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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. You can still have 5.3 delivered from the LaraX extras HUD. There are some changes on the HUD from 5.2 to 5.3. Changes from 5.0 to 5.3 probably include the separation of applier layers, so you don't have to use any of them if you only use BOM or can just use the ones you want. There is also the optional BOM layer, which hides toes, belly button, and camel toe, when using BOM clothing.
  2. I think it's ridiculing a creator when a person keeps saying they're destroying their biggest selling product and making anyone who uses that product be forced to delete all their related items. If one keeps saying a popular item is no longer usable when it actually is still usable, isn't that a malicious attack on the creator?
  3. Peeve #1: Naming and shaming a creator serves a purpose, but is against the rules of the forum. Peeve #2: The rules about not naming and shaming a creator are inconsistently enforced, specifically that the biggest creators of mesh bodies can be ridiculed. I suppose one could follow the lead of a certain RL politician though and say "Some people have called a new body LardbuttX, but that's not right. We can't call it LardbuttX. No, we mustn't call it LardbuttX."
  4. Note: The train station at the Welcome Hub demo region still needs a name change.
  5. The Vintage jeans are updated and are not a new item. Everything else in the store has a sign saying it will be updated to include Lara X sizing. When an item you've bought is updated, just redeliver it. I'm waiting for the Skinny Zipper Jeans.
  6. Does't the Blueberry HUD delete all scripts though, so you'd loose the texture change ability?
  7. It's reassuring to see people say that Legacy sizes sometimes fit LaraX with a bit of alpha. Most of the non-ancient clothing I have has Legacy sizes, so I'll try them. Persephone is currently wearing Lara sized Unbothered jeans and boots and a Legacy sized Unbothered sweater, all from Blueberry. There's a little clipping at the back of the neck, but overall, it looks ok. Persephone usually wears clothing that covers most of her body, so using alphas to hide the body beneath works ok much of the time. I'm still looking for a good LaraX bikini, but for now I have BOM and the included LaraX lingerie.
  8. Comparing that butt to the drawing, it looks like they put the bum in upside down. Also, is that drawing transferable? I'd like a copy if that's possible.
  9. They might also be cup holders for coffee cups.
  10. I would date my guy alt briefly, then decide he's just a friend, no real spark there. He was more interesting when he was younger, but now he's kind of boring.
  11. I'm not sure if travel by cannon is faster than teleporting, but it is certainly the most fun.
  12. Laurenda has a vehicle and boat rez zone, as well as a cannon to the BelliHub island. No active rez zone yet for the train station.
  13. Yay! We can now sail between Mainland, Belli and the Welcome Hub. Flying along the Log Home coast will be easier too, at least west of Three Sheets, without bumping into people's home parcels.
  14. Depends on how much Lara Classic clothing you have, whether you can make what you have work with system and alpha layers, and how much you want to buy new clothing. I'm not buying anything now, so I'll see what I can do with Lara X, but my Lara Classic girls will mostly be wearing that body until I can get them a bunch of gift Lara X clothing. I don't create separate folders for different sizes, btw. I just add size notes to the titles of my clothing folders. Lara Classic = M *. I haven't decided yet if Lara X will be LX. If the folder has both, it might say M LX * or LX M *. 🤔
  15. Just wait until December, when all the Advent, Christmas and Shop and Hop gifts will come out.
  16. I wouldn't mind if the building packs were available only to Premium members, but textures should be available to all, so creators can make good add-ons for all the themes. I have no desire to leave my Linden Home just to get more decor or textures. I picked some of the other texture packs when my alts owned houses in other themes, but when Alycia was trying all the available themes before going Basic, the building pack givers weren't working for some of the houses, so I couldn't get them all.
  17. How about "The more I know people, the more I like true crime shows"?
  18. I vote for a raise for Abnor too. He's been working pretty hard lately from what I've seen, both inworld and on the forums.
  19. They often have a simple math equation to answer before the pay-out.
  20. Anything could be a kink for someone, but that doesn't mean it's intended as a kink by the creator. I think it's more likely just an anti-Christmas commentary. Or maybe Christmas fighting back against anti-Christmas commentary?
  21. If you've been ejected from these groups, you no longer own them or have any control of them. This is why one should never give owner status to someone they don't trust completely. (I only give it to my alts.) Linden Lab will not get involved in this disagreement. You gave the other person the power to eject you, and that's what they did. What can you do now? You can create a new group and invite members of your previous group to it. If you had donated tier to that group and were ejected, I think your tier went with you. If you were in that group and still had tier donated to it, you could remove your tier donation, so that the new owner would have to make up that tier themself or give up land. If you were renting land, you could contact your landlord and end your lease.
  22. I didn't want to say I got it, but I did and I do actually need the money. It works out to a little less than $4 added to my US dollar amount, to which I'm adding my own stipend, so I can pay for next month's premium account fee. If I can sell enough plasma by the end of November, I might be able to pay for my annual premium account. If the OP had withdrawn the money, they would have paid a $3 fee on it, and would've only gotten 85 cents. I offered to let them join my land group and use my Linden Home if they need a place to rez, but I haven't been inworld since then to see if they responded.
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