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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. I second this... let both skin/clothing makers and users fiddle with it. An easy to use out of the box body will be such a boon for new user experience, and for oldies who are tired of complicated huds πŸ˜›
  2. They should use that as their tagline... I hear Millennials like honesty and authenticity in marketing πŸ˜‡
  3. This is important to keep in mind. Friendship in SL is a lot more nuanced than adding a friend in your typical MMORPG. The longer I'm in SL the fewer new friends I add. Also, in my experience, the simple "Hi/Hello" message in 99% of cases goes like this: Hi - How are you doing? - Your avatar is lovely - Do you want to <insert fetish here>. Hence, I feel a weariness as soon as I hear the random "Hi" 😬
  4. Well, I wasn't making that argument. I was describing what my usage habits are, and that if SL were in a full immersion VR format, I would use it less or not at all. I can see some very good use cases for VR to develop into, but the casual use I make of SL isn't one of them. I hope VR development continues and improves though.. I had great fun with Kinect til I kicked the coffee table playing virtual soccer...
  5. Hm, the new perks don't seem to have any "wow" factor, but I suppose creators or event organisers might find the upload and group discounts useful? I'm definitely not their target audience - USD30-40 a year is my budget for SL.
  6. I came across a newbie who was apparently going through this list Newcomer Friendly Spots | Second Life not sure how she/he found it, as I've not made a new account in a long time. They are good suggestions for new residents, hopefully they are promoted to new accounts?
  7. It's tough to make friends just randomly talking to people. Most of the friends I've made were through roleplay or other activites. Find a hobby in SL to engage in and it might be easier to strike up conversations πŸ™‚
  8. speaking of bicycle jokes, here's one of my fave oldies by Malaysian cartoonist, Lat. (tumpang = hitch a ride habis = finished (ie. we are done for) jalan = I'll walk)
  9. From a usage perspective - The way I use SL, I've got multiple windows open and am doing other things, as well as attending to RL things. It would be hard to carve out a time for full immersion VR, which is why I've never more than taken a quick look at VR on other platforms, gone "oh neat.." and never touched it again.
  10. peeve: when I am peacefully working at my computer and one of these babies zooms into my room (carpenter bees aren't aggressive but huge and sound like a helicopter)
  11. If you know the threat isn't credible, then use the same tools we all have access to - block him, and ban him from your land (if applicable). Not much else you can do, since you've already sent AR.
  12. I am DnD cult. I see Dragon turtle, Dire Elephants and Tenser's floating disk.
  13. Even if they were "official" (which sounds unlikely from your description), there's no obligation to respond to their IMs. When I joined long ago I ignored all chat and just did my thing. As an aside, there are some newbie friendly places that are genuinely nice and helpful. Mindful Cove is one example (I'm not affiliated with them, I just like the build, and have seen how kind they are to newbies:)
  14. I am not a πŸ€–, I am a πŸ¦„
  15. at least she didn't call you Dave... what happens if you ask "Alexa are you telling me the truth?"
  16. I don't aspire to be a "know everything person", but you'd get some debate on this definition, again, depending on where you are and who you ask. ☺️ Personally I think of belief systems as "one river, many boats", the one river may or may not be God, but it's certainly the journey we all must take. Hence plural and singular at the same time, if that makes sense. In short, you'll find as many definitions as there are humans! I feel my boat drifting way off topic ~~~
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