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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. It's possible to be both. I'm American (both of the North American continent and the USA) and Californian. The last I checked, England was still part of Great Britain and the United Kingdom.
  2. I treat helping newbies inworld in much the same way as I do answering a question on the forums. The biggest difference is that inworld the person may have less patience and may ask questions too quickly for me to answer them all. (Thorough answers tend to be long and complicated.) Inworld, one can also take cues from how the newbie looks. You can tell straight away it their system body is showing through their mesh or if they're half naked with a box on their hand.
  3. Yup. We have 2 conflicting views of what SL should be. Private islands were the first alternative to Mainland, which allow owners to curate their own environment and keep their space private, but most people can't afford to have their own island. Should LL offer quarter region islands as another alternative to Mainland or renting from a private estate? Bellisseria has been a wildly popular alternative to the chaos and conflict of Mainland, but it might be getting close to it's saturation point. Many people seem to love the 2048 m themed parcels, so there might still be enough interest to support a couple more of these subcontinents, but I'm sure LL wants to be very careful to not overbuild and get stuck with a bunch of half empty regions. Some of us like to try to figure out what it is about Bellisseria that makes it so popular and whether those factors could be applied to Mainland to help improve its sales and use. This is where we get into discussions (often heated) about changing some of the rules for Mainland or creating a kind of Mainland 2.0. I think most attempts to apply new rules to existing parcels would be met with resistance and hostility by those who bought their land expecting to be able to do what they've been doing. (Allowing people to derender other's objects would be an exception, because as this function exists in TPVs it only affects the user's view.) I'm therefore inclined toward the idea of creating some new Mainland 2.0 regions, with rules similar to those on Bellisseria, but allowing commerce and possibly visible Adult content. There's really no good reason for people to create "skyboxes" on the ground, except that they don't care about anyone else's experience except their own and that of their friends or customers. Even border walls can easily be made invisible on the outside surface, but those people may think they're keeping others from seeing into their personal space, as well as keeping those inside from seeing what's outside of it. Anyone can cam inside though. If they really want privacy, their virtual environment either needs to be high up in the sky or on a private island.
  4. I like the cinema. It shows how SL is used to make machinima. I've started to watch a couple movies there, but I admit I haven't had the patience to get through a whole one. I could watch most of these movies on YouTube, but I like the feel of being in a theater in SL. This also shows how movies and tvs work in SL, and I have had a newbie ask about that. I should take her over to the cinema rather than just showing her on a laptop at my SL house. (Also the cinema has the only public restroom at the Welcome Hub. 😆) The Motown region is there because it's sponsored. I'm sure LL has a legal agreement to keep it there for a specified period of time. They probably would like other companies to pay for such regions too, so it's advertising for those that might be interested. There are 3 big problems with the Motown region however. 1st, that they're trying to sell something to residents (music) that they can already get for free in SL or through their computer. 2nd, that their service only works for people in the US (and maybe Canada?), and even when their demo version works for the rest of us, it's slow to load up. (It does help show how experiences can work though.) 3rd, that there have been no events there since the region first opened, so it's dead. "Oh look, and empty city region" is not a great marketing tool.
  5. In Firestorm the folder you've opened at least stays open. I just scroll down until I find it again.
  6. Viola Mole and others are supervising the mentors. I agree that if many apparent newbies seem lost and confused, then the arrangement or processes of the Welcome Hub may need some improvements, but I don't agree that getting rid of the mentors is the right solution. I bet you get tired of having to be polite and nice to everyone who calls in asking for help, even when you think the caller is stupid or you've heard the same complaint a thousand times already. It must feel good to have a forum where you can rip off that eternally pleasant mask and just say what you really think in anonymity and without having a supervisor looking over your shoulder.
  7. I don't think you should worry about Legacy going away anytime soon. It's one of the 3 most popular female bodies - Maitreya, Legacy and Reborn. Of course, you can demo other bodies now, so you know which others you might like.
