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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. Lots of stuff over the years, but these days 90% of the time I am chattering to people in IM. Wish I had some neighbours cos I'd happily lean on my virtual fence and yak with them too.
  2. I used to have a boss who burped with eye contact. It was effective in making us lose our train of thought when we were complaining about something.
  3. almost all spam. There are a few mailing lists I've been unable to extricate myself from as the owner says something like "if you want me to remove you, send me a message" which sounds like a trap
  4. I'm almost through my reading list ☺️ what shall I read next?
  5. I'd sure give it a try (if it was free to play). My issue with the sansar experiment was, I crashed repeatedly (not the fault of my pc or network). It reminded me greatly of Blue Mars - nice visuals, for the few seconds I can look at them. Since then I've spent a lot more time in open world games, and the bar for performance and what will hold my interest (and get my money) has raised considerably. I'm still in SL out of simple habit, not even all that attached to my inventory as I don't use 90% of it anyway. Sad to say it, as I really like the idea behind SL.
  6. I'm not even sure what some of the fetish stuff I've seen on MP is called ... and I don't want to describe it 😬
  7. A friend of mine has remarkably similar land rules...and he also lives in a log cabin. I'd say that qualifies you as a distinct community 😉
  8. Depends what your definition of clean is going to be... a lot of the sexual content I've come across is consenting adult stuff, with some eyebrow raising fetishes but on the whole it's too cartoony to be alarming. For things like gambling or glorification of drug use, this might run into problems with some jurisdictions (outside the US) who don't understand that SL doesn't force-feed any content (unlike typical games), you have to go looking for it. The thing I'd like to have cleaned up personally are adverts for sex related, fetish, drug related items on MP. If those are not in-your-face as much, so long as SL is explicitly an Adult Place, it should be ok.
  9. May I kindly remind you all that SL is an international community. #respectallpickles
  10. Inworld stores with beautiful scenery, like parks, villages, urban scenes. I've bought a lot of stuff from the little shops tucked in corners of Kowloon for example, just because I hang around there and the shops are so cute.
  11. My altruism needs a little bribery 😉
  12. Haven't encountered any in 14 yrs in SL. Maybe hang out with a different crowd?
  13. aiyo 😑 there go my favourite threads. While I was in the neighbourhood, I used to reply to SL related questions and comments as well, but without the fun aspect... meh.
  14. Just nobody AR the joke thread pls. This is the last natural habitat of dad jokes. You don't want those roaming free all over the place.
  15. that's cool but, SL's motto is Your world, your imagination, not We run a tight ship. Seems a tiny bit incongruous with the sort of imaginative and creative customers they want to attract but, oh well. fwiw I don't like political feud posts either, but there have been plenty of other positive, fun, non-directly-related to SL posts that had nothing to do with politics, etc. We're a bunch of people who share a hobby and naturally chat about all sorts of things.
  16. That's how I always thought of the forums. Maybe half the stuff I post/read here is about SL directly, but I also enjoy the jokes and randomness.
  17. tried all the stuff listed here? Invisible Avatar - Second Life Wiki
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