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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. How one runs a business in SL is nobody else's business until it breaks a rule or inconviences others who pay to play in SL. If land flipping practices drive paying users away from owning mainland, then it's Linden Lab's business too. Let's say someone owns and pays tier on a 1/8 of a region on Mainland with a view of water. A land-flipper might buy a micro parcel, put up a tower that blocks their view, then put that parcel up for sale at 10x what they paid for it. The person with the 1/8 parcel might not want to cut a piece off the back of their current parcel so they can buy the other micro parcel. They might decide instead to give up on mainland and just get a Linden Home instead. They might stop paying for extra tier. Someone else probably won't want to buy their parcel with a tower obstructing it's view, so they abandon their land. Now it's abandoned mainland and LL is making less money from the person who used to pay for it. If this kind of situation continues, they might decide it's in their interest to only let LL sell microparcels to people who already own larger parcels in that region. The micro parcel flipping business would then be a thing of the past, just as SL banks are now.
  2. Many women have male alts, and we find clothes for them. Because they're alts, we may not want to spend alot of money on them, but we take this as a challenge to find free stuff, sales, and shops with store credit and gift cards. Like most male users then, we don't want to spend much money on our male avatars, but unlike them, we don't mind spending time to look for stuff. Shopping for a great bargain or a perfect look is an activity we enjoy, not just a necessary chore for achieving a passible wardrobe. The L'Homme Magazine group, Access event, and ManCave event are good places for finding male clothing stores you may like. Boston Blaisedale on YouTube and the Virtual Bloke website are also good for showing male fashion options.
  3. As we age, our skin sags. Thus you can add to the bags under the eyes and the jowls/double chin. For wrinkles, you'll either need a BOM layer, one from your face HUD, or both. Keep the wrinkles light, so they don't look excessive.
  4. I feel there should be an innertube rezzer there instead of a tire.
  5. Ok. Now we need Ranch regions names after pies 🥧 and Mediterranean ones named after Mediterranean foods.
  6. They will allow tickets, just not right now. My guess is they'll allow tickets in January.
  7. And if we keep opening the oven to check on it, it will only take longer to bake.
  8. Jake also includes a modifiable body, which I doubt Legacy has. Legacy has the highest complexity of the bodies, while a free script from Marketplace can strip off the onion layers of all the older modifiable Belleza bodies to make them BOM only and considerably lower their complexity. I know most people don't want to modify their bodies, but some do. Legacy probably looks the best, but the "best" body shape is subjective, and the OP only asked about support by creators. Jake currently has the most. We don't really know which will have the most a year from now.
  9. More people use Freya than the GenX bodies, yet Belleza has said they're not going to support their older bodies going forward. I wonder if they'll also kill Jake by introducing an expensive GenX male body and expecting guys to dump all their Jake skins and clothing for a new one? On the other hand, if they switch to Legacy, they probably already have Legacy sizes. Right now, I still recommend Jake too.
  10. I don't think this is against the covenant though. This could be seasonal decoration.
  11. I was over there before Abnor added the warning signs. A lady had just gone through the tunnel with a train before he put up the signs. The tunnel is clear too! So we'll be able to see sealife outside of it. 🐟 🐠 🦈
  12. The train line is going to run at least partly along the eastern orange route, so that part up to the middle of Ranch will be completed first. The actual connection to Sansara will be further north than your map shows, where there is a Linden controlled waterway. Since it may take a while to get enough occupied Linden Home regions to go up that far, I don't think we should expect the connection very soon. I don't think the Mediterranean region will fill up as quickly as the Ranch region did. I think the houses are great, but more people will prefer the green countryside to the arid desert-like landscape. 🏜
  13. Whether the next theme is a 1024 m or a 2048 m one may depend on how quickly the Mediterranean theme fills up, as well as how quickly the new Victorians and Stilt Homes fill up. Linden Lab is not going to spend time and money on a theme that is unlikely to pay for itself. Maybe they'll monitor our comments on these forums to see what people want too. Maybe they'll host some kind of inworld focus group? At any rate, I don't expect another theme in the near future, partly because the spaces for demo homes and teleporters to them at the demo regions will be full after this Mediterranean theme.
  14. There's a small island & water connection between Mediterranean and Ranch at Typhoon & Goodge Reef. Expect a bridge and train connection here, I'm guessing.
  15. I was off by one day. 🔮 I also thought the train would go over a bridge from the North Log Home coast to the Ranch Homes, rather than underwater.
  16. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
  17. ^ @Prokofy Neva Nobody has to work to survive in SL. Nobody is going to starve, freeze to death, be beaten or killed or imprisioned, have their home destroyed by a fire or storm or warfare, or even have their car damaged by a fallen tree branch or collision in SL. Nobody is going to rob our house or steal parts off our car. Nobody is forced to live with the sound of bombs, gunfire, fighting neighbors, police sirens or helicopters, or crazy people yelling outside. We can get free clothes and unpack them in a sandbox. We can dress on a sky platform or underwater. We can fly and teleport all over. We can change our appearance with a few clicks of our mouse. We can have an Inventory closet that's almost as big inside as a TARDIS and we can carry it with us everywhere. I think it's silly to complain that SL is not a democracy when we aren't forced to pay taxes to support its infrastructure and services. I don't see anyone dumping crates of tea into a harbor or protesting Linden Lab's involvement in unjust wars or trade practices. Yes, there are fees, but it's our choice to pay them or not. It's not an entirely free market, but participation in it is optional. We don't even have to use our real names or be forced to see directed ads.
  18. You need to be a resident of Bellisseria or maybe a partner of one. Maybe LL will have a Christmas sale for Premium accounts? @Patch Linden
  19. I went to Starbucks inside Target yesterday & found I could get a small cup of hot chocolate if I bought a Grande size of something else on Saturdays & Sundays. Pet Delight: Drinking a warm cup of chocolate and a hot cup of Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai Latte while watching people walk by outside. I was also happy to buy the last stretchy headband that was exactly like the one I'd lost and to buy decent earphones for my phone for $ 10 at Best Buy. Another Pet Delight: Having a dream early this morning with a gorgeous landscape, sky and river with a natural swimming pool in it.
  20. If you live in Bellisseria, there is only a written test to get a driver's license from the BBB. ( I got mine before there was a test, but then suggested they should create a humorous one.)
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