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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I would try STUDIO EXPOSURE first thing to see if they have something there or something you could build from.. They have a good selection. The person in the picture may have actually built that addon themselves also with more than one addon.. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Stone Diamond/111/107/21
  2. Ya, Angel Eyes has me hooked on them as well.. That's like the first place i check out of my list for a hairbase..
  3. I was searching my name to see if that profile would pop up.. I ended up finding hippie stock 2011 transcript.. hehehehe http://magnusbrody.blogspot.com/2011/01/hippiestock-one-2011.html I can still get to my online profile and all that stuff, i think I have all that stuff bookmarked still.. Was kind of neat finding the other though.
  4. Ya they must have added others in 2007 or something.. I rolled my first alt in December 2006, to just go back through the whole thing, since i didn't experience it the first time.. It was still pretty jam packed with other people that time as well.. I remember looking at the map and only seeing orientation Island and help Island at the time.. If I wouldn't have gone through it the second time, it would have probably been much much longer before I even knew there was a help island.. hehehe I loved hanging out there helping people.. This was the one I went through the first time.. Picture it packed with other people just heading in one direction.. I never felt so much like a heffer heading to the auction ring in my life.. lol I also found warmouth info hub after that too, which I met some really good friends that were scripters.. They would make me all kinds of neat things.. like this one thing I could wear that was like my own weather system for this Storm look I made back then.. hehehehe And yea, there was a slew of people that were wanting to get pervy.. I remember me and my friends were exploring and checked out this dungeon that was kind of crowded.. I just went over to this one rack looking thing and like 10 guys kind of swarmed, like waiting for me to click on it or something.. I just walked back over by my friends and we left after.. I remember also seeing this one guy in there that had me in tears laughing so hard.. He looked like carrot top in white briefs with white socks and black church shoes.. I was like omg that is the best character I've seen yet.. lol
  5. All we have to do to get that fix is start reading profiles.. hehehehe
  6. I was kidding, but it was because of the first thing that popped into my head.. I can just see the attempt at gaming that.. Because almost every way there is to make money in SL, gets gamed to death.. Drop a dime around here, 20 people will come out the woodwork to get to it, before you ever hear it hit the ground. People are already trying to get our money with every game in town. The last thing I need is a bunch of bots coming up to me wearing out motivational or inspiring quotes all damn day.. no thank you.
  7. I remember when they had the mentor program and also remember Orientation Island.. When did they stop mentors, like 2008 or 09? I also wonder when they changed from Orientation Island.. That was a good move changing that, for sure.. hehehe My first time through, I left before I made it out of orientation Island.. The reason was, because it reminded me of the movie The Island. Everyone was walking around like zombies looking very similar, with that eerie voice coming out of nowhere speaking to us.. It felt creepy as hell. We had terrible looking, unskinned avatars that were bug eyed looking as it gets. all walking in what felt like an assembly line at the time to me. It took like three days of my friends talking me back into coming back in. I pretty much did it because I got tired of them talking about it. Orientation Island was a way different start area than the ones after. I could definitely see someone leaving that place in 10 minutes.. I know I might have made it close to five, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't more than five minutes my first time.. When I did come back, My friends teleported me to main land right away and showed me around and I went premium sometime later that day.
  8. That's like people looking for money by talking to me.. I'd much rather pay them to be quiet.
  9. I think they will at the very least go through the start area, that's gonna take them way more than 10 minutes.. It took me 40 minutes the other night to get through the one I was dropped at.. that was me just looking to see what it was like there.. I mean I already knew everything so soon as I made it to a board I would read it real fast, then do the thing then go on to the next one.. Where a new person is gonna take longer because they don't know where everything is or what's gonna happen.. Also, I'm trying to go off the information and items that I'm getting from the start point to see just how helpful it really is.. If they have a portal or link to that place there I'll give it a try.. But it's more just an experiment I'm doing to see if I can make a nice avatar from just my reliance on the area and the people around me.. I'm trying my best not to cheat and doing good so far hehehehe
  10. What I do with things like my bodies and heads that I am going to have certain things like certain makeup and certain eye colors and so on or for any reason really.. I always make a modded folder at the top of my things i really value and change around a lot.. like a modded folder at the top of my lelutka folder, or a modded folder at the top of my mesh body folder.. Before I do anything to the head I'll make a copy of the head or the eyes. then put them in the modded folder.. This way when I make an outfit folder I don't have to be changing my makeup each time I change from a folder with a different look.. Plus if anything goes wrong, I'll always have the originals sitting below ready to copy and put in the modded folder..
