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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. If you PM someone they get a notice in their email, whether they're checking on the forums or not. This might not be a public apology, but it will get to the person personally.
  2. I don't think the flaw is with Second Life. I have no trouble making friends with newbies who need help navigating SL. I simply offer to help them, show them where to get stuff they need, and show them fun and interesting places in SL. Sometimes they then go on their way without me, which is fine. I don't feel the need to be with other people or constantly chat with others in SL. I'm more likely to get annoyed by those who constantly demand my attention. I think the problem is more likely how we each as individuals define friendship and what we expect of friends in SL, on social media, and in RL. Probably the real problem is with us and our society, that we may expect instant gratification and attention from other people to satisfy our own emotional needs, rather than looking at how we can listen to and help others.
  3. Peeve: I got a month free of an app called ClassPass that lets you go to various gyms and excersise classes. Last weekend I really enjoyed going to this one gym and walking on the treadmill for an hour. Today I wanted to go back and use their jacuzzi too. I didn't reserve a time last week for this weekend, and when I tried to reserve a time this morning, absolutely nothing was available for over a week. I know they have space at an open gym, so this is some kind of B.S. to try to get me to either pay $ 20 to $ 60 / month for the app or to pay for a gym membership.
  4. At least it's not "Nope". That movie was really disturbing for me.
  5. Did you know there are coyotes at night in the LH Ranch regions? I heard them when I was riding my train at night, but I didn't see them. These coyotes are unusual because they don't eat cats, chickens, ducks, rabbits or small dogs. I don't think there are any skunks, raccoons or possums either. Your dog or cat won't get hit by someone driving their pickup truck too fast. There are no crop duster planes spraying poison on the crops, which can then give you an itchy rash when it waifs over onto your property. Vehicles don't get stuck in the mud or breakdown 20 miles away from the nearest garage. People don't need to drive into town to get groceries or go to a hospital. The electricity doesn't go out and leave the water pump non-operational, so you only have one flush left in the toilet tank. Your septic tank never needs to be emptied. You don't have to wait for burn days to burn your garbage because there's no garbage pick-up this far from town. Most environments in SL are idealized, which is fine. We don't really want reality here. We want escapism. When you live among grit and crime in RL, you don't want to recreate it in SL. When you live in the country, you probably don't want to recreate that environment either. I hoped LL would create Italian villas for a Mediterranean theme, but instead they created an upscale Arizona suburb. That's ok though, because people can still add their own olive trees and grapevines if they want a more realistic Mediterranean vibe. The neighborhoods are actually lovely, especially the sounds of birds and moving water. Thank you, Moles. 😊
  6. It is a "Great Value" brand that fits Maitreya mesh clothing, but doesn't work with the Maitreya autohide script. Someone on the forums found that Atenea is slightly smaller than Lara classic, so it fits inside Maitreya sized mesh. Apparently it didn't fit perfectly with the V attachment made for Lara though, but Valentina does. The bodies have a higher ARC & different HUDs than Maiteya bodies, but they are still very good for the price - free, plus $L 250 for a BOM applier - especially when one considers all the free Maitreya Lara clothes that fit them.
  7. It's a female genital add-on from one store. Their male version is called the P.
  8. Atenea & Valentina use the same Shape, HUDs, & clothing. I put them in the same folder & deleted the duplicate items. Atenea has a lower ARC, but Valentina has a v.30 HUD & supposedly fits the V, (which I don't own anyway). They're both great bodies for free. 🙂
  9. And even after all these years, they still update it automatically.
  10. I remember them, but never owned any. We can thank all the later breedables for their innovation, for better or worse.
  11. . ^ This ^ If you want to know which bodies are more commonly worn in SL, look at the Bonnie Bots statistics. Creators are of course free to decide which bodies they want to rig for, based on what their particular customers like (customer surveys), the type of body shape they want to design for, the type of developer kit that's easier to use or more easily available to them, or which customers they think will spend more money at their store. For instance, people who will spend $L 5000 on a Legacy body will probably spend more than those who use a free or $L 1 body. They might also think people who are using an older body (eg. Freya) already have plenty of skins and clothes, while those using a new body (e.g. LaraX) might be chomping at the bit to buy new skins and clothes. Speaking only for myself, I'm only buying clothes now for LaraX, because I have plenty of clothes already for Freya, & Isis is probably never going to have new clothes made for it. My 3 female accounts all have Maitreya Lara 5.3, LucyBody Atenea, and Erika Zero as well, but they're all wearing & buying for LaraX - which is what counts. Persephone also has GenX Classic, but I think LaraX and even Eric Zero are superior bodies for me. My modified Freya & GenX Classic Lite both have the advantage of having a lower Avatar Rendering Costs, but I just prefer the LaraX body overall.
  12. I started this thread a while back for discussing future Linden Home themes. I think New Orleans inspired would be a great urban theme, not grungy, just homes closer together. I want to take back my 2048 m suggestion though. The lower picture above is a garden district home, so these seem perfect for 1024 m parcels, whether those are square or rectangular, as with the Houseboat theme. I still love the idea of 512 m Shotgun houses, but 512 m homes don't seem to have been very popular. Also, rather than mixing 512 m parcels among 1024 m ones, I think they'd look better in their own regions near the 1024 m Garden District homes. As mentioned above however, more densely spaced homes risk creating more lag. I continue to advocate for areas within the Linden Home regions that look like business zones, but are not functional businesses. - In Sakura there should be market stalls near the main harbor. The big empty space in the middle of the Traditionals could be a town square. The mostly empty Chalet homes could use a European-style shop & market area. The Ranch Community region could have a grange hall, general store, feed store, barbershop, beauty salon, coffee shop, and maybe even a bar. p.s. A Southern home region should also include a Bayou area, but 2048 m plantation-style homes seem potentially problematic to me for "political" reasons.
  13. Guguvargas http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Artsebarsky/203/124/23 has several updated & new outfits for LaraX. These are a few. Juliet is a free group gift.
  14. There are 2 major causes of the neckline problem. Either your head and body skin don't match or the neck size for your mesh head and mesh body don't match. A picture would help forum members determine what the problem is. Also, are you wearing both a mesh head & a mesh body? And which brands are they?
  15. This is one reason why furniture needs to be modifiable. Your home can feel bigger and you can have more stuff in it when your avatar and furnishings are set to realistic sizes. The doorways and ceilings still need to be higher than in RL though.
  16. Woot! 10 pages, and it's not even the weekend! Thank you, @Gabriele Graves, for attempting to create a solution to this ongoing conflict between mainland property owners and mainland travelers. Thank you also to all those who are testing this product. Have fun in SL. 😊
  17. Case in point. I have no idea what you're trying to say here. What does "let LL reduce tiers with at least 50% if there's not free use of land they bought and pay for" mean? "You have Bellisseria for your travels." Is this supposed to mean only people who have mainland parcels should be on mainland, even when there are Linden roads and Protected or Abandoned land there?
  18. This is probably because the reasonable people have left the discussion or never entered it in the first place. 🙄 It's the vocal minority vs. the silent majority perception problem.
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