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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I like the look of that skin, but I respect those who want a flawless skin too. What I personally dislike is random dark spots on face skins.
  2. I think Bayou could be part of the landscaping for a New Orleans/ Louisiana theme. Imagine Spanish moss hanging down from trees, bottle trees, and haight blue ceilings on the porches. I think it would be cool to have 512 m, 1024 m, and 2048 m neighborhoods next to each other too.
  3. New Orleans French Quarter theme. Shotgun houses for 512m parcels: 2-story houses with balconies for 1024 m parcels: Possible larger, Garden District houses for 2048 m parcels in adjacent regions.
  4. It also has anticoagulation properties because it's a salicylate. I learned that after donating blood after taking Peptobismol the night before. My puncture wound took longer to stop bleeding. Peptobismol tablets are great to take with you when traveling, btw.
  5. Zerkalo currently has a $L 300 store credit gift at their Shop & Hop store and another $L 300 group gift store credit giver at their main store. The group is free to join, so that's $L 600 in store credit for free. This store credit can be used on anything in the store, as far as I can tell, including weekend sale items. Add to this a big box of old group gifts and their current Advent gifts - all free. (The same deals are going on at Vagrant, the women's clothing store that shares their mainstore region.)
  6. I don't think it's cost-effective for LL to create Linden Home themes that are only desired by a few people. Maybe someday it might be, but right now they can easily scale up and add more regions by copying and pasting those they've already created. Then they bring in the landscaping Moles to add details that keep the regions from looking too repetitive. Automating some of the process saves on Mole-hours and frees up Moles to do detail work, QA checking, and resident interactions such as schmoozing at the Welcome Hub or responding to us here on the forums.
  7. It seems to me that textures would be relatively easy to add to Linden Homes, but changing the foliage or ground texture might not be. (I'd love to see updated ground textures on mainland, though.) So, what about adding mesh snow banks to the content packs for Chalets and Log Homes, as well as a texture for light snow on the roof? Would people like to have ivy and rose vine covered exterior walls for the Chalets? That could be an added exterior texture. For the Fantasy Homes, I'd also like to see added exterior wall and roof textures - a gingerbread house theme, an ivy & rose vine covered thatch-roof cottage theme, and a dark stone & slate roof theme. For my imagined 2048 m gothic mansion theme, I'd suggest adding the Victorian hedge pieces, so people can build a hedge maze in their garden. If these would include snow-covered hedges, snow banks and snow covered roof textures, people could do a homage to The Shining.
  8. Right now clothing for LaraX are hot sales items because 1.) a third of the female avatars either have LaraX or can get it with a redelivery, and 2.) there aren't many clothes available for it yet. Creators who are offering LaraX sizes are probably doing pretty well right now. Classic Lara sized clothing are still highly available, both in stores and in user's inventories, so there is no mad rush to buy more. I think we'll need to see how sales level out a few months from now to see if LaraX use will fully replace classic Lara, but I expect than when users compare which body looks better in a bathing suit, lingerie, or even a tank top, most are going to go with LaraX. Cinderella has more going for it than being a roleplay outfit that fits LaraX, btw. It has a fun interactive aspect that we seldom see outside of stripable clothing, in which the outfit can change with a magic wand or at the top of the hour (ie. at midnight).
  9. I've seen people add mesh snow around their homes in the Log Home regions, so this is obviously possible. While some people like a snowy environment, however, not everyone does. Just look at how many tropical beaches there are in SL vs. cold rocky ones. (I would not like to live in a snowy environment in RL or SL.) LL can't just randomly change Linden Home regions once people have already taken homes in them. They could make some snowy regions in the future though.
  10. Content can be rated Adult for graphic violence as well as for sexual content. I think we in the US sometimes forget that other countries may consider violent content to be more disturbing than nudity or sex.
  11. @SarahKB7 Koskinen, @Abnor Mole I think Abnor's 1st should count if all the regions were open to the public when he did it. I'm pretty sure Sarah was ready to jump in as soon as they were, and she wasn't tired from working on creating them. Maybe what we should have now is an official race around the subcontinent, from the rez zone at Three Sheets to crossing under the bridge at Three Sheets?
