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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Are you saying it's easier to make Alpha Cuts for multiple mesh bodies than it is to make one or two Alpha Layers for them? Before mesh bodies, creators made Alpha Layers all the time. There are even pre-made ones available for free on MP.
  2. So non-rigged hair is better than rigged hair? That should be an easy choice. My complexities on all my avatars (one male included) are pretty much always under 50,000. Folks should have Show Complexity turned on when choosing outfits and when weeding their inventory. This helps alot when deciding what to wear and what to delete. Consider if others will even look at the details on your rings, shoes, etc. Try wearing system layers for underwear, tank-tops, stockings, or other under layers. Also consider your script load. Being able to manually Tint items instead of needing a HUD to tint them can be a good option. If all this stuff we're wearing were weighing us down and making us move more slowly, we might want to wear less of it. - Oh, wait it does.😉
  3. I'm gonna echo what others have suggested. Signature Gianni is probably your best bet for a body that has plenty of skins & clothes made for it. Belleza Jake is a good choice too, & I think it's slightly easier to use than Signature. Legacy male is also popular, but costs a bit more than Signature or Belleza. Apparently the Legacy athletic build is not as well supported as their standard male shape, so you'd be better off not going that route unless it's very important for you to have the extra-muscular look. Demo these bodies and see how you like them before paying for one. Then do the same with heads - Demo, demo, demo. I don't think any of these bodies get great customer support. Belleza hasn't updated it's bodies in a while, so in that respect Signature of Legacy might be better.
  4. I'm an introvert in RL & SL. I spend most of my SL time collecting freebies, trying on clothes & sorting inventory. And yet I still make friends in SL. How? By responding to people who ask for help in my groups. SL Frees and Offers is an especially chatty and friendly group if you want to meet new people. Somebody might be looking for where to get a free or cheap mesh body. I'll give them advice & LMs for bodies, hair, clothes & etc. If that person wants to friend me, that can lead to an actual friendship. I don't even have to leave my sky platform if I don't want to. Just chat back and forth while I'm still trying on clothes & sorting inventory.
  5. All I know is trying to collect, open and dispose of all the free gifts in SL is like trying to view all the pages of the Internet.
  6. 7 Deadly S[k]ins has some fantasy color skin packs rotating in their $L 1 skin board. I'm sure these are also for sale in the store. Lumae has 2 free blue-white group gift skins and other colors for sale in the store and at the Fantasy Faire. Of course, you can also try Fallen Gods, in the store and at the Fantasy Faire. They always have tons of fantasy color skins. As always, demo to see if you like a skin on your avatar's head and/ or shape.
  7. Looks like LL did the same thing the Sims 4 did with their last ad campaign. They used real actors instead of sims, thus creating an unrealistic expectation from would-be users and irritating their actual users. Does anyone even watch ads for SL anyway? Maybe they could send Premium users a free bumper sticker that says "My other life is in Second Life" and let us advertise for them instead?
  8. I suppose if one considers this fee being equivalent to a sales tax, then it isn't so bad. I seldom buy more than $10 worth of lindens myself because I use my Premium stipend for most purchases. Pretty much the only time I buy lindens is to purchase land or a new mesh body. This *will* hit new users harder, which could work against your desire to draw in more new users. On the other hand, if they enjoy SL enough, perhaps it will also encourage them to go Premium, to get a Linden Home and that nice little weekly stipend.
  9. Any hunt that has pictures of the prize and doesn't cost $L's to get them is best. Also just look around the shop and see if you like their stuff. If you would never buy anything in the shop, don't bother with looking for their hunt item. Twisted is hit or miss for me. Except for the merchants who have stuff I know I like, the hunt itself is usually more fun than the prizes.
  10. I would try both your old account and the new one. If you go back to your old account, spend some time trying on old stuff and deleting skin and clothing that no longer look good. You can get a free female mesh body that fits Maitreya Lara clothes with the LucyBody MM board. Once you get it, buy the BOM relay for $L 197. This way you can wear the new BOM skins and Maitreya Lara mesh clothes. Genus still has a free mesh head, if you want one too. If your avi is male, I think Dream has a free male mesh body and Altamura has some free ones at various newbie locations around the grid. Check their store or one of the big freebie groups for more information. You can always add a profile page to say whatever you want, whether to say you're returning to SL after a break or that another account is your alt.
  11. I try to go for a younger, thinner, more idealized version of my RL self for my primary avatar. For my alts, I've created different personalities and looks, so they can represent sides of myself, but not just be clones of my main avatar. It's been interesting with my favorite alt, going from a standard avatar who was a little creepy-looking to a mesh avatar who's beautiful, but with a touch of sadness and survivor strength. You really can get alot of personality from tweaking your shape and getting just the right skin. I love avatars that look like real people. How much you want to recreate your RL look is up to you, but I think you should go for it. If you like how you look in SL and feel it looks like you, it may even help you like your RL self more. I've found 7 Deadly s[K]ins work well with mesh heads and have alot of free skins for group members, so you can experiment with different skins easily. I think Wow skins tend to look too "perfect" and doll-like. Other skin-makers have their own specialties, such as better ethnic skins, mature skins, or realistic-looking male skins. I don't have many pictures of me or my avatar, but these seem to show an avatar resemblance to my younger self.
