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Solar Legion

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Everything posted by Solar Legion

  1. And just in case Dano meant the Beta that was released recently: What did you expect after the proper Release version dropped?
  2. Peeve: Users that will go around and around on irrelevant details to avoid giving information that is seen as the norm when asking the Forum for help.
  3. That's lovely. RCs are essentially Betas and have no business being pushed to general users. If you've opted into downloading such then opt out unless you're willing to test them. Again, done with the tangent?
  4. The linked Viewer is the current version you get when you go to the download page. I am well aware of what is on the Releases/Server Versions page. The downloads should always reflect whatever Linden Lab has released to end users as "current" - Not all that hard to understand. Actual current is 6.4.12 (563723)? Make it such on the actual main download page. And this whole thing is irrelevant - You were asked what your system specifications were, as reported by Help - About. This was asked for as a step to help diagnose potential Viewer or System related issues. They weren't asking for your impressions or for vague tidbits. They weren't asking for their health either. You done with the tangent?
  5. It is not the current download however. Frankly that should always reflect whatever the current release is.
  6. It is rather off putting/odd that the release page does not show the version you've mentioned as the "Default" or "Current" release. Meh. It should not have waited to update you either, if that is indeed the current Windows release. What you think regarding your network or graphics ... isn't really all that relevant. Having the information from Help - About is the standard when you're asking for help from the community in attempting to diagnose potential Viewer or System side issues.
  7. There was no Server or Viewer Release on the 23rd. Unless you had it disabled, your Viewer would have already applied the latest update.
  8. That has been an on and off issue - for some - for quite a while now. Some things might not even appear until you leave the region and come back or relog. Not a Cloud specific issue. Exacerbated? Possibly.
  9. Heh, yeah the asset nature of the new EEP stuff is actually a nice feature. If my snapshots don't show up over in my album soonish, I'll just have to retake them later and add manually!
  10. There's some lovely new lighting and sky settings, yes! And they can be traded/sold like any other asset now! As an example of one, you can pop over to my linked Snapzilla - I'm in the process of adding in new snapshots for a friend's region and updated another entry in another album - said entry titled The Shadowcat. ETA: Though it seems to be somewhat slower than normal for showing updates and such. You may have to click on the named image above to see the new one.
  11. FPS aside, I have noticed things loading much faster overall, yes. also my bad - I should have warned you about the Windlight settings. I hope you didn't have irreplaceable custom ones! And do not try to restore the last settings backup you had either - there's enough of a difference with the EEP Viewer to make that backup potentially problematic. If no one else does so, i can walk you through getting custom Windlight settings back/imported later on. not much to it though - you'll be importing XML files - the only bits of your prior backups you'll need to worry to much about.
  12. Network connection shouldn't affect the Texture Buffer maximum limit. Nor should it affect which version the download link pulls.
  13. Well, you won't know if the water occlusion behavior will affect you until after you update. That particular bit is all client side. No problem and good luck!
  14. As for the water issue mentioned .... I cannot say with certainty as there are rather few Viewers i can install without having to resort to WINE (which I flat out refuse to do) but the behavior concerning water that is mentioned is present in all Viewers. The difference will be how each TPV handles it. Firestorm has a checkbox under the Rendering tab of the Graphics preferences section to enable the old behavior (Occlude Objects for water distortion map). For some this helps. Others had to make certain their GPU allowed GL Threaded Optimization specifically for their Viewer. Still others have yet to figure out what exactly is causing the difference. On my machine, toggling that checkbox helped, though there is still a bit of performance hit with semi crowded places. I also have the Dynamic Buffer set to 2048 MB with a total 20% extra margin (10% in each slider) which does make most things load in faster.
  15. Funny, for every single release thus far my Texture Memory Buffer limit has not deviated one byte. Maximum selectable when not sing the Dynamic Buffer is 2048. Maximum for the Dynamic matches my GPU VRAM (not that I would ever set it that high). It ought to be noted: I am on Linux There have been very few complaints (that I have seen) in the Forum with such an issue on any OS Therefore the issue is not likely to be on the Viewer end.
  16. Oh for .... It is quite simple: Despite the work to decouple the Account name from the UUID in their database it is still not something that can/should be easily changed out. Unlike the Display Names - which also suffer(ed) from similar problems - there is/was a lot more tied up to the Account Name. No matter what is officially said, the above is all you really need to know and is the only part that matters in the decision regarding charging for Account Name change and the cooldown on Display Name changes. ... It is as if no one at all paid attention when the Display Name feature was rolled out and it was made quite clear at the time that it took time for the change to filter through their database system .... or that no one is capable of understanding/extrapolating what had to be done to allow for you to change your Account Name ...
  17. Quite. I'm at my wit's end with having my roomies around constantly ....
  18. 's Ok and I apologize for how I fired back. Can ya tell I'm a bit more off than normal these days?
  19. Peeve: People asking pointless questions and then acting as if the answer being given is a good thing ....
  20. Yeah, not gonna be able to agree with that. Despite recent issues making me question a few things, this was a case wherein all it took was the slightest bit of thought. Services are being moved to AWS. Some are interdependent - move only part and the rest breaks. So no, the point isn't that Oz (or any Linden) answered nor was/should it have been needed. The point was that the question should have been: Why weren't the relevant parts for the mapping system moved together? ETA: If the answer were so blindingly obvious, the right question would have already been asked and no input should have been needed to explain why the map tiles were not updating. Unfortunately, for some the answer wasn't so obvious. Oh yes and if that was a jab at my statement right after Oz's post? Do. Better. Better yet, don't bother next time. ETA2: If the question was being asked in such a manner as to seek confirmation that parts of the affected service weren't all moved at once then sure, the above answer would be needed and you'd have a point.
  21. And with Oz's reply it is revealed that the simplest answer was indeed .... the answer/case.
  22. On Height "requirements" - Unless the place is meant to cater to truly tall people, such "requirements" should not exist. Height is not a good metric whatsoever for gatekeeping an Adult area.
  23. It will not allow you to set a Custom Size larger than 512x512 (or Current Window) when saving as a snapshot to Inventory. All others - on my end anyway - allow for larger Custom sizes. No idea on what to check if your snapshots to Disk or other options are mucking up.
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