  12. They seem to be devoted to providing all the same options for Blake and Jamie. I don't mind that Blake can wear a skirt or mini dress. Perhaps if he wears these, he should be able to wear heels too? I think they should have bathing suits, but I bet they don't want Jamie going topless in swim shorts at the Welcome Hub. In truth, this gender-neutral idea can only go just so far in SL, because female breasts are treated differently than male breasts. Jamie is going to need a bikini (maybe a BOM one) and perhaps a mesh 1-piece bathing suit. Blake could have a BOM Speedo-type bathing suit and mesh swim trunks. I doubt many people will want to put Blake in a bikini, but of course we can always do this with BOM. The kind of diving suits that surfers wear in cold water can be unisex.
  13. This does give a new meaning to the term a "Cat House".
  14. Tiffany Designs has a bunch of LaraX sizes and a $L 500 group gift card. (Join fee is $L 400). I got this whole outfit with color change HUD for $L 250. I'm still deciding what else to get with the rest of my $L 250.
  15. There are always new people in SL looking to make friends. You could respond to posts like this one or hang out at the Welcome Hub and offer to help newbies. You could also talk to people in group chats and make friends this way.
  16. If you save the packaging or can redeliver it, try the Legacy sizes for clothing you already have. If most of the body is covered, especially the shoulders, breasts and pelvis, you can alpha out bits that show through.
  17. If they can do treehouses, why not chicken feet?
  18. Linden Lab might have a problem with Mattel if they were to go exactly with this theme, but they probably could do a Malibu theme or something like the houses in Sunset magazine.
  19. This thread is for fun, not to badger Linden Lab for more, more, more. I think we should expect more Linden Home themes in the future though, especially south of the Log Homes and Stilt Homes, so let's share some ideas, with pictures. For another 2048 m theme, how about Gothic mini-mansions?
  20. TLDR I read about halfway through your post. I think there are some good ideas here, but also too many restrictions. Why limit buildings to 2 stories when some people want castles and cities with tall buildings? If you can't enforce standards - not even with public disapproval - they won't be followed. Just look at how often people toss trash on the ground in RL. Many people are just self-centered pigs. (Apologies to actual pigs.)
  21. More speculation: Will the Welcome Hub connect to the Ranch Homes, and if so where? I think it will connect, because getting newbies to see the 2048m homes will encourage them to buy Premium Plus accounts, which are extremely profitable for LL. I don't know if the Motown people will want a connection at their region, but they should, because it will drive traffic through it. Whichever of the 3 northern Welcome Hub regions gets a connection (and water rez zone) to the Ranch Homes will benefit by having more traffic. Of course, the southern Ranch coast will also be developed, eventually creating a circular sailing route around the Welcome Hub island. I'd also suggest adding a region to the east of the Welcome Hub sandbox with a small island 🏝 and surfing. 🏄‍♀ī¸ Surfing is a fun activity that's easy for newbies to do. Put a sailboat giver at the Sandbox, so they can enjoy sailing. â›ĩ pī¸.s. Give Blake and Jamie some free bathing suits!
  22. What good do the map covers actually do? As long as we can't go into the new regions, we can't bother the Moles working in them. Does our speculation really matter?
  23. I think a train track will run from the Log Home north coast over a bridge to the Ranch Homes, along the east coast of Ranch, over the waterway between Ranch and Mediterranean, and eventually over to Sakura. Don't expect a Sakura connection in early 2024 though, since Sakura homes have not been as popular as LL expected they would be. Perhaps when the old Linden Homes are deleted, more people will move to the Newbrook, Sakura, Log Home and Fantasy regions. I also predict a train line, station and Ranch Community Region at those 3 currently empty regions in the middle of the Ranch Homes. I expect the train line to continue up the north-east coast of Ranch or possibly cross into Mediterranean. I expect a Northern connection to Sansara, but this will be water only, and it's too early to tell yet whether this will connect to Ranch or Mediterranean. p.s. The Stilt Homes will also connect to Mediterranean by water, and Mediterranean will have some House Boats along it's coast.
  24. LaraX perve: Alpha cuts. I usually use alpha cuts, or an alpha layer if one is included with the clothing. I like the neckline and pelvis cuts for LaraX better than the ones for Lara classic. Some of the cuts on the chest and around the breast are very small and hard to click though, so I end up spending too much time trying to click the right alpha cuts. Possible solution from the creator side: Include alpha layers with clothing. This can probably be one alpha layer that would work with all body types. Possible solutions from the customer side: I don't like the extra step of using save sticks, but I can use the alpha slots on my LaraX HUD just for different chest alpha configurations. I might also add an alpha layer from a pack of alpha layers into my folder for some clothing.
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