  11. That place I landed , they had some sort of fishing or something like that, so that people could earn some lindens for the store.. I should actually go do that and see how easy it is, since I can't give my newbie money or stuff.. I think they did have some decent things in the store for 1L that i couldn't get at the time.. They are going to look for ways to make money to get stuff at first.. ETA: Fished for like an hour and got up to 10L.. Then went to cash out and they ask me for me email address to verify.. I was like, no thanks.. what a waste of time that was..
  12. The last time I heard her name people were talking about her tape.
  13. I will say though, that back when I came in, it was much easier to set up our avatars than it is today.. I don't think i had any huds at all, until the later part of my first year. maybe even into my second.. Everything was like wearing bom and prim clothes.. With prim clothes, you had to learn the tools if you wanted anything to fit halfway decently.. Plus, lindens were so inexpensive back then.. A lot of creators didn't break things down as much into individual items. A lot of things were outfits more then, where there is money in it to break down a pair of panties and a tank and sell them for crazy price each these days. Nowadays almost everything costs an arm and a leg and learning their way around huds is vital. learning where the free good stuff is, is also vital. There is a lot of good creators contributing to the pool of freebies, but still that pool needs to be updated..It's just as much in their best interest as it is the new user coming in.. The more that stay, the more that buy and get that feeling of buying. Right now about the only useful body I seen at the start point that that I came in at that would make life easier on a new user was, the LucyBody.. The only reason is, because it's the only one that really can wear a lot of things that are out there now. The classic legacy and Ebody were there, but My newbie alt is still waiting on the Lucybody, because I can't find much of anything as a newbie with the classic.. They had the genus head there which was nice. The main thing is, they need to have something workable to improve on, because it's a buyers and creators world now rather than Buyer creator world. I can see where the new mesh bodies that LL is making , will help out a lot, but only if there is a good pool of good choices for them to work with while they transition to something they may like more.. Right now it's system avatar or take your pick of outdated to the world mesh stuff. Wow , I really didn't mean to unpack this much..lol ETA: This was the best I could come up with from the start point I came in at. This is the only outfit that fit the classic, plus couldn't find any shoes for it. So when the lucy body comes in I can improve on it more, but still hope it comes with the bom pack now otherwise I'm stuck using appliers.. hehehe The genus head , most things are omega, which if I'm not gonna spend a dime, I'm still limited there too. I'm trying to see what it would take without spending a dime.. I had to TP her to my place because, well the outfit mainly is too revealing.. lol
  14. I would say to the last part, any new player having to learn everything for themselves will still look like they are new.. But, If someone is there showing them the way, they can be looking good in a few days. I know I'm not the only one helping new people learn the viewer and huds, mesh heads and mesh bodies and where the good stuff is. Maybe a lot of new users that look good are already existing or returning users, but it's not all of them.
  15. I'm back there and in firestorm this time.. I crossed over into Central Park.. I have everything turned up to ultra and must say it looks a lot better and things are rezzing so much better and staying rezzed. I think the official viewer has some bad problems.. everything kept going in and out of blurry in that viewer and I was only in high setting.. I'm ran through the start area with things already rezzed before I got to them and now back in the store where they have freebies and 1L items.. I'm gonna see what it takes to make a decent looking avatar for new users.. I've already found a free bento bom mesh head and 3 versions of this certain bento bom mesh body which gives you Busty, perky and flat versions. I have to say, all that trying to rezz things and them going in and out of blur was really getting to me and really made me frustrating.. I'm gonna try to come at this from a more positive attitude.. It just frustrated me so much, but maybe it's because I came here for other reasons like seeing what is right or wrong with the experience instead of rather, just living the experience with a bit more patience.. I'm still concerned about a few things like the whole having access to new users before they cross over and the viewer stability.. But maybe being on a better viewer I can live the experience a little better now.. I'm gonna build this avatar with what's here and post up what I came up with..😉
  16. I use a mix of AWSD, The cam controls and the movement controls.. My left hand for movements and working the others with my mouse. I don't think I could ever just use keys for all that stuff..
