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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Ya, but the thing that tells me it's doing this is, Genus has 9 different mesh heads.. Classic 001 and Classic 002 are two different heads which you have to pay for each one separately.. Same for babyface having two different heads,Strange having two different heads and Strong, which there is three different Strong's.. When you look at the list, you only see 1 Strange at the bottom then 1 Classic up from that , then 1 Babayface up from that, and Strong at the top of the list.. So it's actually combining two different mesh head stats together, because it's looking for the name and with Strong it's combining three different mesh head stats together. ETA: I forgot to add, Ya it being like the top freebie head has a lot to do with the numbers I'm sure.. It was in the store in the start up area that my last alt went through.. I grabbed it myself also.. hehehe But still it's dipping numbers from the other versions as well.. because there is no other Strong's on the list and Strange is like their worst selling head and it made the list..
  2. Oh ok, I didn't know if I was missing a link somewhere or not.. I had a confuse.. hehehe
  3. I was looking at the recent list for heads and Genus strong is leading in the rankings.. I think the bots are counting Strong 001, Strong 002 and Strong Gift as one head.. Because there are no other genus strong on that list.. It just say's genus Strong. The next head down which is Baby which is really popular is only doing like mid 7k's where Strong is like 28k+ Houston, I think we have a problem.. hehehe
  4. Almost forgot.. Mila and Boataom might have something as well.. Those just popped in my head.. You might have already tried them though, but figured I would give them a mention.. both of them have their own body skins and addon.. Also, Mila should be updating soon to reborne body skins.. I wanna say like another month maybe.. I can't really remember exactly but it should be close. I can't remember if Boataom has yet or not..
  5. Here is an LM for SAP.. They are only the head skins.. They only have like three skins altogether, but two of the three work well for what you are looking for I believe. I wanna say the only one I didn't get because it didn't fit what I was wanting to achieve was the middle skin. I believe they are Evox skins and the body skins for them are Velour Here is the slurl http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Yangeulla/223/110/152
  6. I ripped my whole beach front and about everything else up today and started from scratch with a whole different beach kit and land covering and getting the house set trees put back in and everything.. lol About the only thing I didn't take down was the walls, which I'm happy with those. Luckily I own more than one beach front kit.. I just didn't have enough beach and it felt really cramped, plus just wasn't happy with the way things seamed together.. The one I'm using now you can't see the seams unless you know where they are and get up close with a microscope.. It's the best beach kit out I think..Anyone that uses Skye for their landscaping knows how good their things are.. I think my whole build is from them so far.. There is like 8 sections of beach I had to put together and make sure they were seamless.. I was so happy when I was finished and not leaving a seam that would bug me forever.. I still have so much to do but really am happy with where it is at so far.. I've only used maybe 1/3 of my land impact so far as well, So that's really nice to be this far and still so much left to work with. I have my house down and the foundation under it plus it's furnished.. Everything in this pic is what I put together today.. I'm really really happy with it so far.. The waves all line up perfect and and the seams not showing , really gave me a lot of hope for a really nice place to relax when I want to cut out the rest of the world.. Here is everything I have finished today so far. I just really love the waves on this kit sooooo much better.. The whole beach is just soo much better all around than the other kit.. plus the wave sound is so soothing.. I went for a swim and it was so relaxing.. hehehehe After the long day, I just plopped on my new comfy bed and am out like a light.. It was a very very long day.. hehehehe
  7. lol , Right in front of me the whole time.. I don't know why I didn't notice those slots down there.. I knew they were there but just never went to use them.. I just grabbed a head and threw it in my edited folder and put on the ones that I want.. I swear, I take the scenic route in everything it seem ..lol
  8. I'm typing right now as we speak. Will she just swipe it away leaving me wondering if the text will ever come as her arms swing about so violently with that tick tickticktick going on endlessy? Or will she type for 20 minutes and just say, ikr. Or will she just give the, is typing, thing in mah IM and never say another word.. The many joys of troll typing..
  9. You can make the hud bigger if you go the the icon that sort of looks like a cog or a gear. click that and in that window look down more towards the bottom where you see S,M,L.. That is small medium and large hud buttons.. When that window is open it's right under where it say's Reset and above where it says Dark.. About three rungs up from where it say's user manual.. hehehe ETA: I hope someone comes in to show where on the hud there is to save things, because i can't remember for the life of me.. I remember there used to be slots before the evox update on my head..
  10. Ya, there is that I guess..But then they would be in direct competition with the other bodies and not sitting on the big lead they have now.. It would take people picking that body over the other bodies of today.. The big reason Maitreya is still doing so well is because of how much things are out there for it today.. They might have to hand it out to more than just a few to make an impact.. Because i don't think the body would do it on it's own when it's neck and neck with the others..
  11. I was having this problem recently.. Mine is set to group owned.. They just need to be in the group and I believe need to be in a certain group within the group that is given permission, to where they would need that tag.. I don't think you can just give individuals in the everyone tag,rez rights.. I think you need it to be a certain tag they would need to switch to because i think it is a tag thing rather than an individual permission... It's been like two months since I did this.. so I'm just going off memory.. Also if it isn't working for them right away. Have them relog.. I found that they had to relog as well to get their permissions working right.
