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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. I wore Freya and my guy alt wears Jake. I haven't noticed a neck seem since I switched from Genus to Lelutka, from LucyBody to Maitreya for my alt Tasha, and from the first set of 7DS EvoX skins to any more recent skins.
  2. They could, but I think they probably wouldn't. They would not help you get your alt accounts back, but they might appreciate you telling them that someone else has control of those accounts now. Also, if those other people do anything that breaks the TOS with those accounts, you wouldn't want to be penalized yourself. Could you say your accounts were stolen or hacked? If there was communication between you and those other people, that could prove that you gave away your password consentually, so I don't advise lying about that.
  3. ^ I love this explanation of SL.^ We're expressing ourselves artistically. We don't have to recreate the RL version of ourselves that we show in physical reality, at work or to our friends or families. This doesn't mean we're being fake of deceptive, any more than a writer creating a story is fake or deceptive. Our avatars are expressions of our Self beyond how we might normally be perceived in the physical world, but they are still part of us.
  4. If you look at the regular house rezzers, even in the Demo regions, they only rez the houses for each individual theme. Go look at the unfinished Linden Home 2048 m regions. Near the base of the center of sim markers are a bunch of boxes or mail boxes for the house rezzers and also a box that contains multiple house themes. 🏘 (I need to go back and take a look for more details.)
  5. No. The house rezzers that we use only contain one theme. These rezzers sitting near the center of sim markers are different and say they contain all themes except Fantasseria.
  6. This is why there are private regions. Rather than LL recreating the Teen Grid (and all the problems that were associated with it), those who wish to isolate themselves from various groups - by age or otherwise - can create groups and private islands at their own expense, and at a profit to LL.
  7. I notice in the new Mediterranean regions that the rezzers (possibly not the final ones) contain all the themes *except Fantasseria. This suggests to me that there is either something unique about the Fantasseria homes or that LL has been working on bugs in that theme for awhile and has isolated it from the other house themes for some reason.
  8. I think it's probably been delayed due to a recent SL controversy that could affect personnel, including who might be interviewed for the video.
  9. Maybe you can contact the skin maker or their CSR with a notecard about this problem? Drag a picture onto the notecard to attach it. I haven't done this with a skin issue, but I have for clothing issues. I think showing a picture helps the creator identify the problem more easily. Even if it's not a problem with the skin, they may be able to identify what the problem is, because I assume they have alot of experience with such issues. One other possibility is that the head skin from Avi Glam just doesn't line up well with the body skin from Not Found. How does it look with a demo head skin from Not Found?
  10. Switching to mostly Maitreya LaraX is making it a bit easier to delete some of my clothes, but I'm still going to keep some Lara classic ones, especially role-play styles. As for glasses, I sometimes try them on and delete the ones with a high ARC. Same with hair. One organization trick that helps me is putting a * at the front of folder names for outfits or items I like best in different categories. Then I go back through the folders with no * and delete some of those. This creates a 3 tiered grouping that is constantly shifting: 1. unopened packages and outfits I haven't tried on yet, 2. Outfits and items I really like, and 3. Items I don't love and can probably delete without missing them. The * also puts my preferred items at the top part of the category folder, so they're easier to find.
  11. Oooo, someone needs to make Simbots that can wander around our homes speaking Sim-speak. The usually empty Linden Homes could use Sims instead of pets. Imagine finding them dead in the pools or making woohoo in the hot tubs.
  12. Check out the weather effects at Dysfunctional Designs.
  13. My sister passed away before SL was created. My brother would not have been interested in it either.
  14. Oh my! The SL viewer I tried 14 years ago is not the same SL viewer I tried 6 months ago. I still prefer Firestorm by a wide margin, but I also acknowledge that this is partly because I've been using it for all the time it's been a TPV, so I'm used to it. I've got my settings set how I like them. I know where to go in the Advanced menu to highlight invisible objects, change my camera perspective, or even to make the ocean disappear. I know how to do things with it that a newbie wouldn't even think to want to do. I've tried Black Dragon, so I can say for myself that it has some advantages for photography. I've tried the SL viewer, so I can say it's at least basically usable for a newbie in SL. I haven't tried other viewers, so I won't comment on them. If it's just me talking with a newbie, I'll recommend Firestorm to them as much because this makes it easier for me to explain to them how to do stuff as because it might give them a better SL experience. I don't think it's necessarily the easiest viewer for a newbie to use, however, because it does give them alot of options that the SL viewer doesn't have.