  12. Area Search is the best way to quickly find group gifts and hunt items. The fun part is figuring out what word to search for and how to filter for exactly what you're looking for. This can be especially challenging on the Twisted Hunt, but a challenge is what makes Twisted fun. Normally though, just try searching on "Gift", "Group", "Prize" and right now on "Egg". Once you find one hunt item, you'll then know what it's called and who made it, to further restrict your search.
  13. I had hoped Linden Lab would go with a San Francisco-style Victorian theme. The terraced houses certainly would have fit with this idea. I imagined the houses built around a scaled down version of Golden Gate Park as the community area. While we didn''t get exactly that with the Victorian theme, it is close enough to satisfy my desire for a nod to the home base of Linden Lab. 🙂
  14. It could be your hover height is too high. You can adjust it in Avatar Appearance.
  15. How do you like the new LL Apartment Homes? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Millbank/128/128/24
  16. Death Row Designs [DRD] has all their old group gifts (delivered in 1 big pack) in the room to the back of the new landing area. Their new items are at each of the new sections of the store. There are some clothing items, but mostly grunge, gothic & post-apocalyptic furniture & décor.
  17. This is actually my alt, Alycia. I love the new Catwa HDPRO Queen head on her.
  18. For men's clothing I suggest going to Gabriel. Though it has more of a Japanese Cyberpunk vibe, it also has a good $L 1 section & a 50% off section. Contraption has cool Steampunk & Gothic-punk clothes and accessories, including a bunch of free group gifts. If you can wear old system layers on a BOM compatible body, try the discount section of Sn@tch and the cheap clothes in various small shops in The Wastelands. Lapointe and Bastchild has gothic clothes. Maybe try Zombie Suicide too? Aside from these suggestions, Search on "Gothic" and "Apocalypse" in Places, then go to any shops that turn up in your search. We ❤️ Roleplay is open now, so check there for creators you like. My goth girl alt is in a group that I think is called Eldergoth Macabre, which also has sale info for several gothic stores and events.
  19. System hair is the same item as a brow. You cannot detach these kinds of system body parts, but you can replace them. Alternatively if it is modifiable, you can change the texture of a system hair or brow to a default invisible one. If you want to be silly, you could also change it to other textures. For instance, the pink satin Library texture added to a system brow can make it look like a brain inside your head - or coming out of your head if it's sticking through.
  20. In every relationship we create rules (spoken or unspoken). If your wife views this activity as porn or cheating, then it is. If you don't think it should be viewed as such, then that's a conversation you need to have with her.
  21. Send them to YouTube channels that help with newbie advice. I think SL is easier to understand with a good video than with just notecards. Keep an updated notecard for where to get good free stuff too, especially one for male avatars and one for where to get free mesh bodies & heads. I always direct newbies to join SL Frees and Offers and Fabulously Free as well.
  22. Maybe Linden Lab should give premium accounts a discount on buying vitamins online?
  23. Btw, there is no firm limit on how high you can put a skybox or platform when you own mainland. There is an understanding that it's bad to put one so low that it's easily visible from the ground or could get in the way of people flying a balloon or airplane. I think 4096 m is the upper limit for where some scripts work and where prims that fly up accidentally end up, so 4000 m is often used as an upper height soft limit.
  24. Owning a 1024 lot of mainland is a great way to have almost full control over what you can do with your land. The price of mainland plots varies alot. So do the neighborhoods. Look in Search for parcels to see what's available & what lots are selling for. Your initial purchase price doesn't have to be very high if you take time to find a good deal. Then you'll never have to pay for SL rent again - unless you want to purchase more land. Features that make a parcel desirable are access to water or a Linden road, a nice view, neighbors that have good-looking builds, and no breedables or other lag inducing businesses near you. If you might want a few more meters of land, create a group for $L 100 that includes your main account and a free alt. (Give your alt full control over your items as a safety feature in case your main account can't come inworld for some reason.) Then you can buy land for this group instead of as an individual and be able to have 10% more land without paying more tier for it. Once you're settled in an area that you like, keep your eyes open for abandoned land in the same region. You will likely be able to buy it directly from Linden Lab at a rate of $L 1/ meter by filing a support ticket to ask to buy it. Be sure to say in the support ticket that you already own land in the same region. Even if this additional land in not right next to your original parcel, owning more land in the same region means you can rez more prims/ use a higher land impact worth of objects. If your don't want more than a 1024 m parcel, it's very important to use a low land-impact house, furnishings & other objects. You can get much more detail & flexibility with carefully chosen items. Also consider rezzers that allow you to change your virtual environment with a touch of a button.
  25. Nope. SL is a virtual platform that we can use in pretty much any way we can imagine ( with some exceptions ). Virtual sex is one activity, but there are other platforms that focus only on that and probably with better graphics. I using it more for virtual shopping, exploring sims, access to community, and virtual environment building.
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