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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. There was also Our Lady of Perpetual Silence. I visited her shrine once but she was gone. Ascended into the great cloud server I suppose..
  2. Yeah, it's not exactly news that we're still naughty after all these years.
  3. there's a mainstream? 😄 it really depends on where you are and who you ask.
  4. Kinda depends what you want the home for, eg. A place to set home to for logging in (can also use Infohubs), a place to sit and chat with friends undisturbed (common areas in Linden home neighbourhoods are quite nice and often empty), a place to rez your furniture (sandbox or friend who doesn't mind you squatting on their land). I've used all of these at times 😄
  5. premium's already too rich for me with the exchange rate. if they had Premuim Lite at half the price and just a Linden home, I'd take that.
  6. Summarising recent discussions on building virtual worlds: SL: Meta:
  7. Agree with your post but with regards to this... SL experience really depends on where and with whom you hang out. I didn't hear of any "bad" reputation at the point I joined, it just seemed kinda eccentric. Good vibes will find good vibes, just like in the real world.
  8. I agree. Anonymity always seems to be conflated with doing something bad or antisocial, when for many of us, it's simply a user-controlled layer of privacy. It's not perfect either, especially when you buy something, but it should be a standard security feature, not something to try to strip away in hopes the minority who cause problems behaves better.
  9. you may meet some, but they'll be off duty 😄 any mental health professional worth their salt would never dream of counselling strangers on SL.
  10. It's a terrible system. Inaccurate information, someone with a grudge, or a technical glitch can ruin someone's score through no fault of their own, without any chance of redress (unless you pay a lot of money to bypass filters). Such things can already break a small business on Google rankings for example.
  11. Adult is a pretty big range.. was there a further breakdown?
  12. Not to mention we have no idea where the OP lives and such drugs are illegal in some countries 😛
  13. thanks for the info. It looks like Roblox has more similarities to SL than I supposed. As for the money making factor in joining SL, it wasn't the case for me, I just wanted to goof around. I didn't try my hand at selling stuff til much later. This the the same for almost everyone I have met in SL. I can't think of anyone I've met who joined SL expressly to run a shop and nothing else, though I'm sure such people exist.
  14. I think it was related to this: Robux From Place Visits? - Help and Feedback / Game Design Support - DevForum | Roblox Roblox (for creators) seems to be about jostling for the top spot as a featured game. Seems fair therefore to assume it's (mostly) about games. That's certainly how they advertise themselves. That seems to me to be narrower than the economy of SL, which can be land rental, sales of virtual goods, services of various sorts, and entertainment, including games.
  15. Actually what I meant was creators getting paid for experiences that have good traffic numbers. I recall reading about some incentive of that sort, but I might have misunderstood how it worked. yep, agree. Even casual hobbyists can make real $ in SL.
  16. I don't know anything about how the FDA works, nor am I American or have any intimate knowledge of American politics with regard to medical research (though of course an incredible amount of medical research comes from American institutions which benefits the world, and we hope that continues). I'm sorry about your situation, and hope you find the support you need.
  17. This ^^ If you don't have a care professional or the one you have isn't working out, can try talking to your GP for a referral.
  18. Aren't Roblox "experiences" essentially games, from a commercial point of view, and the creators paid for traffic? I read somewhere they only called them experiences to fly under the radar of requirements to be listed on app stores. disclaimer - I've never used Roblox myself and only heard stories of it secondhand.
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