewer needs some serious quality of life enhancements.. having new users have to search and trouble shoot every single thing is going to send many away.. They seriously need a revamp with a viewer set up for today's new users.. The newer generation isn't sitting in 3d programs and building their own pc's and programming software.. The newer generation is brought up in a world of much more user friendly than most of us were.. I swear every time I get in that viewer I can't wait to get out.. I bet my heart rate increases from the anxiety.. LOL I'm sorry, I'm just really in a harsh mood today, but trying my best to see things from someone just walking into SL for the first time..
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