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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I like the song, but really not too into the video that much, so figured I will share the song. I think the big reason i like it is because he sounds like Roy Orbison, who i like his voice a lot.
  2. It makes for some of the best batter.. I make some good poppers, which is what we call cheese and jalapeno's in batter. It's great for hush puppies and battered fish and deer.. I'm starting to think about getting into the kitchen now!! hehehe Have to wait until they polish off the veggie stew i made the other day first, or it'll go to waste.. hehehe
  3. I love the weekend sales, that because the price is so low they don't feel the need to put out a demo.. I still don't buy it if it's low priced and no demo.. No demo no sale..
  4. Ya, I've ran into this a few times recently.. Go to get a redeliver only to see the product isn't there anymore or they changed the name of the product and selling the same thing but a more updated version under a slightly different name because they added a couple letters after it.. It's just another way to resell the product over again rather than really putting out a new one.
  5. The biggest difference from cake, like a vanilla cake or something like that, is using corn meal vs cake flour and nowhere near the amount of sweetener.. Cake will take like 2 cups of sugar plus the extract, where cornbread will take a 1/4 cup of sugar. I substitute sugar with raw unfiltered filtered organic honey because it's so much better of a tasting sweet and it's not processed sugar.. So I only use around an 1/8 cup for a regular batch otherwise it would overtake and be more as cake than a bread.
  6. And another update.. hehehe Like I said before, The most updated body I ever had.. hehehe ----------ERIKA Update v4.0.1---------- -Fixed an issue related to HD Genitalia -"Play Set" updated to work with ERIKA body Update and Bubble Boobs add-on -Added "FIX for Pubic Area" (wearable object). Wear this ONLY if you have issues with bottom clothing (this issue is found only in a few clothes that uses the old Bento HD Va:gina Bones). ----------ERIKA Update v4.0---------- What's new? -Improved breasts/armpits on the body. Better proportions, softer and more realistic look -Improved butt, more defined -Fixed issue about "Petite Waist" add-on while wearing transparent clothes -Added some Bento Hands poses in the HUD -Now "Petites Seins" is an add-on and is compatible with "Petite Waist" *About Petites Seins Add-on: Wear this add-on to get a very small breast (set "Breast size" to 100 value) or a flat chest (set "Breast size" to 0 value) -Fixed Cel Shading. Compatible with ERIKA Regular, Petites Seins, Petite Waist, Bubble Boobs and Squeeze Legs add-ons -Fixed a glitch on Bento HD Va:gina * Shapes included in the folder (wearing Lelutka Avalon Mesh Head). You can use these shapes as a starting point to customize them. Please look at the Shapes picture in the folder to know what deformers are being used in each shape to get the same look (wearable Deformers are included in a box on Erika Package) ___________________________________________________________________________________ *Looking for clothes & accessories for ERIKA Mesh Body? Please check here: https://www.flickr.com/groups/14800916@N23/
  7. The closest I come to making sweets is cornbread, which everyone that has my cornbread say's, it's like cake.. hehehe I don't make that short hard cornbread that leaves crumbs.. Mine's nice and fluffy and bonds together nice with a cake like texture.. Good for soppin up stuff on your plate.. hehehe
  8. With Chicago pizza it depends since there are a few styles.. That's either a deep dish pizza, which doesn't have a crust over the top, or if that all that stuff is sitting on the top crust, it would be a stuffed, which would be a pizza pie. hehehe it's hard to tell them apart until you dive in.. hehehe
  9. Then it's the ninja of pies which makes it even more awesome. Because they always seem to put the regular everybody know they're pies, pies together and then way over by itself, blending into it's surroundings will be the cheesecake.. ETA: Ok i did some research and it's considered a tart, because of not having a baked crust on top. I don't really care what it is, as long as it's there on the table somewhere.. hehehe
  10. If I made cheesecake, I may never stop again.. Cherry or strawberry cheesecake is my weakness.. While everyone is going, Oh Pie!! I'm sneaking over and getting into the cheesecake, b'cuzz hell with pie when cheesecake is there!! \o/
  11. Things are getting really deep, to the point that I'm not enjoying my cheesecake shake now. Could be brain freeze though too, because they are so good..
