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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. There will always be some houses available, but not always Ranch, Mediterranean, Stilt on Water, or Stlit on Pier. If you're worried that you might end up with no house for 24 hours, then keep your 5th pick until another 24 hours have passed.
  2. You can pick a Premium Plus 2048m home the same way as getting a 1024m Linden Home. First check the Linden Home page on the SL website (under Land Manager). Right now there are no 2048 m homes available, but I expect there to be more added tomorrow or later this week. Keep checking at least a couple times / day. Second, when you see there are 2048m homes available, you'll have to Abandon your current Linden Home before you can get a new one. If you see a 2048m home that's empty inworld, you can request that specific parcel through the customer support concierge service. You can also pick a new home from the Linden Home page the regular way and see which parcels come up randomly. When you like the location, keep it, rename it, and move in. If you don't like the location, abandon it and try your luck again - up to 5 times / day.
  3. Yes. Regular Premium is $99/ year. Premium Plus is $250/ year, which gives you twice as much "free" tier for either mainland or a Premium Plus 2048 m parcel. Currently the Ranch and Mediterranean 2048m homes are very popular. Premium Plus also gives you twice as much for your weekly stipend and other perks that regular Premium accounts don't get. You can still only have 1 Linden Home / account, however.
  4. Try YouTube. Depending on the specific trails you're interested in, you may be able to find more detailed coverage by actual lawyers who break down what's going on in the cases. The regular news frequently just gives a surface explanation. My own interest in certain high-profile cases has been along political lines, but I've enjoyed learning how the New York court system and Supreme Court works in these cases.
  5. What sound does a noob make in the forest if there are no Lindens or Moles to hear him?
  6. A Tarn is a mountain lake formed by a glacier. In SL one might also run into the word as referring to a large Gorean riding bird.
  7. I've attached 2 pets. I'm pretty sure they were animesh, unless they were animated in some other way.
  8. It's interesting to compare Great Flood myths. The oldest written one is from Sumaria and has been added into modern versions of the Epic of Gilgamesh. In it there are 3 birds that are sent out after the rains stop. In the Bible version there are 2 birds and the dove brings back a twig as evidence that it found land. In the Siberian version, I think there are 2 birds and the raven finds land. In the Native American versions, it's Raven who creates new land. Based on how the later Biblical, Siberian and Native American versions have fewer birds and change which one is the hero, I think it's pretty clear that they derived from the Sumarian version, through oral storytelling traditions.
  9. The place where all the cool kids 😎 are hanging out lately is the SL Welcome Hub.
  10. After leaving Panera and heading back to Starbucks for a hopefully more peaceful environment, I saw a man meditating at the corner of a busy intersection. I respect someone who can ignore the noise and commotion enough to meditate there. 🧘‍♂️ My lesson from the universe: Peace comes from within. I'm still gonna start carrying earplugs in my purse though.
  11. Removed my peeve because I don't want to be so negative. It's good to be able to vent, but my day wasn't actually all that bad.
  12. I'm confused why you left a laugh emoji in the first place. I also thought your post was commentary on the one above it. I then tried to find a cartoon about a guy wearing gold sneakers not wanting to give money to a homeless person, but then decided not to add to the drama.
  13. The first picture looks more realistic to me, but this is why we have individual environment settings.
  14. Peeve: Being an introvert who's sensitive to other people's emotions and moods. https://youtube.com/shorts/zf726QtXywc?feature=shared I was at the Starbucks inside Target one day when this one guy kept going up to people and trying to engage them in conversation (an extrovert with low social skills, aka a "weirdo"). I told him I was here to write in my journal and didn't want to chat. Yay! for me being direct. He thanked me for being direct and went on to bother other people instead.
  15. I wish the Linden Realms gem collecting game were an easier way to earn lindens. I know regular players gamed it so much that LL had to make it harder, but it used to be a great way for newbies to earn a little money. Paleoquest is for the more serious gamers, but I agree that it's too strict about jumping too high or sitting too long. It even scares me, though I think it looks great. Can Linden Lab please figure out some way for newbies to earn a few lindens? I think the rest of us pay enough now in transaction fees that they should be able to afford to give the newbies an incentive to stay and spend money too. As much as I detest the idea of the Social Casino, it's fun to play the games there, even if the payout is not spendable on anything. The Skills Games region is not for me, but it usually has a few avatars in it, so that's a win for LL.
