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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Aditi is not meant for the sort of testing the main grid channels provide thus such an assumption is .... Yeah.
  2. Having lived in a few places over the years ... It is very much a location to location thing and I do not mean that as town to town either - if a town/city has more than one BK,McD, Wendy's and such then each and every single one will be rather different in a variety of ways.
  3. Ah yes, another thread complaining that Second Life does not meet their Eyecandy Requirement or other such nonsense ... If you want to have a frame rate of two frames every quarter hour, that's on you.
  4. Heh, something I'd noted at the very end of my earlier post!
  5. I've gone through a few different bodies over the years since Mesh Bodies were introduced: Aesthetic, Belleza, Utilizator, Blue Galaxy and Sugarcult (Enzo, Jake, Kemono (Starbright alteration), Feline/Solarian and Regalia respectively). Of those that I still use? Jake is the primary, Regalia edged out the Solarian but only due to the latter essentially being locked into Feline-esque forms. The advent and adoption of BoM has made many things much easier in terms of modding, hence why Jake is my most used. Regalia has their own method/variant of BoM that leverages the base principle but prevents cross compatibility with all other bodies. Unless something changed, the Solarian - last I looked - does not do BoM. I do have to say that those here stating that overall usage results will vary depending on where you look are quite correct: I tend to see a mix consisting of Belleza, Maitreya and Sugarcult/Regalia in the areas I frequent. That's even factoring in the more Femme built guys that use aftermarket mods like the V-Tech chest. I have noticed a slight shift here and there with the Human Male clothing market and watched as some Anthro modders shift priorities and such around. One I rather like had support for Regalia but dropped it more recently - that offset to the UV/Bake Maps the body uses puts a crimp in creators supporting both it and 'normal' bodies, despite the variants being built to be compatible with a variety of Human bodies.
  6. Yeah, I was gonna say ... being in the LL Viewer does not mean a feature is "done" or "finished" - at all.
  7. Yep, and this is one of the many reasons people need to stop trying to compare other bloody products to Second Life .....
  8. That really should be a 'normal' setting. Ah well.
  9. It's never reset itself for me, doing it that way. ETA: And that'd be why ... Firestorm has an option to make Environment Settings persist between sessions. That may or may not correlate with an existing Debug setting. Worth looking into.
  10. Yes, even when not on your own land. You do have to be sure you're not using any sort of Day Cycle and start from having the Shared Environment as your initial setting mind. As has been noted by @Karly Kiyoriabove, you can use the Quick Prefs function (if on Firestorm) to set the Sky. You can also do so right from Inventory (which is usually how I handle it) by right clicking the desired EEP Sky and then hitting Apply Only to Myself.
  11. Ah yep, you can. Heck, by default it's supposed to have your personal EEP settings override the Shared Environment.
  12. Kinda makes me wonder just what the heck happened. Then I see the outcome of whatever it was, shake my head, throw my hands into the air and remind myself that some just aren't worth the mind space.
  13. No Gage, the funny part is the very idea that there is some magic wand, that the incoming/present administration made any such promises and that anyone thought that any significant change would occur this early on. There's this thing, it's called Reality. It laughed at such notions. it will continue to do so. As will some people. Welcome to life.
  14. Yes, it can be an issue and the only real way to change that going forward is to ensure that when you next buy a Laptop, you ensure it actually has a discrete GPU instead of an APU. Despite what some - here and elsewhere - will try and tell you, an APU is not a viable alternative to a proper GPU.
  15. What's being talked about by the OP is the actual check box option, not a search box modifier. With that in mind, OP? Not all Demos are flagged/listed as such on the MP. If it simply has "Demo" (or a variant) in the name of the listing, that checkbox won't do a single thing.
  16. Perhaps i missed something then, I actually took a look at one of the items i was wearing that contained a script and even rezzed out a scripted item. Both were No Mod, more or less because of the scripts in them. Neither allowed a Reset through the Build Floater or the main Menu entries.
  17. Oh that's nice ... Sorry, Windows is not the Gold Standard for UI design and at one point it actually was designed to cater to normal people. removal of options that cannot - at present - be used in an otherwise standardized menu is dumbing it down - that's not something I'm going to entertain "discussion" on. If having - as a Second Life example - a context/right click menu showing Touch r Sit yet greyed out is a major problem/distraction/cause of confusion for you ... Suffice to say my only reaction/response is quite impolite. Such people should not ever be catered to.