  12. It should come with Sonic Cheesecake Shake coupons, for all premium members for as long as they are premium. Premium plus would get that plus Sonics mozzarella sticks..
  13. I usually have mine on, but will be running around the house doing other things.. So my logged in hours are going to show more than I am actually doing anything in there.. Heck, I've forgotten it was on at times and wake up the next day not realizing it was on.. hehehe
  14. I can't recall any of these runners saying one time, They are going to make my wildest dreams come true. I so disappoint.... Sooo disappoint.
  15. I wear out the redelivery option.. I went through my whole MP purchase history one day just looking at what I may want redelivered to see if things have been updated.. let alone to see if I still had those things or still wanted them.. I've bought so much junk!! \o/ In a strange sort of way, doing that helped with sorting my inventory because it helped me find a lot of crap that was in my inventory taking up space..lol
  16. I think a lot of problems can happen with linked folders and different things loading at the different times.. Our situation was, the addon was loading before the body and then the body would rezz and the addon wouldn't hide the part of the body for the addon body.. While messing with the addon, which I had to run out and get a new version of because I didn't have it.. The addon was failing to unhide the body quite a bit.. Enough times that it made me think, well this can be a problem on the other end, switching to a folder without the addon.. We tried to see if we could delete the scripts from the addon to test out an alpha layer in the folder, but those wouldn't delete using the addon hud or the main hud.. So we ended up having to delete the body scripts instead, because for some reason the body has the ability to have it's scripts deleted, but their body addon doesn't even though the option is in it's hud.. I was like Wha? 0o This was with a fresh bought Maitreya petite addon. Another big problem is, there are creators still making things with the old scripts, as well as not updating things to the newer scripts.. Myself, I'm just making my alpha layers as I go along and pretty much not going to mess with those that want to sell no mod, but don't feel the need to keep up to date or don't feel they have to update their things.
  17. Yasum has a sexy romper called Sui at Equally 10 Right now.. It comes in four style sets each in their own fatpack which is around 450 each fatpach, 199 for each individual outfit, and the mega pack was 1699. The style sets are, Checkers, Silks, Naturals and Patterns, as well as comes with a set of ankle bangles..
  18. SL does always kind of slow down going into summer time anyways.. Hopefully that is a big part of the reason and hopefully it starts to pick up soon..
  19. I seen the name of that group and thought it was this group which I haven't heard in a long time.. hehehe I think the group name was close and I was expecting it to sound more like this .. hehehe
  20. As an undecided voter, I think you make my indecision not so undecided now.. If Kanye isn't entering the race, then you has mah votes.. Since I has alts, votes was not a typo.
  21. I don't know about all that stuff.. I just know I don't allow anything of the sort on my land in world. In RL, my whole family is on a private road. So they can't come knocking if they wanted to.. All our mailboxes are at the start of the road.. So they have to leave all that crap out there on their road..
  22. If they were all in the same email account before.. You can find the names if you do a search for things from second life in your older email.. LL sends those things to the user account by the user name.. So you should be able to search second life in your old email and then just go to the years you were active with it and the user name should show up in any second life emails from back then.. I have three on my same email and can go back to when I first joined back in 2006.. Hopefully you still have emails in that account from back then.
  23. Ya, that was the only thing I could find also.. I went through the whole Knowledge base to see and I don't think it even mentions the animesh in there.. Just on the signup page, that I could find.. I sure was hoping there was more.. hehehe
  24. These were all on separate email accounts and you are moving them to one?
  25. Any time I hear or see the phrase vote for me, this song goes right into my head just about every time.. I think because it was played so much when I was little and all through growing up and probably heard the song so much before ever hearing anyone actually say it.. So now it just kicks that song off every time I do.. hehehehe
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