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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. My page was done loading.. When everything is loaded that little spinning thing in the tab stops spinning.. I'm still not getting a thing.. I remember it being like this when they changed it the last time too.. I seen the video from one of the links in here.. Honestly, I really liked the one they did with the Ricky Martin style music.. This one feels way too corporate. If they updated the one that they showed the people meeting in world and that one veteran giving them a hat or something and then them growing and at the end a new player drops in from the air and they hand him the hat.. That was their best one ever.. They should update but keep that theme.. That one felt like an experience, This one feels much more clammy and cold, like they are advertising a game.
  2. They used to say 20 seconds and someone was usually gone. that was when High speed internet was first coming around.. I'm sure it's much shorter now with how much more people have become impatient.
  3. I just see this EXPLORE. DISCOVER. CREATE. A new world is waiting... Join Free Then below that is stuff you scroll down to, but it looks just like that big gap up there, only black.
  4. Ya it's always good to consult and research and things.. this is why it so good to start early in life.. this way when we are up in age we have a much better Idea about ourselves.. it's like anything else, there is a learning curve to it. I always ask people if they are allergic or have problems with things I might suggest.. like chia seed water.. some people can't have that, so i always say to them to make sure you check with your doctor if you are not sure.. There is no one single path for things, it's getting to know yourself inside and out.
  5. diabetes The real preventative is a good immunity building diet really.. If more people took their diets serious, we wouldn't have a lot of the diseases that we have today.. I'm not talking about weight loss kind of diets, because so many hear diet and think weight loss diet first thing.. Just eating healthy and paying attention to what goes in our bodies.. And the thing is, it doesn't take very long at all to start to feel the benefits of a good healthy diet.. I mean not even a week before you start feeling better and more energy and joints with less inflammation and all kinds of really good things.. I have a veggie fruit smoothy every day and since I been doing that.. Lets just say, they are the best thing since the invention of iced water.. hehehe I have gotten so many people at my old job hooked on things that are good for them and they thank me all the time.. People with borderline diabetes being able to reverse it rather than it going the other way.. We are born with cancer cells and the sooner we build to put up a good fight the better.. I hope this didn't come off as preachy because it's not meant to be.. I just get kind of passionate when it comes to how important and how good for us good diets are.. They can turn things around really quick.. I just feel it's important to say it when I can..
  6. Find a way to transport someone's data but take out something like cancer data in some way and have a healthy version on the other end. Then since we know how to teleport, it's a good chance we know how to brain transplant too.. hehehehe Capture Ryan Reynolds.. I mean the new version of you and put the brain from the other end that you started with and now once it's in, just go shopping or something or whatever you were gonna do before someone said, hey wanna try something really cool.. lol
  7. When you use bom make sure you don't have any body alpha on and use a system body skin, not a skin from an applier.. use that NOT FOUND SKIN at the bottom of your inventory in that video and it will work.. once you turn BOM back on.
  8. I don't even think I have an RL social media to be honest.. If I did, I don't know if I would cross the streams or not.. Probably not though, because I kind of like this place to be a place that cuts off from that place.. Might as well have people be able to call me on the phone in world too then.. I hate that my phone is this close to me .. I liked it when it was sitting on the table much better.. hehehe
  9. 100k or more a month I'd be cashing out once a month at the most. Have a certain amount and date the meet my quota and put it on a schedule.. I hate a lot of records to keep track of.. hehehehe
  10. You are Welcome I sent a note card anyways.. I don't know how useful it will be.. I never really used this addon until today..
  11. I give about 3 or 4 tries if i really want to get in.. If I still get that i can't get in I just wait a day.. I haven't seen really anything other than a region full thing come up yet.. I should try to slam a full one to see if I can get it to register, just b'cuzz it hasn't happen to me yet and I'm feelin left out! \o/
  12. Ok I've been messing with trying to get this to work and you can't do it with alpha layers because the addon goes alpha as well.. The only way I got it to where the front part of the body would stay alpha during the rez is, make a copy of the body and the addon.. put them in a different folder to not get things mixed up.. then get the body the way you want it for that certain outfit folder.. Feet position and materials and any parts you want to be alpha already, alpha them.. Then with the addon on go to the main body hud in the Misc section of the hud.. click delete scripts.. When the drop down comes down choose body from that menu.. MAKE SURE your body is set the way you want it for this outfit folder.. Then click the body button on the drop down then slick YES to confirm it.. once that's done that body will be alpha'd in the front where the addon sits.. you can still do some stuff in the hud, hand animations will still work.. but you won't be able to alpha out anything else ..materials options won't be able to be adjusted anymore and things like that.. If you do do it this way. just make two folders for doing this.. one for the bodies you are editing and one to draw copies from..that way you aren't running around your inventory to different folders getting new copies. So each time you made a new outfit folder you would need a new body if anything needed alpha'd that wasn't already alpha'd on the one you just made.. I don't know if it would be worth it or not, but that's about the only way i found to do it.. I'm sure someone probably has a much better idea, but this is all I could come up with LOL I have it on a notecard if you want me to send it to you in world also.. I just need to tidy it up some first.. lol it's crazy I know.. But I never messed with this addon until today.. ok I'm out of breath now.. lol
  13. Can you make an alpha for that part of the body that gets autohide? Or will that even work I wonder.. I mean it's getting alpha'd out so I would think that would work really..