  12. I'm sorry as well.. I didn't know what Mestizo meant and just went off the first definition of the word that popped up in the search, which from further digging seems to be the wrong definition.. hehehe I'm indigenous myself and am in love with the lily head from lelutka..I have a few of the heads and have went back looking at the newer ones demoing them all and Lily just works best for me so far.. It's very versatile and with the right skins and shape it can give a very beautiful South west and south american look.. I've had some really nice looks with the genus heads also, But really they head haven't been updated in a long time..Omega was still a big thing when it was last updated. I really loved the genus also, but I fear they are going to do the same thing belleza did and sit too long before an update and knock themselves right out of the market soon where we'll only be getting a few making things for them.. I would give the lily head demo a try and see what you think.. Most of my looks are ethnic orientated, but also when i feel like stepping into something different, it's good for that as well. Either way, I do hope you find what you are looking for.. I'll dig through my skins and see if I can find some good suggestions there also.. I have a couple of skin creator links that you might really like, if you don't have them already.. I'll edit this post if nobody jumps in.. that or I'll just make a new one below with LM's
  13. When i say that market, I'm just meaning the slimmer bodies market.. I'm willing to bet you would get a decent amount switching from a Maitreya for more range in the breasts.. The thing that will make the difference in that area will be if it is versatile from big to small in that area.. From what I've read , it has a petite as well.. I guess we'll find out just what the real deal is in October.. I'm hoping it's worth the buy as well as gets support.. I've learned from Kalhene Erika that it takes more than just a good well proportioned body to make it.. The creator has to do everythign right these days.. A big thing is ,making sure the dev kits aren't put behind a wall.. Maitreya wouldn't get away with that today if they were just starting up..
  14. If you are just going from that one picture, you may want to look at more images of the body.. Most of what makes Kupra Kupra is under the water in that image.. hehehe From what I can see, if you try to go too wide with that bodies hips, it starts to gap in the crotch area too much.. I have a feeling this body is heading more in the area of Maitreya and Legacy market than Kupra.. It's gonna be released Oct 1st at Famshed , if they are on time.. I'm definitely gonna be giving it a try.. We could use another body in the Maitreya Legacy part of the market that is gonna stick.. My fingers are crossed, hoping for the best,planning for the worst.. hehehehe One thing I'm liking about it is, the shoulders meeting the arms.. I'm not seeing noodle joint there so far.. but could be deformers or photo editing too.. The demo is gonna tell the truth.
  15. I'm not sure with the male heads..You could look around Lelutka.. they have some versatile heads there..
  16. MY SL is starting to look a little better.. I've been working on my land all week when i have the time.. I stopped to take a picture of a nice sunset.. I still have a lot to do as far as adding detail on the beach,moving the dunes around to the right spots..Bases under palm trees and beach grass,rocks and the stuff behind the camera like the vegetation and house.. I figured, as much as I spend my time at other peoples beaches, I really should just have my own.. So I'm just taking my time and trying to make a beach that will feel like home.. It's in rough shape because everything is pretty much just dropped and still being moved around until the spot feels right for them.. But it's coming along.. I just had to get a picture of the sunset though.
  17. It's so nice hearing threads like this from new members.. It's a huge grid and so much to do and explore.. Dabble in as much as you can, because it's easy to get sucked into a bubble that can having you only noticing a small part of the world.. My suggestion would be, be worldly and get a taste of everything you can, which can take you years in itself.. It's good to find your niche you can call home, but you just never know what's around the next corner until you give a peek.. There is so much to be curious about and to explore.. If you can think of it, it's a good chance there is some sort of a version of it on the grid.. I wish you a long and enjoyable SL Ceka ❤️
  18. Even though I don't have a theme song, I would love if this played every time a hardleg IM'd.. You know, the Hi , HRU , where U frum, then a friend request and a teleport to some adult sim.. If there was a way to screen those IM's with this song, I'd be all over it like a Spider Monkey, CHIP!
  19. This was really sad to Just find out today.. Shonka Dukureh, Who played Big Mama Thorton in the new Elvis movie, had passed away Last month.. She was only 44 years old and had such a powerful amazing voice that just grabbed me and shook me so hard the moment I first heard it.. I was so looking forward to more of her, but She was taken from us way too early in her life.. Just listen to her playing as Big mama Thorton. She's gittin it on this song.. Be in peace.
  20. The second I seen those tail feathers in the trailer, I was like, No you didn't Hollywood, not Already!! \o/ Maybe it's just that they get on a path and wear it out, then get on another and wear it out.. I just hope one day they get back on the original path.. I just get tired of seeing them turn everything into a happy meal.
  21. Ya, i know about the book,which came out in like 2020.. They were probably waiting for her to finish it and release to see how it does before deciding to start production, which started in 2021. They just want to open it up to string off and get more movies out of it. I just have a feeling the movie is going to feel forced. I swear if they make a netflix or tv series out of this, I'm gonna puke.. lol
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