  16. 😳 Wow! I've experience many kind and generous people in SL. I don't think I've ever had a bad reaction after sending a creator a note about a problem with their product or vendor. Yet, there are still some touchy, bad tempered people in SL. I hope you never run into another one like that merchant. For another story about the positive effect of polite notecards and patience: I tried to buy the Belleza Jake body for my guy alt a few years ago, but I accidentally hit the Gift option and basically sent it to no one. After a couple unanswered notecards, the owner eventually got back to me with an apology, sent my guy the body, and gave me back half the purchase price (before it was on sale for half price).
  17. I think it's helpful to remember that most SL creators may not have RL experience in sales, marketing or customer service. Some might not have good people skills or might have emotional issues. I've seen a couple inworld creators lash out at their customers in their store group in very unprofessional and caustic ways. Both ended up closing their stores. They may feel frustrated by poor reviews, and rather than taking them as helpful guidance, view criticizing customers as over-entitled or over-critical. There's not much you can do to calm down the creator at this point, but a gently worded note or IM to them before leaving a bad review can usually prevent a bad reaction to a negative review.
  18. I think you mean how to delete a thread? You can click the 3 dots in the upper right corner to report it and ask for it to be deleted. If you asked a question that someone else might be interested in however, it's good to leave it.
  19. Go to a store that sent me a gift card & hit their MM board for another gift card. Pick up some demo clothes. Go to my skybox to try on the demos & some of the clothes I got from the store yesterday. Try on some other clothes that need to be sorted. Toss out some clothes. Sort some clothes. Remember to try on the rest of the clothes from that store. Eventually try on & sort all the new clothes from that store. Decide I should get rid of a bunch of old clothes. Decide it would be easier to get rid of some skins I'll never wear. Delete a bunch of skins. Remember I need to delete some clothes too. Delete a bunch of old demo clothes. Delete a few old clothes. Sort my more recent Shop & Hop folders into bigger, older folders that still need to be sorted. Decide I've been in SL long enough and should log out now. This was my day in SL today. 😄
  20. 1. A region owner might have a roleplay sim, and not having children in the sim might seem unrealistic. They will likely have rules about where child avatars can be. For instance, I was in a ancient world rp sim that had both Moderate and Adult regions. The public bath and house of prostitution were on Adult regions. Child avatars were not allowed in either of these places, but if someone had a home or shop in an Adult region, a child avatar would be ok there. 2. Tinies, Dinkies and Petites are usually not child avatars, nor are they considered to be child avatars.
  21. I wonder if the Moles bet on which routes will open up and be oked by the lab?
  22. There are so many places where it would just take one person moving off a coastal or water parcel, and then there could be a road or water passageway completed. Linden Lab apparently has more patience than I do in these matters, because I can easily let myself obsess over those parcels and potential routes. I imagine some Linden asking parcel holders if they'd be willing to relocate in exchange for a month or 2 of free tier, but I'm sure some (mostly rental agents) would jack up the price if they thought they could squeeze a deal out of LL.
  23. A couple witchy forest cottages would be cute too.
  24. I don't want to disparage the Welcome Hub. I think it's a great idea. I think the mentors and Moles working there are doing a fine job too. However, users won't want to stay there. They shouldn't want to stay there. It's a good way to introduce them to SL, but there's a whole virtual world beyond those 9 regions. When they graduate to being able to walk, talk and get dressed, they will still need help out in the big virtual world. Please, forget about AI bots, and just give them an inworld support group for the SL viewer and basic SL stuff. There should be a Mole with the group open at all times, to make sure newbies aren't floundering or getting trolled by other residents. Residents can offer advice as they do now in other groups, but someone needs to keep a watchful eye on them, prevent spam, paste standard replies and links, and boot folks out when necessary.
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