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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Would you really want just anyone to land in your home when they've been ejected from someone else's land? We have control over who can come into our land or home in SL, especially if we've paid for this right.
  2. Toxic is when you eat sometime and it kills you or makes you sick. Therefore, don't ingest it. Poisonous is when a creature attacks you with venom. Stay away from those creatures. Don't try to fight them back unless you absolutely have to do so to protect yourself or others.
  3. Our bubbles 🫧 may keep us from seeing views we don't agree with. They may also warp what we think is normal or acceptable. Society has given us some rules of behavior though, that are supposed to keep us from being disliked no matter what our personal views may be. Do onto others as you would have done onto you. Don't punch down. Also known as pick on someone your own size. Be honest. Don't distort facts to serve your own interests. Admit when you might be wrong, don't know something for sure, or are just giving your opinion. Admit when you make a mistake. Admit that others can have a different perspective than you have, and that doesn't necessarily make them a bad person or stupid. What is "left" or "right" of central views will change over time and in different parts of the world. People are also not all the same in all their views, no matter which political party, religion or social groups they may identify with. My point is that "left" and "right" are not walls that need to separate us. Linden Lab may seem left-leaning, but this doesn't mean it's an enemy to everyone who sees themself as right-leaning. I'm sure they don't want to alienate large portions of their usership in any case, yet at the same time they have an interest in keeping decorum in the forum. I think they try to keep a low-controversy, SL focused middle ground here. You might view them as being overly against some "right-wing" views, but others might say they don't protect "left-wing" discussions of LGBTQ+ subjects enough. I think they're trying to take a middle road that is less likely to lead to flame wars.
  4. Sometimes I see humor in the post even if the person wasn't trying to be funny. I might laugh at irony, predictability, or what I view as a clueless or inane response. If the poster seems to have delicate feelings though, I'll avoid posting a laugh emoji.
  5. 1. Do you mean that he can't rez a package at your house? If you want other people to be able to rez items on your parcel, create a group and add an alt to it. Then make your alt a co-owner, but don't give that roll to anyone else. (Groups need to have at least 2 people in them, but to keep others from kicking you out of your own group or doing other mischief, don't give the owner roll to other people.) Once you have a group, set your land to your group and set it so group members can rez on your land. Now invite anyone you want to be able to rez stuff to your group. I do this so all my alts & some of my friends can rez stuff on my land. This is especially useful so partners can share a home with you, but if you break up, you can kick them out of the group and return their stuff to their Lost and Found folder. 2. If he is having trouble adding clothing or rezzing textures, this may be a problem with lag. You or your neighbors may have too many scripts or dense textures going on. One way to deal with this problem is to put a simple skybox or platform at 2000 m or higher and use this as a dressing room. This would thus be away from items at ground level that may be creating lag.
  6. As a beginner, things like this should be simple. A female newbie doesn't need a vajayjay. An Adult skin with the approprate texture will do. A male newbie can make due with a free Hugsie pen!s from the Marketplace, until such a time as they decide they want to pay for a better mesh body, mesh head, and a better male genital attachment.
  7. I agree that Zalifacent's particular posting style can be amusing, but I wouldn't call it brutally honest. Brutal, yes, but not always honest. Her "quotes" are sometimes more artistic interpretation than factual representation. I was the person who posted that a Mentor at the Welcome Hub told me in private IM not to give advice to a newbie who had asked for help in open chat. Another person on this forum posted about a somewhat similar experience. Even so, I believe the current Mentor program is working great. One bad experience with one Mentor doesn't mean much compared to all the good work being done by these volunteers and the Moles overseeing them.
  8. I didn't mean to imply you complained. You were just stating your experience.
  9. The picture would be allowed in the Adult section of the forum.
  10. Exactly. They had 1 vendor for each head. The group is free to join. The gift heads asked for $L 1, but it was repaid for all 4 of my accounts. There was also a Touch option, rather than Pay, which some people in the group chat said also worked. Alycia had to wait about 10 minutes to recieve the female head. My other 2 female and 1 male avatars all received their heads within a couple of minutes. People are demanding immediate delivery when the system is swamped by people clicking the vendor repeatedly. Then they complain about paying $L 1 for a good mesh head. Entitled much?
  11. In English Noel can be masculine or feminine. It's more commonly a feminine name in the US, but it can be masculine too. As a masculine name, it can be pronounced as either 1 or 2 syllables. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noel_(given_name)
  12. This is the new Cinderella outfit for LaraX from Salt & Pepper. I used $L 700 of my Advent gift cards to buy just the dress. ( The mesh blouse/cape, shoes & magic wands are extra. There is also an interactive hair from Mina.) I found a BOM white blouse in my inventory that works with either the poor Cinderalla dress or the ball gown. Shoes, hair & accessories I would have to change manually for now. There is one HUD to change the colors for both dresses and another HUD for setting the interactive parameters. It's like getting a fatpack for both the peasant dress & the ball gown.
  13. You can adjust your shape to make bodies look less Barbie-like. If you want plenty of skins & clothing, you'll have to use a body that is more popular. Maitreya Lara - classic or X, Legacy and Reborn are the most popular mesh bodies right now. LucyBody Atenea is a very good inexpensive alternative to Maitreya classic. The Erika, GenX and Kupra bodies have some skin and clothing support for curvier bodies other than Reborn or Legacy. Erika & GenX are on sale now, if you want to give them a demo.
  14. Peeve: I miss waking up Christmas morning and my former landlady and I saying "Merry F**king Christmas" to each other. This was a tradition we created, along with watching as many versions of "A Christmas Carol" as we could find on TV and me making oatmeal with apples, cinnamon, brown sugar and butter on Sunday and Christmas mornings.
  15. Peeve: In my disappointment at not having a Christmas day $L 50 gift card from Salt & Pepper, I forgot that Alycia had already spent all her S&P gift cards and that a lovely lady had given her 3 gift cards she didn't want. Alycia had $L 750 she could take off the price of a LaraX doll set. Persephone has $L 750 and Evan has $L 150 in gift card credit. I've had a bunch of store credit and gift cards to use on new clothes, yet for a moment I was sad that I didn't have $L 50 more. Lol Actually, on several issues I was focusing on small things I thought went wrong and forgetting several good things that happened. ❤️
  16. I thought the OP meant "unappolo-f**king-getically"
  17. In SL, if you're enjoying it you're winning. Nobody is really keeping score.
  18. I don't play other online multiperson games, so I can't compare SL to them. I can compare the forum to older forums, Facebook, YouTube and RL groups of people. All of these exhibit some degree of toxicity, because people are flawed and they sometimes express their own inner conflicts by throwing negativity onto others. I think most of us have a bit of the Grinch or Oscar the Grouch in us. I don't interact with many people inworld except through group chats, which generally seem pretty positive to me. I do lose my joy in SL sometimes, which I think usually happens when I'm worried or depressed in RL. The commonly offered solution is to take break from SL, then come back later when you're feeling better, to see if it still feels enjoyable.
  19. Noel, Kris or Chris are all common Christmas names that are also gender neutral in English. There's bound to be many creators naming heads, skins, make up and outfits after Christmas-related names at this time of year, and there's no way this can be proprietary naming. Even if someone wanted to call a head, skin or outfit "Micky", Disney couldn't come after them just for that. Akeruka might have named their head after Lelutka's on purpose, or maybe they just thought it was a good name for a male Christmas head. It's obviously not copying Lelutka's female head, so it's not really a problem.
  20. Izzie's may have a free pack of old system shirts. (Old or new isn't what matters, but rather attention to detail.) Sn@tch made great BOM layer clothing and still has a store on Marketplace. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/7366
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