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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Maxed out on HUDs and BDSM attachments? Please uninstall SL and stop lagging up the grid.
  2. That's true, I did use unfriendly terminology. As for who put me on it, the creator did. He put a lot of people on it. Anyone that uses a system like this doesn't deserve to have me on their parcel to begin with, so I'm not going to bother with all that. I'm just surprised that people honestly think the list is only of legit bans.
  3. Nothing like the old, "I have no idea what it is or how it works, but I suspect that it's the problem." routine.
  4. Low traffic and tips only... I think that answers the question.
  5. Story time! One time, there was a merchant with lots of five star reviews on a certain product. Yet sometimes, a review would be made that was not five stars, for various reasons. Some of these less than perfect reviews were due to user error, some due to bugs, some due to personal opinions. However, in every case, the seller commented on the reviews listing the reasons why the buyer was wrong, sometimes very rudely. In one case outright insulting the buyer's intelligence. Further, the seller would IM the buyer repeatedly, telling them to change their review, and that they must be using the product wrong, or whatever else. Words like "malicious behavior" left in comments on reviews! Seriously. Calling a 3 star review "malicious behavior". So, fellow merchants, how do you handle reviews that are less than five stars?
  6. This is why I stopped DJing, actually. Software: 90 USD per year, assuming we keep our software up to date (7.5 per month) DJ Specific Hardware: 200 USD - but since it was a one time cost, I won't include it Stream: 5 USD a month Music: 15 USD a month We'll round down to 25 USD a month for the minimums to DJ "legally and professionally" in SL. For some, the cost is much higher. I don't include my high grade Internet connection and high powered PC (separate from audio hardware, including sound card and headset), since I use it for other things. But some people may not, and it may be part of their cost. Then you see how many venues and clubs don't pay at all, and rely only on tips. Of those tips, you see how many people don't think much of DJs, and how many don't have much to give, and how many think it should be free, etc. Most of the DJ's I knew never asked for an RL wage, but instead asked to at least cover costs. And that just doesn't happen. And that's why SL is filled with terrible Winamp playlist DJ's playing stolen music. So next time you complain about the DJ, just remember that you get what you pay for.
  7. So the other day I was spending some time optimizing my sound on my PC. Getting the speakers positioned and all my audio settings running nicely for the 5.1 surround sound system I have. Then today I was in SL tinkering, and realized that we don't have surround sound here. Left, right, and center channels seem to be respected, but not the rear channels (not sure about subwoofer, either). Think we'll ever see 5.1/7.1 support, or should we expect that on the "next platform"?
  8. It doesn't matter if we like the flag or not. Anyone has the right to fly any flag they'd like. In any country. But here in the United States, we have a pretty specific document that protects that right. It doesn't matter if it's a Confederate flag, a Swastika, the KKK's white robes, or what- we all have the right to like or dislike it as we choose. So we can each personally choose to not display it (or in the case of retailers, not sell it)- but banning it is out of the question. Personally, I dislike the flag. But I fully support anyone's right to display it. And further, if LL does try to ban it, I'll be one of the ones to fight that decision.
  9. The communication system is unreliable already, and they're going to increase the load on it. Yeah, that's the kind of problem solving skills I've come to expect from LL.
  10. Really? This is what people are complaining about now? And did you really use the word "rape" for a platform that lets you close it out at any time? Seriously? There's stupid, and then there's this whole thread. On a side note, that gives me an idea for a great grid exploration game.
  11. felinekisses wrote: Im lost, and not the best when it comes to techie things. I have an Optiplex 755 sff, 6 gb ram, Dual Core E7500, and I need to upgrade my video card. Power is only 275 watts. Any suggestions? This lag is killing me! Please, dont say a better pc. I wish that were in the cards right now. Thanks in advance! 275 watts is going to really mess you up. That won't power... Well, any GPU worth buying, really. Really, you're going to have to buy a better power supply if you want to upgrade your video card. Further... An Optiplex 755? I don't think you could fit a video card in there anyway. Really, your best bet is to buy a better power supply, buy a video card, then throw away your case and mount the mobo and components to a piece of plywood or something (which I have done, it's not pretty, but great for accessing parts for cleaning and upgrading). ... Or buy a better PC.
  12. Markham Weatherwax wrote: I understand not having that because it would destroy the view. *grins* It SHOULD destroy the view, that should be part of the penalty of using them excessively.
  13. I just wish ban lines were VISIBLE. That's their glaring problem. They're invisible until you're on top of them, and by then that's too late. They should be as visible as giant prim walls, and show up in our draw distance accordingly.
  14. Here's something to try if you get time- download Champions Online and play with the character creator. It lets you make avatar shapes. You can make giant gorillas and huge hulking juggernauts or small mini people (all the customization that SL has and more), all while knowing clearly how tall you are, and with sliders that let you have perfect proportions or not, simply by moving things to the mid points. It's how SL shape creation should have been done.
  15. When your morality conflicts with legality which wins? Morality every time, twice on Sundays.
  16. Always on. Shadows I turn off when I'm using vehicles, to gain some FPS.
  17. I'm sort of self-promoting a little bit, but there are all sorts of small submarines on the marketplace that are great for that sort of thing.
  18. SL voice quality is terrible no matter how you do it. No headset can fix LL's system. Worse, half the voice users in SL are connected via potato and using cups on strings for audio. I've been using bluetooth for SL voice for a long time, works great when you're talking to someone else with a half decent setup.
  19. OzwellWayfarer wrote: I didn't believe capped IMs was "a thing" either until I went away on holiday for 3 weeks last year, and returned to total devastation. Basically it said "your Ims were capped" or something to that effect in chat, and I couldn't see any of those IMs and there were no email notifications for those either. I have no idea how or why it is triggered, but it IS real. My backup now is to provide my gmail email in my profile. There is no real ideal solution as you know Plus each merchant seems to have a different preferred contact method. I can go weeks without logging in, and all my group notices, device IMs, and avatar IMs make it to my email without fail. I even have a server that IMs me a log daily- almost always goes to email. It's never missed a day. Very rarely there's an issue where IM to email gets reset in people's preferences, but that hasn't happened for as long as I can remember. In short, if someone's not getting their IMs, they probably did something for that to happen.
  20. I've often had this same rant. Despite our profiles telling people to send IMs so we can actually reply, people send notecards- sometimes to say even less than an IM could. It's ridiculous. If people don't want to turn on IM to email and want to insist that IMs get capped... They deserve to have messages lost and to lose L$, if you ask me. Plus if they're too dumb to read simple instructions, you probably don't want to deal with them anyway.
  21. arton Rotaru wrote: Alright, I got that wrong then. This thread just popped up for me on the first page, and I just looked at the date of the post above mine. You have my apologies. Yeah, the forums really should show the date of first post as well as last, instead of just bumping replies to the top.
  22. I'll be honest. I was gonna troll you and insult you a little, maybe thank you for proving my point, but I've changed my mind. Instead, I'll simply ask you to look at the date on this thread and on that one.
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