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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I haven't seen any yet.. But when one shows up, it's just a matter of time before, there goes the neighborhood..
  2. I just want to know , who's hands need greased so I can keep the politicians off mah grass? Cause I see one politician on mah grass, I'm gonna go spider monkey style on'um Chip.
  3. Make sure the environment setting is all the way off..
  4. I think it's a big mistake to think new users are inexperienced kids just learning about life and the internet for the first time.. What you are describing has been going on since messengers were around as well as existed and exists in other games and platforms.. Trying to divide everyone up into two groups comes off as jaded itself. . Many don't ever get into those kinds of relationships.. Many just come to work on things and many come for many other reasons. It's not a social network. It's a place that some come to do that.
  5. Me and Scylla just messed with this like last week or the week before.. It was with finding a work around for the autohide with the Maitreya addon for petite.. All we could get to work was deleting the scripts for the body, which left you with little that worked in the Maitreya hud.. You could still use hand animations, but otherwise you pretty much had to make sure your body was already setup for that particular folder. The problem we were facing was trying to alpha cut the addon area before the addon would when switching from one outfit folder to another, because the addon would rezz at different times and sometimes not be able to autohide the part of the body it uses. Using an alpha layer didn't work because it would also alpha out the body addon as well.. So deleting the body scripts with the cuts already made in the area that gets hidden was the only way in our situation.
  6. It looks like a good show, but I could only see the trailer and only showed flashes with them with headsets on.
  7. You'll love it, it has sliders for everything, even for the finger joints.
  8. So we'll get to see all kinds of arm movements and things? I just can't get my mind passed how much things we won't want to see.. like all the scratching or other things that's gonna go on..
  9. Ya I guess that could be it too.. I really wish these body creators would stop holding so hard to the point that it holds things back.. No mod bodies and filling out applications to make stuff for their bodies.. Getting the word out on their bodies and them getting more popular only makes them more money and gives them more longevity for more sales.. I remember creators talking about that early on.. Some wanting to make things for it and then getting turned down or not hearing from them.. You would think they would be throwing those dev kits at people wanting to make things for the body.
  10. If you made your Veanna set for Kalhene Erika Body.. That would be like blood in the water to sharks when it was released or gained word.. So many are just waiting to pounce on another creators stuff for that body.. I know I'd be all over that outfit first thing.. I love those pants to death!! Erika may not be the most popular body, but it's one of the best bodies and really just needs some creators making a variety of things for it.. If you went variety on that crowd, they would be chomping at the bit waiting on releases.. hehehe
  11. Ya they are really close and at first It looked like a good match, but just misses working.. So close too.. But that idea I'm still gonna use with other bodies.. I really like that and would have never thought of it.. hehehehe
  12. I only really notice it, when I'm taking pictures and have all this stuff all over my screen.. Then all the crap I end up wearing.. My attach budget gets eaten up really quick hehehe
  13. I wish!! I would have jumped all over that PP+ like a pissed off spider monkey with something to prove.. hehehe
  14. Another thing to keep in mind is the materials on the body and the head.. Sometimes those can cause mismatches in certain lighting.. Just something to add to the list of things to check if it happens again A quick way to tell if it is that is, in your lelutka hud, Click on the head Icon and above the face shines, click BLANK and that will clear the materials causing a shine on the head.. In your Maitreya hud, Go to the SKIN/BASE tab and at the lower left of that hud, choose advanced and look for the materials button.. Make sure it is turned brown instead of white lettering.. That will turn off materials on the body. You also want to make sure you don't have any Maitreya tattoo layers on that have a shine as well.. Those won't shut off with the materials button, since they are sitting over top of the body..
  15. I tried the slink hands that I have.. The ones i have are the redux hands and the classic hands.. The redux fits really close and had two adjustments that I could make on the size.. But they fit pretty much like the mesh neck fix fits.. The classic ones I think are just an old design or something.. the finger tips look like they are in tubes.. Probably not meant for bento animations or something.. I'm thinking they must have another set or something there maybe? I'm gonna go there and see if there is a demo of other hands.. I just pretty much got a redeliver of what I already had to get the updated versions..
  16. I just looked and found it's my alt that has all the slink things.. If they work on her I'm definitely getting a set of those for this one and the other that has the body.
  17. Wow that's really a good idea, Thank you!! I'm gonna try that.. I think I have slink already so it will be really nice if i can do that.
  18. Ya, I have a feeling there is more in events for sure. I don't know how many times I've seen the same item in different stores that are at events.. Enough times to where if I like something and think it costs to much, I'll shop around and see who else is selling it too.. hehehehe The stores that irritate me most, are the ones that say they have rigged for Erika, but you end up having to alpha out so much, that it leaves the impression they just wanted to get in that part of the market without actually rigging for the body. That or they didn't spend a heck of a lot of time trying to get it rigged right.
  19. Ok found the cause of the problem.. It's any of my Vista animations that move the hands.. I have no idea how the hands stuck like that, even after doing all the things to bring my avatar back to raw default, But they did.. Now at least they aren't sticking and can clear the deforming they do to the hands, where i couldn't yesterday. I've tried it with my voir stands and animations that work the hands and the hands are fine.. I'm gonna test out some other brands and see if it happens with those.. It's sad that I can't use my favorite animations with the body.. I'm gonna explore and see if there are anymore.. if not I'm gonna send a note card to the creator of the body and see if there is anything they can do.
  20. I don't know what I did because i tried so much different things.. But I finally fixed it.. hehehehe I should learn from my husband that when I say I'm done, He always say's, Ya' right.. hehehe It bothered me so much that I decided to try something else before trying it on my alt in a new viewer.. I was starting off on 4.0 each time and working down.. So I went through the avatar health check list and did all that stuff and got bare boned to default.. went through that list again. Got into an open area where nothing else could conflict with me.. Then started on the other end of my versions of the mesh body, starting with the ones I haden't deleted yet.. 2.2 and upward.. Right away there was no problem.. I went through every version from 2.2 and up, until I finally got to 4.0.. doing that same avatar check list the whole way.. I don't know what happened, but it's fixed now.. LOL Also, after messing with the hands the last couple of days and looking at them so close.. They should look into shaping the hands a little more slender.. They look like someone could biotch slap a bear with them and make it listen.. hehehe
  21. It could be something with the hud and it was one of the first things I thought.. I thought there has to be something I did with the hud or added something to my hands or something.. I went through the whole avatar health list, even the character test where you revert back to default avatar.. Then did a reinstall with brand new settings.. I have my settings saved, but wanted to see if anything was causing it.. I did everything under the sun.. As soon as i put the body on, it still had the jacked up hands.. I have an alt that hasn't put hers on yet.. I'm gonna start her up in the official viewer at default avatar and see if it still does it.. if it does then I'm just gonna give up on it, because there is nothing left to try.. It's becoming a lot of work and time to spend on something that I'm starting to think, isn't on my end..
  22. Ya, I have a bunch of their things too.. That is a real shame as well.
  23. I had reverted back to default avatar which i'm gonna try but before I do a viewer reinstall.. I'm dumping all my settings and just keeping chat logs.. Something is wacky on my end.
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