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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I don't see any problem with such positive stories.. We get so many of the other it seems, so it's breath of fresh air..😉
  2. I mess around in there ever month or so.. I think the last time was early last month.. Yea, I had an incident one time where I had to clean my whole drive before, so I make sure it's on.. hehehe
  3. It's always good to hear things like this, Well done.
  4. Well crap, I never even thought of that. LOL I've had a couple of updates where I wished i could go backwards.. I'll keep that in mind for sure..
  5. It wasn't me that had the problem.. My things are running fine That does bring up a good question though.. How do you rollback a windows update, just in case I ever have to? I don't think I've ever had to yet, but better safe than sorry.. hehehe
  6. Ya, I don't see it as a profit thing like getting the 1L and cha'ching, yeah baby!! hehehe I do see it as taking someone else's spot though. I see it as abusing pole position in the market, where an actual freebie would sit.. It's just another rung in the ladder of abuse that knocks someone out of the way that actually belongs there. That's screwing someone from having their store seen for labeling their items correctly. There has to be a rule against doing that.. if there isn't they sure need to have one made..
  7. I'm gonna be interested in what it could be as well then.. I haven't updated to any of the latest viewers yet, Other than Black Dragon.. As far as things working for me right now, everything is still good.. I updated that viewer like two weeks ago after the latest update SL had for their viewer.. It'll be interesting to see what others might have to say about it.
  8. Ya, I guess I understand that, but they really should have to label them as dollarbies and not Free.. In my opinion.. LL really needs to try and clean the MP up and get it working properly. There is so much that needs to be done with that place..
  9. Knowing that would be a big help.. But I'm doing things as if i were new and not as if I've been around.. The market place was the first thing that I found because, all the links in the store right after the start area were linked to the MP.. I'm looking at is as fresh right out of the start area. My first search is probably going to be typing in free.. The thing that really bothers me most is. How is it not against the rules, to list something as Free and charge 1 to 10 to 20 or more L's for them? I understand they can see the price, but it's clogging up the search and games it.
  10. Do this.. hehehe Go to the MP and type in freebie and see how much free comes up.. hehehe Do it with gift or free as well if you like and see how much is free compared to , not free.. It kind of reminds me of that comedian, the one that ,well never mind what he did, but he was funny.. He was overdrawn in his bank account and said, I don't have any money, I have less than having no money, I can't even afford to be broke.. LOL
  11. The only time I've ever had a problem that carried over, is usually after a graphics driver update.. Like if I updated for a certain game.. Do you have automatic graphics driver updates?
  12. Ya, that was one big thing I noticed.. Anyone I talked to or the reason I could over hear things so much was, everyone was in general chat.. Myself , I love general chat when it's not being abused with gestures until my eyes bleed. The more people that hear what you are talking about and it not being something really private.. The more the questions and curiosities started to flow. There is definitely a good list of things that need worked on in the new user experience.. There is no way it's one big thing and there is no one spot that is leaving point.. I really think, if someone took the trouble to register and download, they will at least try and make it through the start area.. Just about every game out there has that start area..What happens next I feel is more important than anything.
  13. I just figure we'll sort them out later.. hehehe
  14. I wanna quote this again and just say, When someone has a problem or question about SL. You are one of the people that shows up with the right answers.. A lot of that stuff is with the viewer or the huds or the troubleshoots that need to be done to get someone on their way. I know you've humbled me more than a few times when I jump the gun to give an answer to someones questions.. So, the last thing you are is illiterate or unproductive in any way in this world. Those are the saves that keep people staying here. That's as productive as it gets if you ask me.
  15. I think people come for the party, but stay for the show.. I believe the big problem is in finding their seats.. hehehehe
  16. I agree it's not the creative side of SL that is the big draw.. At least not in the area that I was dropped. Most of the conversations that I had, as well as overheard, had to do with either sex or how can I make money or avatar improvement.. It's a good chance that wanting to make money had a lot to do with the stuff in the store there, that cost 1L or more, or the things they were seeing from the market place links. I've been back and forth to the start area for the last 4 days just listening and having conversations as well and trying to see if I left a stone unturned to a path of making an avatar that didn't cost anything.. I've yet to hear or have a conversation about creating or creative, unless I brought it up.. Streamers are probably a good bit of advertising for SL and we already know sex is.. I can't say what goes on in other drop spots.. This spot was created by an SL user and if users are doing start up areas now.. Then it's gonna be luck of the draw on which experiences they end up with.. But no matter what, the free things they get are pretty consistent throughout the whole world. I really don't see the majority of people coming in as coming because it's so creative here.