  18. Ping and .... You can't even open the script if you don't have modify permissions on it, let alone reset it.
  19. Hmm ... I just find it odd that you're getting that kind of frame rate on that hardware, bottleneck nonwithstanding. I'm getting a higher frame rate on average on an older GPU and a CPU with fewer cores on average with the only other difference being Operating System. What's the location you're testing at again? I'm now curious what I'd get when there.
  20. LoD is one of those "fine tuning" tweaks - Draw Distance tells the Viewer how far out to render, which does have a fair bit more of a direct effect. Two to Three is - in general - the range more or less set by the higher presets for Object Lod. Knowing that you're using a 2080TI is also a handy bit of information. For a bit further tweakage - not really for showcasing the bottleneck but just to see if your 'normal' settings can be tweaked a bit - are you using the Dynamic Cache option and if so, what're the settings you're using? Also, do you usually have the terrain LoD up that high? Mine's set to use a little over three GB as the minimum and the two sliders below set to ten percent. ETA: Remembered that the EEP Viewer version of Firestorm also has a regression that can affect users. There's an option under the Rendering subsecton of the Graphics settings that reverts water Occlusion behavior to pre-EEP type when enabled that seems to help some. Seeing that yer on Windows it might also help to ensure your Color Range and GL Threaded Optimizations are set to Full and Enabled in the nVidia control panel - the former is, I think, global while the later is per application so would need to be set for the Viewer.
  21. Even with a few specific parts replaced I still have enough other issues that I wouldn't be suddenly forced to work. I'll take a replacement spine and eyes please. Either cybernetic or gene manipulated to remove the defects (while still keeping my existing eye color thanks).
  22. While it is understood that you were trying to illustrate the bottleneck, going to such an extreme wasn't really necessary. Most long time (and many newer) users either already know about that bottleneck or otherwise very quickly discover it. For the latter, if/when it is brought up here in the Forum the rather quick answer - on top of suggesting a few settings to change - is that Second Life does not use more modern hardware the same way as more modern applications. Sadly you'll also invariably get instances in such threads as between Gage and myself a moment ago. Someone will invariably chime in with an FPS in the triple digits and someone else will pop up with an FPS in the "normal" range as well. Sometimes on similar hardware, sometimes with hardware differences and all using different settings. As I'd said in my response above, the usefulness of FPS in the triple digits is a personal thing, based more or less on what a particular user actually notices. Many are a bit more lenient on the difference between opinion and fact where the settings are concerned ... I'm not one of them. There's a reason the Object LoD (as an example here) is capped at four and will reset between use sessions if Debug controls are used to bump it higher - that reason partly having to do with the performance hit a higher LoD has and another part having to do with some content creators having used higher Object LoD settings when creating their wares, distributing Notecards with the "advice" to turn that setting up if the end product "falls apart" (looks like a mess of triangles) when in a viewing range that would normally be reasonable. I don't have much tolerance when it comes to denying or handwaving those types of performance hitting settings. I also have very little tolerance for the mind set that one ought to by hyper-vigilant concerning kTris and such. That is not something the end user should have to be concerned with.
  23. That's nice. Higher LoDs equates to more rendering/more work for the hardware and keeping things at a higher visual quality for longer. That's not an opinion - it's a fact. What is an opinion is what is considered a reasonable frame rate to expect. And that is where I'll leave it.
  24. Hmm, it couldn't have anything at all to do with him also having maxed out the LoDs ... oh no ...
  25. Nope, not just my opinion - Draw Distance does not set itself to 1024, Object LoD does not get set to 4, Terrain LoD does not get set to 4 and the Max # of non-imposter Avatars does not get set to No Limit when you use the Default Ultra settings suggestions. Those go to 256, 3, 2 and 16 respectively. Do note that I said nothing whatsoever about the Default Presets in that post - I mentioned the sliders directly for a reason. My Setting? Ultra with Object LoD lowered to 2.75 and the Non-Imposter value also lowered to 12 with a Draw Distance usually around 128 meters. Sometimes set to 256 but that depends on the situation. It's nice that you get FPS above a hundred. It's also meaningless unless you're streaming. Chalk that last one up to personal opinion - once it goes above sixty, I do not see a difference whatsoever. Do note that the average I get in most places is between forty five and near eighty with a sharp drop if there are high complexity avatars in view. That's with a Ryzen 7 2700X, nVidia 980 TI, 32 GB of system RAM, no NVMe drive.
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