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  1. Thanks everyone! I will try out your tips and tricks. I will let you know how it turned out. ❤️
  2. Hey everyone! Hope all is well with you. I have a question. Has anyone experienced your AVI not being able to sit on objects such as furniture? For example, the other day I was invited for a bike ride. Everyone else was able to sit on the bikes but my avi was levitating over the bike. I have turned my AO off but for some reason I was still levitating. And this seems to happen with all objects. I have been using the object menu to reposition my avi but it has soon become a redundant ordeal so I just choose to stand. Any tips or tricks? Or is the avi body and shape causing this? Thanks, V. Darlington.
  3. Dearest Lovelies, I write to you with greatest love and hope you are keeping safe in these uncertain times. I am currently venturing out with my pug, Puga-chanelle, visiting sites of our future estate. I wish to build a sim where new arrivals don't have to worry about being homeless or alone in this vast world of Second Life. The sim will consists of a team that will reside within the sim and aide the new arrivals as they blossom. But in order to make this dream become reality, I will need a team. I would love to come together with a designers, managers, and team players in order to discuss this idea in greater detail. As soon as I can get the team build started, we would work on how this system would work and eventually gradual linden donations. The idea came to fruition when I decided to come back to Second Life and had to learn everything the difficult way. Sure, Youtube is really a great source however, it is better if the user is shown in-world with guidance and a friendly face. Who knows? Perhaps we will make a friend in the end. Let's make Second Life more open to those that gladly decided to join us. And with that, my dearest lovelies, lets meet up for coffee and bon-bons. *°:⋆ₓₒ Vanity Darlington ₓₒ⋆:°*
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