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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I guess Santa is going to have a rough time delivering presents in SL tonight. 🎅
  2. I noticed Akeruka has followed this naming convention too. Their recent gift heads are designated AK EVOX. I assume this is to make it clear that all these heads are EVOX compatible and perhaps that they are licensed to use the EVOX UV map.
  3. I love LaraX, & not being able to wear all my old clothing on it is giving me a good reason to get rid of some old inventory. I'm still keeping Freya for Persephone, for when I feel like I want those more generous curves, but my Erika Zero & GenX Classic Lite bodies are not seeing much love now.
  4. I was specifically talking about Medieval peasants, who wouldn't have bought imported fish. The upper classes, merchant classes, clergy and monasteries definitely ate fish. This whole discussion of what people ate depends on where people lived, their economic statis, the time of year, and how crops had faired. Cookbooks started to be a thing when printing became widely available, so not until the early Renaissance. One was written by a wealthy merchant for his young wife, but most were for the cooks of the upper classes. They were vague in some ways, saying "cook until done" and "season to taste" because they assumed cooks would know how to tell when food was done and how their employers liked their food. If a family were peasant farmers, they likely had a cow or a couple goats, so they would've had milk for butter and cheese and could have a calf or some kids (the goat's offspring) that could be slaughtered. Chickens, rabbits and pigs aren't too hard to feed and raise too. Fruit, veggies, and meat were preserved. Documented evidence shows that most peasants didn't eat much meat, but mostly ate vegetables, beans and grains. I don't know if stomach contents from hundreds of years ago would show whether they also ate eggs and dairy products, but I think they had these too. Thus, peasants ate a largely, but not exclusively vegetarian diet. The upper class, merchant class, and clergy ate more meat and fish. People who lived near the ocean and rivers also ate more fish, eels and shellfish. Fermented fish was a style of preserving fish in some places, but not everywhere. Salting and drying was more common, and salt was readily available in coastal regions. Peeve: that I don't have my Medieval Kitchen cookbook, though excepts can be found online.
  5. There were many fasting days, which were days without red meat or foul. Fish and milk products were generally fine to eat on these days. Fish was hard to keep though, so most people didn't have access to it unless it was salted and dried. The main diet of peasants was veggies, beans (especially peas), bread, cheese, grain porridge, eggs, some chicken, rabbit, pork, sheep or goat meat. Beef and venison were mostly for the rich. Peas porridge was a common staple, basically what we call mushy peas or split pea soup now, so it could have a bit of meat in it for flavor.
  6. Nuve has a set of free BOM body skins & if their group is still free join, you can grab a bunch of face & newer body skins too. There are plenty of free & sale BOM skins around.
  7. There is even vegan Lassi make with almond milk. A bought a mango one at Grocery Outlet, though I prefer real milk yogurt products.
  8. Another good Renaissance tip for veggies is to use equal parts powdered ginger and cardimon on parsnips or carrots, then add butter. Sugar and/or fat are the secret ingredients to make most foods taste good, but carrots and parsnips are sweet enough on their own.
  9. I used to make a mushroom pie that was a combination of recipes from The Medieval Kitchen cookbook that a vegetarian friend loved. When people didn't eat meat on Friday in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, they invented good vegan and vegetarian alternatives, such as almond milk. Saute brown mushrooms in olive oil and wine (or a little vinegar if you don't use wine). Season with nutmeg, coriander, powdered ginger, black pepper and salt. I then put the sauted mushrooms into a pie with mild white cheese.
  10. I haven't seen savory cheesecake (which is actually pie), but I'd love to try that. I also think people should start making savory yogurt flavors.
  11. Savory pies are not as common as sweet pies in the US, but of course we have savory pies too. - chicken pot pie, shepherd's pie, quiche, deep dish pizza, etc.
  12. @Baiphen Quintessa You could use olive trees and date palms too. Cacti are not native to the Mediterranean. https://www.nwf.org/Educational-Resources/Wildlife-Guide/Plants-and-Fungi/Cacti#:~:text=Almost all genera of cacti,South Africa%2C and Mediterranean countries.
  13. So a smaller, cottage size house would be a good addition. 🏠
  14. Some of the best parcels now may be in those regions closest to the Ranch regions. I think there's a very strong possibility of a waterway dividing the Ranch and Mediterranean regions, which means there won't be more homes built between them, just water, landscaping and possible roads or a train track. There's also a possibility of water rez zones.
  15. If people could buy tier at lower levels without having to rely on alts to do so, they could more easily buy smaller parcels to add to their 1024 m or 2048 m parcel. I think the 10% group bonus is too difficult for many people (especially newer residents) to game. I'd suggest giving that bonus to anyone who holds at least 1024 m in that region and allowing individuals to purchase more tier in 256 square meter units. Maybe 256 sq m should be the smallest unit of land that could be bought or sold, except by LL? People who already have smaller parcels could still use them of course.
  16. The problem with dropping draw distance is that one also loses any view. I prefer derendering the things I don't want to see.
  17. You're assuming the person with a 1/8 region bought their land from a flipper. We don't know this. They may have bought a smaller parcel, then purchased additional abandoned land from LL (which is what I always did). You're also still suggesting that other residents should change their perspective. We can't control how other people think or feel. Linden Lab can control behavior to some extent by setting rules or changing how the platform works. We can only make suggestions and change our own behavior if we choose to do so. You perceive a problem with your old business model, so you're looking for a new perspective and new ideas. Congratulations. This is the most effective way to remedy a problem.
  18. I'd suggest adding the ability to derender objects into the SL viewer.
  19. My point is to look at this perceived problem from different perspectives and show how it could impact Linden Lab's business. We can point fingers at each other all day long, accusing those we don't agree with of whining or being selfish, but what matters most is what is in the best interest of the platform. People who are complaining are unsatisfied customers. People who abandon Mainland or reduce their tier are customers who aren't paying into the platform as much as they used to do. People who can't make a profit like they used to do are also unsatisfied customers. So what can LL do to encourage a healthy and vibrant economy in SL?
  20. One person's good business sense is another person's "screwing people over".
  21. I'm bumping this thread rather than starting a new one to ask: What would make Chalets more appealing to you? They have open floor plans that people like, road and water rez zones, sailable rivers, an attractive environment, and cute animal statues. Are the exteriors or interiors too boring? This could be remedied with shells or more textures. Are the windmills too noisy? This could be remedied by lowering the volume on them. I think they'd be good for Medieval roleplay. Is there a reason people who do Medieval RP wouldn't want to live here? I think the community center is great. I think the restaurant would be perfect for events such as weddings or birthday parties. The zip lines and balloon rides are fun. Should LL or the BBB hold Octoberfest events here? What is missing from this theme that people want in it?
  22. I used to think it was a form of advertising, but now I think the OP is bored and either enjoys trolling the forum or feels a need to publically justify the time they spend in SL.
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