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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I'd like to get his thread out of the unanswered section too. But I'm not going to give 4 points for a rude, smart-ass remark . I didn't ask if sex is allowed in a PG sim, anyway. I asked what the consequence would be for getting reported. I asked this question so I could forward this thread to my friends who own land in a PG region. (I already own land in a Mature region, but was considering moving to theirs.) (edit added ) Unfortunately, I got the best answer from the other forum and haven't get had a good one from this forum.
  2. @ Irene Different people read & post to different forums, with different expectations. This forum is for serious questions& answers. The other one is for discussions that tend to go off topic. By posting in both foums , I got the answer I needed faster.
  3. Itazura Radio posted in the General Discussion forums: 9. Nov 11, 2010 9:57 AM in response to: Persephone Emerald Re: What happens when you have nudity, a sex-bed or sex balls in a General region? There is no technically about it. Nudity, sex-beds or sex balls have never been allowed in a General or PG region. The rules have always been enforced, just not many people reported it before. But if they did, you still were dinged for it. That hasn't changed. Adults haven't "safely" ignored the official stance. They were never safe. They were just lucky not to get caught and/or reported before. The only thing that's possibly changed now is the likelihood that will happen. If your caught nude in a PG/General region (either in person by a Linden or in an AR screenshot) you might get kicked if caught in the act or asked to stop (a verbal warning). Adult items like sexbeds or poseballs will be returned to your inventory. You will get an email from Linden Lab saying you have violated the rules regarding mature content in a PG/General area. First you'll get an official warning letter by email. That's as much for their benefit as yours. It's so they know you've been made aware of the rules and can't claim you didn't know. After that, if it happens again you will probably get a short term suspension for a day or so... then 3 days... then maybe a week... then possibly 2 weeks. Eventually if it gets that far then it's obvious you know it's not allowed but just don't care. That that point they really have no choice other than to close your account permanently since you're showing blatant disregard for the maturity ratings and refuse to follow them. If you are not living in a mature/moderate or adult region and want to be naked or have sex... move. It's that simple. Land prices are cheap so now is the time. - Itazura, I gave you Best Answer on the General Discussion forums for this answer. I'd give you Best Answer on this thread too, if I could. - - Persephone
  4. It is technically against the rules to have nudity, sex-beds or sex balls in a General region. Whether those rules are inforced or not depends on whether one is reported or not. With teenagers officialy coming onto the main grid in January, we no longer have the luxury of assuming everyone else in SL is an adult. So, what's going to happen to someone living in a General region when somebody decides to perv into their home & reports them for having virtual sex inside it? What's going to happen when someone sees them naked in a hot tub or bath, or even while trying on a skin? For years now, adults playng in SL have safely ignored the offical stance on nudity & sex in what used to be called PG regions. The assumption was that if one were discrete about it, it wasn't really a problem. Now the name for these regions has been changed from PG to General, and even though LL says this won't result in a change in the rules for these regions, having minors officially on the grid with us will likely change how these rules are inforced.  Welcome to G-rated land, folks. My question is what's going to happen when someone gets reported now for doing things they thought were ok before? Will we have to sell our land cheap & move to a new region because some over-zelous parent reported us for being naughty where a minor could see us? Will our account be suspened?  What can we expect now? (cross-posted to the General Discussion forums)
  5. Thank you,Torely That's the answer others here were giving too, but coming straight from a Linden gives it more authority. Now, my 2nd question still remains, How likely am I to get in trouble for being naked or having a sex-bed inside a house-or sky-box in a General (what used to be a PG) region? I'll ask this in a new thread, since I'm sure other people will be interested in the answers.
  6. "Exciting" is not my goal here. I want to go about my bussiness & not be bothered by people perving into my home or looking for trouble. My goal here is to reduce my tier payments & help my friends reduce theirs, while still enjoying our experience in SL . I don't think any of us want to be forced into a G-rated world here, which is probably what the General reagions will become after the teens join us in them. Ideally, I want my friends to be able to stay on the land they're on, but have the whole region become Moderate instead of General. That's why I asked if such a change is possible.
  7. I submitted a ticket, but I don't have high hopes. Regions adjoining this one are 2 PG and 2 Mature. When I say they're stuck with the land, I'm considering the price they'd get for it would probably be less than an equal sized parcel in a Mature region. Why one of my friends originally bought PG land I don't know, but when she could no longer afford it, she sold some & then gave the rest to a group of our friends. I made a point of buying my own land in a Mature region. Now I'm paying $25/month on my own property & giving $15/ month to my friends so we can keep group land. It would be more cost-effective for us to all live on the same land, but I don't think I want the liability of living on PG land. What are the chances if I have a sex-bed inside my house or if I undress on a platform above the clouds, that someone is going to report me for activity inappropriate for a PG region? Don't you think the chances will be higher when the 16 & 17 year olds officially come onto the main grid?
  8. Thanks. So I probably have to wait 3 months to have Linden tell me it can't be done. :-(
  9. Here's my problem. I currently own land in a Mature region,  but I also contibutre to group-owned land in a General region. I'd like to sell my land & live in the group area, but I don't want to have a house there & not be able to have a sex-bed, not be able to have art inside my house that shows nudity, or not be able to undress on a platform above the clouds. I'm sure my friends in the group are not prudish about such things either, but they brought land from another friend that was in a General region & now they're kind stuck with it. If all the other residents in this region want it to be mature, can the maturity level be changed?
  10. Right, Kiki I have an alt with both a human & wolf avi. I added her to my land group & gave her a special title of "Tasha the Wolf" . It only costs $L100 to start your own group. Add at least 1 friend or alt to it & then you can both have as many titles (aka display names ) as you like and you can change them whenever you wish. - No LL viewer needed.
  11. I'm not going to touch any SL viewers until they're been around for at least a month & I've heard about all their major bugs. I'm still stuck with empty folders & crap folders I don't want from the last time I tried a LL viewer.
  12. A friend of mine rents land at Elf Haven & is happy with the sim owners there.They're been in SL for years & are very reliable. As for replacing your lost property, try to get most of your items free, cheap, or Copyable in the future. You can find tons of free & cheap items on SL marketplace by searching on the kind of item you want & then searching from lowest to highest priced. There are always horror stories about people losing all their inventory or some such fiasco. If you don't spend much money in virtual possessions, you won't worry about losing them.
  13. Us premium users get slapped in the face too, just not as hard. We pay for support on tickets that never get a fixed.
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