  14. Ya, it's new so it's probably not a good thing to rush in just yet..I'm gonna wait and see what gets made for it.. Although I just don't like a lot of addons anyways.. for my breasts I use the botched hud and can just move them around with a click.. I can get really perky or belly saggy if i want.. It doesn't do squish or anything like that, but it has a lot of good variety without having to wear deformers..
  15. I would say more like something peeking out getting some air.. lol
  16. There may be a sweet spot for these kinds of addons.. Like tighter cleavage and certain size breasts, buoyancy and so on, may work best.. Mine may be pushing the limits, since I go for a more wide cleavage with larger breast to get more from the buoyancy which I like more buoyancy than perk.. I may toy with them some to see if there is a sweet spot and where it is for me..
  17. I don't want to knock them too much, because not knowing how to make them myself.. It may be the best that can be done with them because they might start to cut into sharp edges in the breasts or something.. kind of like when going too big or too small things tend to go out of the bodies bounds and get goofy.. It could be the top too.. hehehe I took the top off to see and there is just so much going on with the nippies and breasts that couldn't tell really.. it's hard for me to put into words that will come out right trying to say what's going on.. It may look better with different tops.. This was only the first one I tried so far.
  18. I just don't like how it flattens the front like a board was pushing in on the breasts. It may just be this top.. it's a demo of one of their tops for this addon.. It may be that I just don't like the addons altogether for myself though, so I may be bias hehehe Maybe they have to grow on me .
  19. It's more like the juicy bewbies where it's pulling in the middle rather than pulling up from the bottom..They even have one for petite there too..
  20. When I went there I did get kicked, but it was by a different orb.. I had too high of scripts and prim count, so the orb sent me home and said I could come back in three minutes after lowering my prim and script count.. I did that and went back and stood around for awhile, more than long enough to get scanned by voodoo if it was there.. I've been on the voodoo networked banlist since like 2011 or 12 something like.. The guy that made the product put us that were in a certain group in the network himself.. So if it's there I will get kicked home.. So I don't think it was voodoo that did that to you, because it would have said voodoo did that to you in your chat and it wouldn't have given you a blue drop down like it did.. It's more than likely what everyone else was saying it was.. Some guy that edited the drop down message from the orb he bought to say what he wanted it to say.. I went and looked at the product and the product lets the owner do that.. it was also the only product named that, that I could find on the market place.. It's a really old product that has probably kicked more than just you for the same thing, more than likely because it is so out of date.. With so many places on the grid, Don't lose sleep or let this one get to you.. it happens to the best of us .. hehehehe
  21. This is why I went with the lilly.. Because it has for my needs, the best facial proportions i could find that I was looking for.. look passed the hair and brow color and picture what you can do with it. picture the features on it with the images you provided.. Myself I seen a wide range of variety just toying with the demo.. It's the best free head or head in general that I have for versatility. This was one of the first looks I made with my lilly. This is what I'm running around the past couple of weeks with.. That's water on my face because I was doing a wet shoot.. but just with this shape alone I can Jump all over the board with different looks.. a little bit of a different direction with another Shape I made for Lilly. And another direction as well with another shape I made for Lilly.. I've got a zillion more shapes, but didn't want to end up posting a ton of pictures, just more show some range with it instead.
  22. I can pop over there and tell you real quick if they have the security.. it'll kick me right away if it does.. hehehehe It'll be only the third time since 2011 that it's happened if it does too.. lol
  23. Selling numbers for the body don't matter when it comes to getting created content for a body.. Wearer numbers are what matter most.. Right now according to the best information we have to go from, Maitreya is sitting at around 34.3% wearers in the market. With that much of the market wearing Maitreya, it's very doubtful that creators are going to stop making things for it over more niche market bodies.. Kupra has been around for two years and probably has climbed as high as it's going to, with Reborne moving up pulling some of Kupras numbers away from it. The next body down from Maitreya is sitting at 7.8%, which shows how much of a gap it holds on the market.. Just look where Belleza is sitting and where Maitreya is sitting.. Updated: 2022-08-31 @ 00:00:00 PDT Top 300 mesh bodies with 382392 unique wearers: Rank # | Model Name | Count | % (Count / 382392) #1 : Maitreya - Lara : 131419 : 34.3% #2 : Signature - Gianni : 29937 : 7.8% #3 : Belleza - Jake : 21291 : 5.5% #4 : MeshBody - Legacy (Female) : 19437 : 5.0% #5 : Inithium - Kupra : 13183 : 3.4% #6 : MeshBody - Classic (Female) : 12918 : 3.3% #7 : MeshBody - Legacy (Athletic Male) : 10965 : 2.8% #8 : MeshBody - Legacy (Male) : 10060 : 2.6% #9 : LucyBody - Atenea : 9001 : 2.3% #10 : MeshBody - Classic (Male) : 8055 : 2.1% #11 : eBODY - Reborn : 7784 : 2.0% #12 : MeshBody - Legacy Perky : 7421 : 1.9% #13: Belleza - Freya : 7358 : 1.9%
  24. I only had it the one time.. They probably marinaded it is something to give it that color.. What ever they did to it, it was really good.
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