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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. The things I miss when I am playing shiny new games are: Unlimited avatar customisation Unlimited home customisation Ability to easily juggle multiple IMs Haven't found any game that has all 3 to the level I'm used to in SL, at least not without downloading a ton of mods that may break at any time or do other undesirable things to my computer.
  2. Hmm... I'd say... Intro quest walking you through the basics, with cinematics of some sort, then a hud with some kind of buddy to guide you (a floaty white cloud that gradually turns into something cute as you learn new milestones? ok I totally lifted that from Black Desert). Intro quest completion rewards you with a free house on Linden land. It can be tiny, or time limited, but new players need rewards fast. Having a house to play with jumpstarts spending on furniture, which leads to need for bigger house.
  3. There was a man who entered a local newspaper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns--maybe one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did. You know what sucks about being an agnostic dyslexic insomniac? You end up staying awake all night wondering if there is a dog What does a nosey pepper do? Gets jalapeño business. Two reddit moderators walk into a bar [removed]
  4. thanks for sharing that! Yes I remember Spy vs Spy. Forgot the dark spy often carried a bomb 😁
  5. I was only born in 2008 so never saw the original but I remember visiting the new one when I was trying to figure out how to stick prims together. Never met the builders, but they sound like they were great fun. Wish I'd had a chance to meet them. I took a picture of their memorial statue, complete with bomb (now I understand the significance of that!).
  6. I remember SLB a year or so ago had time capsules from the various years of SL's history, but I didn't collect them. Not sure if the really early years were included or what was in them.
  7. I did that as a noob. I ended up in the backyard of a sweet Japanese couple. We sat together in a giant flower petal and chatted via their translator.
  8. I use different names for all my virtual existences and sometimes they stick longer than they should. Akane has sometimes slipped out, and I nearly introduced myself as Currypuff once which is my destiny2 character name. 21stC problems - having to think hard what is your actual name.
  9. have you checked the destinations lists? eg. https://secondlife.com/destinations/cyber/1 https://secondlife.com/destinations/games/generalgames/1 https://secondlife.com/destinations/adventure/1
  10. Cool! This sounds like a preamble to an epic quest tale - Search for the Elder Prims.
  11. certainly. This is the only 'memorial prim' I've come across so far.
  12. this one? yep it's still there (this was next to my first homebase as a newborn noob)
  13. At first I thought this was a poem! If someone IMs you in SL Do you reply, and cam as well? Do you read their profile first Do you answer them in verse? Anyway to answer the question - I message them back in similar tone to how they message me. If they say Hi, I say Yo. If they say Nice avatar, I say Thanks, I'd say the same but I dunno where you are! (unless they are right in front of me). I don't cam around. I rarely look at profiles unless we strike up an actual conversation. Yes, I enjoy random IMs for the most part.
  14. Fair enough. Perhaps, if it's a list that's going to be useful indefinitely and often updated, they could make it a sticky and give you editing rights just for that? (I'm guessing here as I'm unfamiliar with the permissions capabilities of this forum software).
  15. for your example, wouldn't it be easier to just make this list off forum and link it on your own blog or google doc? (I didn't even know we had 24 hrs to edit, I've only ever used it for fixing speling mstakes 😜)
  16. there is a darkness about these chopsticks
  17. This is true. I can't see how we can discuss SL as a platform (and community) without the context of what else is going on in other virtual worlds/games. This is the only forum I know of which discusses such things in depth, with participants who are deeply invested in VWs, but with a good mix of tech geeks and laypersons, and everything in between. SL has that rare mix of avid gamers and people who never touch games but love VWs, and of world creators and inhabitants that use them.
  18. /me finds bottle, reads message and sends bottle back with a rolled up papyrus scroll inside:
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