  17. When we could do that before those things diminished away.. There was a good distance before anyone could find a catch.. There is way less of a gap between free and the catch nowadays.. I think nowadays more than ever before, when people hear free, one of the first things they ask or look for is, where's the catch.. hehehe It's right outside the gate the moment you step out. don't worry about all those other commands.. here,, here is a bunch of links to the market place.. Knock yourself out. hehehehe
  18. I just made an alt the other night to see what it was like landing in SL right now.. The first thing that I noticed was viewer performance.. People ghosting/ not rezzing.. People running in place lagged out. Information boards going in and out of focus constantly to where you couldn't read them.. This was on high setting.. I switched to my Firestorm viewer and had it on ultra, and pretty much had no lag, no blurring on the information boards and a much better experience in that area. The second thing was, after learning only a couple of keyboard commands, I came to a crossroad to go left or right.. one was to go to the right and head off into the world or go to the left and continue learning the tutorials.. 3rd was as soon as leaving that area, coming to a sign saying , Improve your avatar for free.. I went there and all the options are dead end options of outdated mesh that either never had support or is outdated, which left me at a dead end still 4 days later.. The impression it leaves me with is, it's a laggy pay to win in a rush to get you to spending, rather than what it was when I came in,which was, your world your imagination. I've been here for years and trying every one of the free options i know to get a decent avatar together and hit a dead end every time, unless I spend money. So it's going to be a lot harder for a new user to do it without spending. It definetly feels much more like a money grab right now than it ever has for me.. The search is another thing that they need to fix, if they are going to be sending people to the MP, which was where everything I clicked on was linked to.. They have an option to take demos out of the search and refine your search.. That sure doesn't work, AT ALL.. I refined my search and all I got was 10 pages of demos when I went from low price to highest, doing searches for the mesh body head items and much of the clothes. The thing that was nice about SL years ago was that you didn't need to spend money or that much to have a good second life.. but it's become this thing that feels like pay to win, way to early on.. I can see that making people feel like bailing.. because it's getting clumped right in there with the other pay to wins. It's like putting it's worst foot forward instead of it's best. That was my impression really early on when i landed the other day... ETA: I just want to add that, Coffee could never be more right in just how important the NUX mesh bodies and heads for new users will be.. Just how important they are going to need creators to step up and put good support behind The NUX's bodies and heads as well.. Because it is in their best interest as well as all of ours. Right now if I had a supported nux body and head.. I would have been off doing other things already rather than sitting around 4 days later, trying to find things so I can stop spinning my wheels in one spot with outdated dead end products.
  19. I don't really create for anyone else anymore. Customs started to burn me out quick and suck the creativity right out of me.. All i really do when I'm messing with something is make sure nobody can get to me in any way.. I get on my land and lock everyone out from being able to get there, put on BUSY, cut the ding off to incoming IM's, put on my soul music and forget anyone else exists in the world and then get lost in it all. that's about it.
  20. I think we should have everyone come back..
  21. It looks like Paris, but actually better looking!! \o/ Paris should learn from ZuckTurdmen if they want to stay Paris!!
  22. Did you do a, Find in page, from your edit section of your browser to see if you name pops up in there? I had to do that because , it's a really long transcript. hehehe
  23. Be the building. I'm really glad you have closure on that with your pictures.. that's a huge find there..
  24. I looked on the feed and seen my last couple of entries were asking Rodvik for his bear, right after he became CEO.. lol The one before that had something to do with The justice league and over reach or some junk like that.. I don't think mine ever had a scroll down on it because of the lack of use.. I think I used it those three times and that was it.. lol
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