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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. The Chicory region has stores for Dinkies, but also has a free Centaur body by Jinx for the Senra bodies. I picked it up to try it. Maybe it will work with other bodies too? I saw one store giving away skins for the Senra avatars, but I wasn't impressed enough to pick those up.
  2. Note: Guguvagas / GGVG is at Shop & Hop with a $L 500 gift card or store credit. They have several outfits with LaraX sizes. The 2-piece gown with a bare left leg and chains on the left leg has been released by several stores under different names. It is a cute LaraX compatible outfit that can be found as a group gift or at a promotional price at several stores, with different color HUDs. I'd suggest getting it from more than one place for maximum color options.
  3. Yup, yup. ❤️ Every mesh head has its own peculiarities and limitations, Genus heads seem to map pretty closely to the standard SLUV map. I've also had good luck fitting skins made for Genus heads to Lelutka EvoX heads when they're on the Evolution (not EvoX) setting, though EvoX skins fit best. Even within the same brand, individual mesh heads are shaped differently and are limited in how much they'll respond to shape sliders, so if you want a particular look, you'll need to demo alot of mesh heads and skins to find the perfect match. When you get to this point, demo heads that look closest to the look you want, then adjust the shape that comes with them in small increments. The free Genus head is a good one to start with. The Senra Jamie head and body in the Library of our Inventory is a good mesh avatar to start with because it's easy to use, but it's limited in how it responds to shape sliders too.
  4. Me, because I'm old enough to remember when HBO and Showtime had "After Dark" programing on cable tv. Ooo, we could have a lingerie party for Valentine's Day.
  5. There's a virtual buffet of choices on Mainland,..a HomeTown Buffet, but even so. 😆
  6. I think this loose translation is a nod to the "Soup Nazi" on Seinfeld. "No Soup for you!"
  7. One's Inventory will continue to be a mess if it's never cleaned out and organized. Imagine if you were to keep throwing more stuff into your closets and spare bedrooms, until you couldn't find what you want, so then you end up buying new stuff. Our virtual inventories are the same way. Either spend time organizing or get rid of a bunch of stuff and don't keep getting more.
  8. I used to extoll the virtues of the steep learning curve in SL because I didn't want to deal with idiots either. Now I think SL needs to be able to replace some of it's older residents as they leave with fresh blood, in order to keep this platform alive. I think it's a delicate balance they have to keep between keeping us oldbies happy by not breaking the things we love about SL and making the learning process easier for new players, so SL can retain more of them. If you don't want to deal with newbies, ignore them and boot them off your home parcel, but please don't tell them to get out of SL, because Linden Lab needs their money.
  9. There may not be many sarongs yet, but perhaps in a month or two? Since a kimono is a full-length garment that is supposed to not show curvy breasts, those made for other sizes may work fine with alpha cuts or layers. Even standard size mesh kimonos may work fine. If you mean a casual, yukata-style robe that does show your shape, this might be a bit harder to find for now.
  10. Maybe this is a good thing, because slowing down the process of buying stuff gives us a chance to second think our purchases and thus not spend so much or accumulate inventory we don't really need. In RL we might need to go to a store to buy something, which means driving or taking public transport, walking through the store, possibly trying on clothes or trying to decide between different products, putting items into our cart, possibly waiting in a line to get to the cashier, digging through our purse of wallet for money or a card, driving or riding back home, carrying our purchases into our home, and then unpacking them and putting them somewhere. I know there's been a few times when I changed my mind about buying something before I reached the cashier.
  11. Peeve: There is quite a big difference to living in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood vs. one in which disturbing noises and incidents are common.
  12. In RL people have to wait for new products to come out too, especially video games and tech items. The anticipation builds desire for the new item. People don't generally say "I'm never going to buy another Sims game or add-on, because they keep hyping this new product but I have to wait to get it". Look at what happened too when Velour let the cat out of the bag early about the LaraX body, or when LL says some new function will be added "Soon".
