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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. Heh, it predates Second Life by a bit however. Fun little series!
  2. No, Myst and Kingdom Hearts are two very different games/series. Here's some information on the Myst series.
  3. All I've seen so far is an unprofessional, rambling, buzzword laden set of posts, responses and accusations. Then again, I use Brave as my main Web browser ... No ads on Youtube.
  4. Disney's reaction aside what you are looking for would have to span quite a great number of Regions to even begin to be workable. In the earlier years of Second Life there was a singular Region that aimed to contain a game much like the Myst series. It managed to have a similar feel while at the same time having to sacrifice much in the way the series functioned, in order to fit within the confines of a singular region. Despite all of that, it eventually had to close down as the Region could no longer be paid for. A pity at that as I'd have loved to see if it could have been updated as time went on. Perhaps even have it evolve. Numbakulla, you and your Pot Healer's Adventure are missed!
  5. Oh I do. Your post did not come across containing any such, however.
  6. That slider has a maximum just like the non-dynamic version. For my own system (running a 980 TI) I have it set to 3072 (3GB) with the other two sliders set to 10%. Works well enough.
  7. It does not say that a fix has been implemented. As for the spitballing other users have been doing ... It seems as though the Instant Gratification mentality is cropping up again.
  8. Yes, because having internal names for the RC region clusters takes oh so much time away from updating code ....
  9. They stopped showing us which RC regions were which. They did not cease using the code names for each, not internally at the very least. All the above means is that a smaller selection of the RC servers is getting that update.
  10. As far as height and proportion goes .... If ya don't mind non-human avatars, there's a fair few that try to pay attention to such things in the varied non-human communities.
  11. Those exceptions are ones that one would expect to be made. A compromised account? Of course you'd be contacting them through more direct channels. Billing error? Same. Reporting what one views as Abuse? No. The receipt e-mail is automated and only represents the report having been filed - one possible meaning of the OP's comment on it "going through".
  12. No user has any means to check if an Abuse Report has "gone through" or not Support is - generally speaking - not for reporting abuse Phone calls are also not the proper channel to report potential abuse within Second Life Quite frankly you can laugh all you'd like but the harsh reality is that your only options are to file an Abuse Report and move on. That's it - beginning and end. How you treat Second Life does not factor into it one bit.
  13. Oh for .... A forum user found it irksome that you had to respond in multiple threads concerning the exact same topic with what amounted to the exact same response. Big whoopdie dingle doo! Move on.
  14. Sweety, for that tick box to work a Demo item has to actually be listed and flagged as a Demo.
  15. There are no "external viewers" - there are "viewers" (the official Linden Lab Second Life client and varied Third Party ones) and there are Web Browsers. To answer the question however: They have been doing back end work on the sign In system, expect wonkiness and for your session persistence cookies to be rendered null.
  16. The estate I rent with did that a while back, originally having their own account among that empire for managing the Estate before it was handed off to one of the others. I've not had any issues with them in all this time.
  17. Funnily enough I was just adding an edit in to sum up my post and simplify it a bit more. I'll just include it here. Aditi is essentially the Primary Bug Catcher system: The worst, most glaring bugs can occur there without causing too much damage to anything else - the sort of bugs that under Agni conditions would be absolutely catastrophic. The RC Regions of Agni are the Secondary segment: With the worst bugs squashed, a Server Release is now ready for the load and conditions of Agni and these Channels allow the Release to undergo stress testing to try and root out any bugs that were hiding - the sort that would only ever appear under 'normal' operating conditions. An actually well thought out system for testing to be honest.
  18. At one point the "Beta Grid" was used for all primary testing for Server Releases and the most stable of those were rolled to the Main Grid En Mass - there were no Agni side RC Regions/servers at the time. Once they had the ability to restart specific sets of regions/servers and run different server versions across Agni, the three RC Region channels of the time were "born" (Blue Steel, Magnum and Le Tigre) - these were created specifically because there was no way whatsoever to properly test a server version on Aditi under the same conditions/load as they would see over on Agni. Aditi is still called the Beta Grid more owing to its use by some creators and such for prototyping new products. In terms of server releases though it is more accurate to call it an Alpha Grid with the most stable versions being promoted to an Agni RC region as the "Beta" versions needing further testing in actual expected conditions before being rolled to Main Channel regions. While your information is not wrong per se, it is somewhat incomplete in terms of function. No matter how it may be presented, the above is how it works.
  19. Aditi is not meant for the sort of testing the main grid channels provide thus such an assumption is .... Yeah.
  20. Having lived in a few places over the years ... It is very much a location to location thing and I do not mean that as town to town either - if a town/city has more than one BK,McD, Wendy's and such then each and every single one will be rather different in a variety of ways.
  21. Ah yes, another thread complaining that Second Life does not meet their Eyecandy Requirement or other such nonsense ... If you want to have a frame rate of two frames every quarter hour, that's on you.
  22. Heh, something I'd noted at the very end of my earlier post!
  23. I've gone through a few different bodies over the years since Mesh Bodies were introduced: Aesthetic, Belleza, Utilizator, Blue Galaxy and Sugarcult (Enzo, Jake, Kemono (Starbright alteration), Feline/Solarian and Regalia respectively). Of those that I still use? Jake is the primary, Regalia edged out the Solarian but only due to the latter essentially being locked into Feline-esque forms. The advent and adoption of BoM has made many things much easier in terms of modding, hence why Jake is my most used. Regalia has their own method/variant of BoM that leverages the base principle but prevents cross compatibility with all other bodies. Unless something changed, the Solarian - last I looked - does not do BoM. I do have to say that those here stating that overall usage results will vary depending on where you look are quite correct: I tend to see a mix consisting of Belleza, Maitreya and Sugarcult/Regalia in the areas I frequent. That's even factoring in the more Femme built guys that use aftermarket mods like the V-Tech chest. I have noticed a slight shift here and there with the Human Male clothing market and watched as some Anthro modders shift priorities and such around. One I rather like had support for Regalia but dropped it more recently - that offset to the UV/Bake Maps the body uses puts a crimp in creators supporting both it and 'normal' bodies, despite the variants being built to be compatible with a variety of Human bodies.
  24. Yeah, I was gonna say ... being in the LL Viewer does not mean a feature is "done" or "finished" - at all.
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