  17. A lot of the conversations going on that I was hearing last night and today was about how they could improve their avatars. Also some talk about hearing that it is expensive to do so. then hearing someone reply that all my things were free.. I think I'm just gonna keep this avatar here and hang around and listen in to see who is asking what questions.. I'm finding it interesting.
  18. The first thing is they are going to want to know what to do and they need to know the controls.. Not just awsd or arrow keys.. this is what I learned last night before given the options of, go out in the world or learn more about the controls. first board is aswd and arrows Second board is, where the chat button is, how to type and the range of chat. Third is, where the People button is and right clicking to get the sub menu and how to add friends. The fourth is, Clicking the people button getting the menu and learning how to IM someone.. The fifth board is, That's a big mistake right there.
  19. Ya, this wasn't an LL owned welcome Island.. It is a user owned Welcome Island.. Central park is where it will let you land since you are already a member..Central park is the first place you go after Adventure Island.. Adventure Island is where the start point is and new users landing for the first time.. You can walk over the bridge to get to Adventure Island.
  20. How long ago was that? My alt is still there..I would say there was at least 20 others that landed there last night in the short time i spent there. I thought I would see if my main could teleport there.. At first It wouldn't let me go to that sim, saying you can't go back to welcome island.. So I tried Central Park which is the sim on the other side of the bridge.. It let me TP there, then let me walk across the bridge to the start point where new users were still coming in. I've made alts and done this the last three years, I did it a few years ago as well couple of times.. It's the first time I've ever seen or heard of a user running an entry point for new members. let alone us ever being able to have access to new users coming in. Either way, the two things that concerns me most is, the first choice they are given, which is after the barest minimum of key commands is, do you want to go to the right where you can socialize, which is going over the bridge and out into the world, or do you want to go left and finish the tutorials.. The other is, My main character that's been in world for a long time can just walk over the bridge and have access to fresh users just getting into the world for the first time. If I can do it, so can the bad elements of SL that we know, that love to prey on new users. It's their world and they can hand the responsibility off like they did when they opened up the info hubs if they want.. I just think it's taking things in the wrong direction and not putting their best effort towards the problem. Rather than using some users lagged out sim where textures are blurring up constantly when trying to read the information boards, because of the resource taxing stuff jammed in there to try and make it feel like a paradise.I swear there was so much stuff in there in such a small area. They should open up one of them new slick sims made for events, for a much smoother experience. I would be looking at a board that finally rezzed, and it would keep going in and out of focus. I never seen so many users as ghosts in a long time like I did last night.. Sorry if I'm coming off as frustrated, but I went in there in the mindset of a new user, even used the SL viewer. Didn't touch anything until I learned it from the boards.. It left me with more concerned about the problem, than I started with. it feels like things went backwards instead of forward.
  21. They are literally ours to lose now ,since they are landing in users sims when they first enter the world..
  22. LOL they think you are all of those people? LOL
  23. There is no guide book where i was dropped in.. It's more like the 2006 version of orientation Island, but looks better than orientation island.. brand new users are getting dropped in here.. Everyone is dated as starting today.. Some have been coming up telling me they are new here.. I just did an about land and the sim is owned by a user and not LL So now I guess it's the luck of the draw on where you land when you first get in.. From my perspective, it's just like what they did with the info hubs, handing those over to the users. So the owner of the sim is probably the one that built the place..
  24. Adventure Island and the beach is in central park I just made this avatar tonight before I posted..It is where my new account entered.. I made it because of this thread.. I also made an alt over a year ago for the same reason and it's not the same place as the last one came in at.. I've been watching new avatars pop in since I got here.. If it's new, it's not new looking as if they want to put there best foot forward new.. This is where I landed when I first logged in..
  25. The middle one in the hoodie is the one I was wanting to upgrade my avatar too, but none of that stuff is there.. Soon as you are finished with the tutorials and walk over the bridge you see this.. there is a guys version also.. What irritates me to death about this is, I've already been misled and I'm not even at mainland yet and still in the start zone.
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