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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. But can you use Tigger words? Worraworraworraworra
  2. Best I can do is slightly sinister interest. But I'll never ask you to follow my flickr, I mostly take pictures of trees.
  3. I thought at first glance the Virtual Archaeology one was about unearthing ancient prims! actually an archaeological /anthropological study of SL would be rather cool, since our "civilisation" has now existed for almost 2 decades. That's like Bronze Age in digital terms.
  4. I doubt they are all trolls (if any, as it's a rather weird thing to troll). I just wondered if any had the courtesy to share what they learned, as members of this forum donated their time to help them out.
  5. just curious, since I don't recall any instance of this happening... after all these years of student surveys for "research", has anyone ever come back and shared their findings with us?
  6. I was just thinking how slow this year is going and it's time for some holidays!
  7. took me 24 years to get that song out of my head. Now it's back 😭
  8. Cosplay store co-owner (it's still around) and around 2009 I spent several months as a dojo police (samurai swordfighting dojo. I kept griefers away). The latter was unpaid, I just enjoyed the power 😎
  9. There has been plenty of research in East/Southeast Asia too, and while there is certainly concern for youth (see China's recent efforts to curb excessive gaming for kids), for groups like older adults, the research has focussed on the role of games in maintaining cognitive function and social engagement, which is a good thing considering Asia's rapidly aging population. SL's user base is largely adults, no young kids (hopefully), and a fair number of older adults/seniors. You might want to refine the target group you are talking about, if you truly want some useful data.
  10. Actually, there's been plenty written about the positive/beneficial aspects of gaming, in various contexts. There is a fair amount of debate about whether gaming is detrimental to young people, but that's not really SL's target group.
  11. Recently I have noticed more scepticism from various authorities (and people in general) about the real value of stuff posted on social media. I'd like to think some of the shine has worn off things like twitter and fb, and more of us take what is posted by some random internet strangers with a few grains of salt.
  12. My motherboard failed. It affected me by stopping working. It happened three times til the warranty ran out. I fixed my problem by getting a new custom rig now I am a PC gaming god.
  13. this is very sound advice. It's always something of a risk giving another resident money.
  14. Hard core! Wasabi is my go-to ingredient for clearing sinuses.. less lingering pain than chilli. I find those vary according to the chef. I've had some pretty hot vindaloos and some that barely register on the spicy scale. I don't cook meat very often, but the same holds true for veggie dishes. I make relatively mild dal dishes at home, but some of my relatives make it screaming hot and we have to slather it with yogurt. And then there's the chutneys and mango/lime pickles, and mor milagai (had to google that cos I've never written it before 😆 - basically yogurt marinated fried chilli, a side dish).
  15. If you like stew (and can take pork) another tasty one is bak kut teh - made with lots of white pepper, garlic, and stewed pork ribs (can toss in bean curd skin and mushrooms too). Eaten with rice or bread. I'm making myself hungry..
  16. Some species are endangered, but the ones we eat I think come from fish farm, though some are fished from the open sea. There was a giant one caught in Cambodia recently (they didn't eat him, they let him go) But yes sambal stingray is delicious. 😋 It's a very tender, slightly stringy fish, and sambal + calamansi lime is a perfect combo of spicy, sweet and sour. The hottest food I've had is tom yum soup. If they cook it with the chili seeds still in it's positively lethal. I've made a milder version at home.
  17. wouldn't want to see the floor of that loo...
  18. It is indeed. I have been a homeless nomad several times in SL, but I do find I log in less when I have no homebase I can decorate to my liking. I have the use of a friend's house now, but if I want an epic cliff-top castle these days, I just build it in conan exiles.
  19. a friend of mine claimed there are whales there at the outer edge.
  20. Reading the title I wondered if it was mersex... the things I've seen on the seabed...
  21. I haven't changed my avatar's height since day 1 (excepting when I am non-human). 1.64m which is by pure coincidence my RL height. Maybe it's the places I go but I usually feel pretty short, I only reach boob level of most female avies I see. It gets scary in mouselook.
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