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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. You know how sometimes they'll use two letters from one word and sometimes leave words out? I think it means this.. CApture. to the mutha f'ing. Role Play hehehehe
  2. Oh ok. So many acronyms in the world. that I'm forgetting the ones that I did know.. hehehehe
  3. I think The Great Wall is really an interesting build that we can visit in SL.. You can travel on top of it or inside it. You can catch a pod if you want to ride one of those as well. These are the 14 regions it runs through Athetis, Spini, Pyri, Ziczac, Drepana, Cabera, Jubata, Idia, Gilvaria, Aplasta, Jodis, Epirrhoe, Tyta, Horisme I love The Heterocera Atoll.. The whole area is filled with so much to explore. This is the beginning ground entrance This is Up top at the start. Along the way when you come to a pavilion covering the top.. There will be an entrance in the side of the wall that will look like one of these.. That is, If someone hasn't built right up to it blocking the entrance.. This is the other end, viewing the wall from the road.. At the top of that tube is a teleport. The a view from up top on the end of the wall.
  4. I was listening to my stream while I was terraforming my land.. I heard Dunkin Doughnuts has something Punkin spice right now.. Better hurry.. it's only gonna be there for a couple of months.. Get it while you can!! \o/
  5. I couldn't tell you how many times I thought, I just have to have that.. Then go to buy it and the MP tells me I bought it years ago.. hehehehe
  6. Maybe post an image of the look you are wanting to achieve.. That might help answer your question better..
  7. East or west didn't play a part in why I said what I said, because Aboriginals aren't just in the east. There is a big different in being scared of how death is going to come vs death itself.. I think there is an enormous amount of money, power and control in keeping people contained in this bubble of fear of what could kill them. Think about it this way.. When someone knows they are going to die in say, a few months.. What is some of the stories you have heard? Do they run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, scared and freaking out in terror, Or do they stop, realize what is really important and see life from a whole new perspective? Some might run around trying to find some way to save themselves when they keep getting fed some sort of hope.. But for the most part, the ones that knows their time is short, lose the fear of dying and that wasted energy gets focused in another direction. I just think, some societies, people are born and raised in a bubble of fear to feed the machine and some are not. I think some are born and raised with a better grasp of life and death, while the other is blinded most of life or all of it.
  8. I have alts myself, but never use them in the forums.. Well one time I did, but that was way back in the older forums and it was for a joke..I believe it was messing with Phill.. hehehe I think my first post was so obvious too.. I was like, Hi this is Such and such..(I can't even remember the user name of that one) But it was something like, Hi everyone my name is bla bla bla and I am in no way related to that biotch Ceka Cianci.. God I can't stand her! hehehe The only reason i ever rolled any was to run back through the start areas.. Then they just rot away and i don't really use them ever again unless it's like something silly like a picture.. I use three characters out of any alts I've ever made. One is for getting away from everyone.. The other is more just trying things out on and testing ,like when the grid is acting up, I have a way to see if something isn't rezzing on me.. It gives me an outside perspective of what others might be seeing.. They all have good mesh things though.. I just have to have those on my alts if I'm gonna use them.. I never really understood rolling an alt just for the forum.. Seems like kind of a waste to me.. let alone if I say something, You can bet I want it to come from me. hehehe I aint fraid a no ghosts.
  9. My kids don't even like candy.. I had them on fruit early on and just stressed to teachers and other parents , no candy or junk food for my boys.. They can have all the fruit and veggies they can grab at any time.. My little one got mad at me for letting him taste candy one time.. it was too sweet and he started to rub his tongue and said, Mommy why you give me dat! then kept rubbing his tongue.. lol It was so cute..
  10. Ya but that's different than just handing them money at the door.. They can make money all kinds of ways in SL.. Camping used to be a huge attraction for new users.. They've always had ways for anyone to make money.. Still all those got gamed but they never put the risk at the gate like handing money at the door would.
  11. it could be a coffee shop or a university too.. I mean that won't just be some SL user inside SL working a bunch of bots.. That will be the internet and everything that comes with it gaming at the front gate. you can bet there will be a way they can game the hell out of it.
  12. New accounts do get paid with tier, but they have to be premium to get that.. Free accounts, they can't do it or it will kill registration because of the gaming that would happen.. There would be a flood of registrations just trying to get that money. it would be in their best interest to find another way because that would kill us off on new blood coming in.
  13. I can agree with that.. hehehe But don't forget about how many people there are sayin, HOLD MAH BEER!! lol
  14. I'm just saying, 350 million in one country compared to the smaller ones.. You may not want to clump that many people into one basket. Especially with the range of diversity it has from everywhere around the world.
  15. They can't give free accounts money when they enter though..There won't be any names left to get, after that would get gamed to death.. hehehe
  16. I think that's more a case by case thing than a whole nation thing, when it comes to how people handle death.. I mean there is more than two religions in the country.. We have more religions than you can shake a stick at.. Probably more than any other country in the world. As far as Halloween goes..From the sound of this thread you would think America will be orange and black by the time the holiday comes around.. Really,how many Americans even celebrate Halloween anymore? I think there might be two blocks in our town that even bothers with it anymore. It was slowing down when i was little.. hehehe It's just the commercial end of it now.. It's been like three maybe even four years since I even seen a trick or treater lol
  17. Was that Skelly rabbit part of that hunt too? They both look amazing and must haves for me.
  18. The dashboard has been goofy for me ever since they updated it for premium plus..I would probably get a ticket going if it keeps doing it.. I went to pay for my annual premium a couple of months back and it bugged out on me and they ended up finding a bug with it.. So there may be something up with that part for you as well..
  19. I guess that's a byproduct of colonization. You think you're upset about things getting taken, you should hear my grandparents complain about it.. hehehehe
  20. Ya, Halloween and Thanksgiving season or better than the holidays, that's for sure.. The day after thanksgiving people start working on their bankruptcy and go crazy doing it.. The day after Thanksgiving is like the great toilet paper shortage of 2020.
  21. * Quickly rushes to hide her bag of pumpkin seeds behind her back* Oh Geeze, I forgot we were so CLOSE!
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