  13. SL will end eventually. Accept this as enevitable and don't invest too much money into it.
  14. There are pros and cons to any mesh body or head. To figure out which are best for you depends on a few questions. How much are you comfortable spending? I'm assuming from your name and picture that you want a female body and head, which gives you alot of options. Do your prefer a thinner body or a thicker, curvier one? I assume you'll want to be able to find plenty of skins and mesh clothes. The most popular female mesh body, and thus the one that's easiest to find skins and clothes for, is Maitreya Lara. When you buy this body, you'll actually get 2 bodies - Lara v.3.5 and LaraX. Lara v.3.5 is the classic version with the most mesh clothing available for it. LaraX is the new version that doesn't have much mesh clothing available for it yet. The LucyBody Atenea and Valentina bodies also fit classic Maitreya Lara mesh clothes, are much cheaper, but have some downsides. All of these bodies are BOM (Bakes On Mesh) compatible, so they can use your current system layer skins, tattoos, and clothing. Old system layer skin won't look right on the fingers, toes, and probably other parts of the body though. System layer skirts don't fit right on mesh bodies, though flexi skirts can sometimes work. The most popular mesh heads are Lelutka EvoX. Akeruka, LOGO, Catwa, LAQ, and other creators also make heads that are similar in that they work with EvoX skins and BOM makeup. They won't work with Lelutka applier makeup however. Genus mesh heads are not EvoX compatible, but might be more compatible with your old system skins. SLUV is how we refer to the original skin system. Genus mesh heads can now toggle between SLUV and their new higher definition version. Genus has a free group gift mesh head and skin, if you want to try them. Lelutka and I think LOGO? can also toggle between the SLUV version and the higher definition EvoX version. With all mesh purchases - bodies, heads or clothing - it's important to try demos before buying. Not only will you want to pick a shape that you like best, but the HUDs and functionality of the mesh bodies and heads will also be different. Decide which ones you like best, are easiest for you to use, have enough skins and clothing for them, and are within your preferred price range. Choose a body first, then choose a head. Use the shape that comes with the head or one compatible with it (so the head won't look weird), make a copy of that shape, and then adjust the copy until you like how it looks with your chosen body and head. Record those shape slider numbers on a notecard, so you can use them later for another shape if you wish. Skins for mesh bodies and heads usually come in 2 parts now - a system layer skin for the body and a tattoo layer for the head. This is because there are so many different mesh bodies and heads that it's impractical for skin makers to make a single system skin that will work with both the body and head. 7 Deadly S[k]ins and I think Wow Skins make system skins that work with both the Maitreya Lara body and various mesh heads. There are also tattoo layers that adjust for the differenence in various mesh bodies and Universal Tattoo layers for EvoX ears.
  15. I'd like to add to everyone else's good suggestion to write something in your profile. Say something about your interests and your time zone, at the very least. A picture of your avatar would be good too.
  16. I don't think we have a thread like this already, so here goes. What are your suggestions for new Linden Home region names. Ranch Murica, Huckleberry, Rhubarb, Palomino, Salt Lick, Cow Patty, Little Filly, Big Sky, Arnold (after the pig on Green Acres)
  17. ...or if they remove you from their friends list.
  18. I think curated examples of Adult communities should be part of Welcome island, but I'd like to see it done in a way that conforms to Linden Lab's own rules about not advertising Adult venues on G-rated land. How about one separate Moderate region with a dance club, a roleplay hub, and links to Adult sims and and venues? Maybe call it "SL After Dark"? 😎 If the sponsors of Motown pull the plug on their region, maybe?
  19. If Maitreya had only changed the shoulders and neck, it would still have to be a new body, because it would still have not worked with existing Maitreya Lara mesh clothing. Giving us 2 bodies for the price of one (free if you already bought Lara) was really the best solution to some people wanting major changes to the body and others not wanting changes. Also, even though I didn't have to buy a new body, I'm buying new clothing at Maitreya for LaraX, so they're still making money. (I love the Vintage jeans.)
  20. You know how cops are free to go over the speed limit? Maybe LL is free to break their own rules? If so, then I think nudists, escorts, and Gorean sims deserve to be represented too. Alternatively, maybe there is an LGBTQ+ sim that's not rated Adult?
  21. Is there an exhibition area for Innsmouth? That region is pretty cool and should be promoted.
  22. @Wesley Spengler , @FelicityPage and @Charlemagne Allen
  23. You could also turn on Highlight Invisible, so you can click on it easier. Another option thar probably few people use is to click on it and select Wear from the pie menu. (I don't know if this is only in Firestorm, but it's fun to use with clothing. It makes your avatar jump to the item and wear it.)
  24. There were some referring to parts of the new Stilt home regions as the Phallic Isles, but I don't think this would ever be an official name.
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