  8. Yeah, if he's a furry then go with Belleza Jake and a furry head. I think Jake has remained popular because it's been one of the cheaper male bodies. For a long time it was $L 1500, but now Belleza has raised the price back to around $L 2000.
  9. Which free one did he get? I'd recommend one of the DNA bodies for almost free. They come with the head attached and are BOM capable. The bodies are $L 1 and skins are $L 1 each. They fit Signature Gianni pretty well. For a body with plenty of skins and mesh clothing made for it, I'd suggest Belleza Jake. Though it's not as cheap as it used to be, it's still cheaper than Legacy or Signature. Then take him over to Gabriel to pick up some free clothes, have him join the L'Homme Magazine group & take him to events like ManCave when they have free gifts.
  10. Thank you. I love my Radio Paradise streams. For those who prefer some of the more unusual channels on SOMA fm, I wonder what else could work for them?
  11. I wonder how PBR will affect Fantasseria? For me, the giant mushrooms are too imposing, the house exterior textures are too boring, and I'm not fond of the blue tint in the grass & trees. It's all too busy for me, but I'm happy in my Victorian, so I wouldn't move anyway, even with the wonderful treehouse options. Btw, LL needs to update the info on the Linden Home pages. There's no mention of the treehouses for the Fantasy Homes.
  12. There are 26 Ranch & 29 Mediterranean Homes available right now. There is also 1 Stilt Home on Water.
  13. I was just there. It looks like 3 released Ranch Home Regions - Eastbound Downs, Tulsa Thyme & Delta Dawn. Los Topos has no houses & only 5000 Land Impact. It's possible to go into the 3 Home regions. The Linden Home page now says there are 34 Ranch Homes, 35 Mediterranean Home, but still no Stilt Homes on Water or Piers.
  14. It's been awhile now since we had SOMAFM in SL. Take a look at Radio Paradise to see how that works for you.
  15. Is the information at the Ross Bazaar up to date? I think it's a great resource for newbies, but I thought many Muslim groups and sims, for instance, left SL after experiencing harassment and prejudice from some SL users.
  16. In SL the boxes are not all the same, but they're still boxes. Boxes on the ground, boxes in the sky, boxes inside of boxes, boxes we put ourselves into, and boxes others put us into.
  17. It's spam when it's not wanted, but I don't think it's necessarily Linden Lab's job to get rid of it. When we're sent a notice or a message, the viewer (at least the Firestorm viewer) lets us know where it came from. If it came from a subscriber, you can usually teleport to it and unsubscribe yourself. Sometimes store owners put their subscribers where they can't be teleported to, which is evil imo, so you might have to block the owner of the subscriber. Recently, I've also found web-based subscribers that can auto-subscribe for several different stores. The ones I've found show a list of all the stores that subscribed you, when this was done, and lets you unsubscribe from them from their website list. Tips: 1. Follow the link in chat to the subscriber. 2. Turn on Show Invisible and look behind walls and under floors for an invisible subscriber box. Unsubscribe here by clicking on the box, if possible. 3. If the box is owned by or created by a 3rd party that subscribes for multiple stores, follow their link to their website and unsubscribe from every store that put you on their subscription list.
  18. I posted this video mostly because it looks like my Akeruka alien head. The point of the song is that "evil" can sometimes be a relative viewpoint, not a black or white distinction.
  19. There have been new Ranch and Mediterranean homes released nearly each week lately. I'd advise waiting and checking the Linden Home page at least twice a day until you see a new bunch has been released. Then go try to grab one.
  20. Bad analogy. The tax man is just some guy doing his job. If we didn't have taxes and people enforcing them, we couldn't have public roads, schools, police, a military, etc. Who's a villain vs. an underdog often depends on how they're portrayed or which aspects of them we focus upon. The Joker, for instance, is a villain until he's viewed as a poor, abused and misunderstood everyman who finally decides to stand up for himself. (We'll conveniently ignore the fact that he kills and tortures innocent people, because that doesn't fit the narrative we want to create.) Is the crabby old lady who yells at kids to get off her lawn a villain or an underdog? Maybe we need to know more about her to really know?
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