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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. 😳 I wanted a "Wow!" emoji. Congratulations on getting you account back. Don't worry too much about your old clothes being deleted. If they were very old you might be happier with new ones. Some may also be able to be redelivered. Go to your favorite stores to see if they have a Redelivery option. Delete all the crap the other person added too, if there's nothing there you want. Old system clothing may still be usable as Bakes On Mesh, if you get a mesh body. The only part that doesn't work well are system skirt layers. Flexi and bling are out of fashion now too. p.s. Rowen added a good explantation for what you called "transparent clothing". If this is what you were taking about, don't delete it all. You'll need that to wear mesh clothing properly.
  2. Note: The curtained bed has a fairly high Land Impact as is, but with the curtains removed it's not bad. Most Apple Fall item are modifiable.
  3. Not many people use that trick of purposefully trying to get a house that someone else has just released. The vast majority of Linden Home owners don't even come to the forums, and it must be especially frustrating for new users. They think they're going to get a choice of homes, but instead they get the same home over and over.
  4. It still creates frustration, especially as most users are not and never will be P+. I think the easiest way to correct this problem would be for just released parcels to go to the bottom of the list of available ones.
  5. If it's the event I'm thinking of, I thought they were going for a Tron vibe. As for lighting issue, I often just change my personal environment/ lighting by changing to the medium gray tone, rather than actually changing the environment.
  6. For years there was a bridge out in Satori, and people were expected to try to jump the gap, so anything is possible.
  7. @Abnor Mole is generally the one laying down the train tracks. I wonder if he played with model trains as a kid?
  8. Do you not see all the fashion and photo posts on here? Some of us (not me) are huge consumers. We're buying clothes, skin, mesh bodies & heads, hair, houses and furniture. We've even got a recent thread about which vehicles are best for driving in SL.
  9. Don't take this negative feedback too seriously. People are bored for some drama.
  10. New Ranch regions & train tracks! New Regions on the North East Ranch coast New Train Tracks on the North East Ranch corner Train tracks & home parcels at Michael Row (new region) Abnor putting train tracks at Goodge Reef Train station at Goodge Reef
  11. I don't think this is weird. We regular users are kind of wired to think of lindens as a currency within our unique economic system here, rather than as what their RL market value is. We may think $L 250 isn't bad for a dress or "Dang! that's almost my whole weekly stipend", rather than that's $1 US. My former landlady would be happy if she made $L 500 in tips after working as a SL hostess for 2 hrs, rather than thinking she'd only made $ 1/ hour.
  12. This may be follow up information to take the thesis beyond the initial survey.
  13. Hey, at least they're offering to pay people for their time, though they might have gotten away with paying in linden dollars instead.
  14. I love that they named one region after the puteketeke. John Oliver ran a huge campaign to get it named the New Zealand bird of the year. It can be found in Europe and North Africa too though, according to this video, so it can be said to be a Mediterranean bird.
  15. I love this outfit - Group gift sweater (LaraX) from Blueberry, Power Play Boots (Maitreya) from Blueberry, BOM jeans from Tori's Stylez, BOM Camisole top from Izzie's gift packs, hair from Mina.
  16. Having been a lady "of a certain age" and also dealing with a narcissistic elderly mother with Alzheimer's, I can relate to that feeling of wanting to slap someone...and also resisting that urge. *Hugs*
  17. No. Go login. Go meditate, dance, do whatever you like to do inworld. The "problem" described is from people wearing mesh that hasn't rezzed yet and EvoX skins instead of SLUV skins. As long as people want to make their SL more detailed and graphics intensive, there is going to be a lag in things rezzing properly. If you don't like it, either don't go to busy places, go where most of the people wear old system avatars, or don't log in at all. But if you don't log in at all, you'll be missing all the fun too.
  18. People can't request a Mediterranean until January 8th. They could release more parcels or regions before then. Are there unreleased parcels, or are they actually all taken?
  19. Another example, blaming Linden Lab for toxicity inworld or in the forums, when it is clearly the users who are to blame.
  20. B.S. 12 step programs do work for many people. They just aren't a good fit for everyone. Hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and any number of other types of therapy or treatments also don't work for everyone, yet show proven results for many people. - This discussion has nothing to do with whether SL is toxic or not, though derailment of threads might be considered part of the toxicity of the forums.
  21. This probably won't help the OP, but a couple times when I was boxing up stuff, I accidentally put some into the contents of my house.
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