  15. These are all good features that the SL viewer should add, if it doesn't have these already. Note: Oldbies don't have the monopoly on rezzing ugly stuff. "Ugly" is also a subjective appraisal. Everyone should be able to derender objects they don't want to see in their own viewer. This should be especially clear for those who love the freedom of expression exhibited on Mainland. Others should be free to create the experience they want on their own parcel, but those around them should not be forced to share in that experience. If one person loves seeing all the weird chaos of mainland, great. But if someone else wants to see nothing but empty grass and water around them as far as their viewer can see, this is fine too. Btw, I like the 360 view photos. I don't use this feature much, but it's fun, and it's in Firestorm now too.
  16. You answered your own question. Besides using the SL viewer so one can better help newbies, one might want to know how their content looks or works with the SL viewer or how they can improve upon it with a TPV. I think it's also simpler (offering fewer options) than most TPVs, so in theory at least it should be easier for a newbie to use. Maybe for some people with an older computer the SL viewer seems to work better for them too? Like many others perhaps who came into SL because a friend recommended it, I did what my friend suggested and used the Emerald viewer, then later the Firestorm viewer. I barely used the SL viewer, so I'm terrible at helping newbies with it. When I created a new account to see what the new user experience is like with the Welcome Hub and Senra avatars, I also made myself use the SL viewer, to get the full experience. Of course I couldn't erase 14 years of SL experience, but I tried to hobble myself as best I could by using the default viewer and not going to MP or inworld stores for free stuff. (Since, LL dropped me into the Firestorm newbie island instead of the Welcome Hub, I also used a few freebie clothes from there and called myself a returning user instead of a true newbie.)
  17. "The Virtual Bloke - Queer Eye for the SL Guy" website gives a good breakdown of how to create and dress an avatar, from system layers, through mesh, appliers, and now BOM.
  18. Are there kinds of inventory that you keep but don't use, just in case you might want it someday? I think many of us have packages we haven't opened or old items we've forgotten about, but are there things you specifically save, imagining you might want them, and then realize you're really never going to use them? I've separated my skin tones into Light Tones, Medium to Dark Tones, and Fantasy Tones. All my avatars are light skinned Caucasian. Yet I still save Asian and African skins. I used a medium brown African skin once for roleplay as an ancient Egyptian woman and once for an unfinished Steampunk romance story I was creating and illustrating. I also used a medium brown male skin for modeling Egyptian male clothes I made and for the man in that unfinished Steampunk story. I've used a lighter medium tone for roleplay a couple other times, created a Mongolian warrior look for my guy avatar, and put on an Asian skin with kimonos a few times. Generally, though, I know I'm not going to use the darker tones I've been saving in my girls' inventory, so I think I'm finally going to delete most of them. I also have boxed up stuff I've put away over the years, but haven't gotten around to sorting and deleting. When I used to decorate for the holidays, for a few years I'd box up my holiday decorations afterward. Some of that stuff is outdated now - sculpts for instance. I also saved group gift sculpts from a couple creators I liked, but I know I'm never going to build with those now. Do you have a hard time deleting these kinds of inventory? Or do you regularly clear out your old inventory if you don't use it?
  19. Pick up your stuff or delete it. Otherwise it will go back to your Lost and Found folder with parts of it coalesced. Right click on the ground of your parcel & select Abandon. (Maybe it says "Abandon my Linden Home?). Teleport away, either looking for a new house or going wherever. Be sure to change your Home position to your new Home position.
  20. Me too. Louisiana Bayou with dirt paths and twisting waterways, alligators and cranes, hanging moss and bottle trees.
  21. I used to actually enjoy talking with my ex-boyfriend about casting hexes while I was walking through a store. "Don't hex the company you work for while you're still working there," was one of my favorites.
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